Tuesday, October 24, 2023

20231015-22 : Xian City Tour & NS Gate Walls! The Ancient City!

 Xian : Ancient City Wall 
North Gate - Muslim Quarter/ Grand Mosque
South Gate - Everbright City 
Centre : Bell and Drum Tower

This existing Xian ancient wall was built from AD1370 to 1378 under the First Emperor of Ming Dynasty - Zhu Yuanzhang. Xian was once the capital city of Tang Dynasty (AD618-907), previously called Chang An. Present city wall was an extension/ enlargement of the Tang Imperial wall.  Total length : 13.75km / Height is 12m. Thickness from 12-18m

At South Gate - also called the Yongning Gate (22/10/23)

North Gate - Drum Tower

Overlooking Bell Tower

Cultural Costumes Walkabout by locals!
Promoted recently after Covid...getting the younger gen more aware of the chinese culture!

Muslim Quarter @ North Gate - All snacks and food!

Xian:- shaanxi 
  • One of the 4 greatest ancient capitals ( Beijing, Luoyang, Nanjing, Xian)
  • Start of the Silk Road
  • Previously known as Chang An.

Videos of Xian on D1 and D9 of the trip : 15/12/23 & 22/10/23 !

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