Saturday, November 25, 2023

20231125 A Light Mural Project!

  Oh it is just a month away from Christmas! Manage to de clutter the little unused or hardly used bed and sea horse mattresses to our gardener on thu. Saw some dirty marks on the wall. What to do? Paint lor. 

So asked john “ what is your Favourite Bible verse?”

He replied “ Errr. Light. The light in genesis. “ 

I asked “which one?”

He said. “That one la. In genesis. After the few days..”

So his memory verse was pathetic. But it is from Genesis 1:3 lor. 

Went to hardware shop… asked for brown but shopkeeper gave me maroon… no choice. So maroon it was. 

Cut cut cut all the palm leaves and pandan and ferns… lol. Natural elements !

So here is the Light Project for the year end! Blessed Christmas Everybody!

The mural
Process video!

Enjoyed the nite of karaoke with friends!!

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