Tuesday, January 23, 2024

20240123- Miracle @ Highlands & the amazing audio voice & salvation !


Today 23/1/24 was an extraordinary day! Awesome surprise!

It was the second day of my classmate’s wake at this church parlour  

It was supposed to be just a 15-20min walk from my sisters’ home to this church  The walk which started at 10:40am in the end was delayed to almost 45min!


What happened was that my eldest sister S, who wanted to accompany me to Connie’s wake, requested to make a stop at one the houses along Highland road  She had not seen this childhood friend’s sister for many years  So she was wondering if she was still residing there  

So when we came to the house, we rang the door bell and out came Mr LCS! He was the younger brother ( now 70) who also knew my sister in those kampong days!

We were invited in for a drink at about 11am  And so the 2 folks chatted on old times!

Soon after Mr LCS suddenly started to share about an incident at Kovan area way back in 2021? He told us that on that fateful day before he fell, he HEARD an AUDIBLE voice! Telling him that he was about to fall and that he had to place his left hand over the chest   The voice continue to add that his right knee had previous injury and hence he had better land on left knee!

Upon hearing so loud and clearly, he obeyed! So he fell! But the miracle was he remained unscathed! He recalled the next day reading the papers of a similar age man who had a bad fall injuring the next day! He was amazed at his non injury instead !

I heard his  fantastic sharing  ! further chat revealed Mr LCS was a non believer but he had 2 sons (In 30s) who were Christians  So in my excitement , I exclaimed “u heard a audible voice! I have never ever! Jesus, God must have loved you tremendously! And Your sons must have been praying which was why YOU managed to suffer non injuries owing to that audible voice !”

I quickly decided to have a prayer with him  and at the same time asked if he is keen to invite Jesus in this heart! 

Guess what?!

He nodded his head! Agreed to pray together after me! Oh wow! And I could see him tearing with joy in his face! Oh wow!

It was just like that  !

Really , the Lord sees his heart   He was so welled up in tears as he shared his miracle unscathed fall! He was acting on such a spontaneous act of simple childlike faith! Thanksgiving   And salvation  ! PTL!

As we left the house, both S and I could not help talking about Mr LCS! LOL!

My sister who knew him since younger days told me he was a staunch Buddhist or Guanyin?I saw The statue of Guanyin - see photo) 

So she witnessed his simple step of faith at his home! Oh wa! Who would have known that a ring at the doorbell would end up with such a audible sharing that led to salvation ! 

Amazing awesome Lord! The detour to the church palour  was definitely for a divine reason! Wow!

I had never met Mr LCS before  My first time knowing him as a childhood friend of my sister! LoL!

Encouraged him to share this afternoon prayer with his 2 sons  Encouraged him to go to his sons’church   Or even Glad Tidings Church just a stone throw away!

Reflection !

What? Have u ever heard an audible voice from God ?

I NEVER! But Mr LCS did! And he must be so overwhelmed that he had to relate this incident that was way back in 2021 to us today   

What can I say? Speechless  lol

PTL  Amen!! And Amen!

P/s  Some of us in the Connie’s Emergency Wake team was struggling with defective PA System in that palour since yesterday  LoL  audible voice testimony from LCS? God spoke loud and clear instead! Ha ha ha 

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

20240114 Keong Siak Lunch

A Lazy Sunday walk along Keong Siak street. Pretty quiet for a afternoon. At 1:30pm!


Perhaps some of the Senoir colleagues in UMbC would hv known Cheng Lai (ex GM) who left for Perth and started a church called Faith Community Church. Think he is already pretty elderly now. But in the recent sermon preached by Benny Ho on 9/1/24, his name was mentioned. It was quite a loving testimony of him and his wife. Thot it was cute. Have a hear in this clip which I recorded. Husbands- how to love the wives. And Faithfulness and the ministry of “presence”. Lol

Note: I only heard of Cheng Lai thru some of the old colleagues. But when I joined the bank , he already left and emigrated

Saturday, January 13, 2024

20240113- In Peace Proverbs 3:24

你今天过的 还好吗



你相信的话 就跟我一起唱吧







我躺下 必不惧怕

我躺卧 睡得香甜

我睡醒 他必引导

我行走 他必保守


This song was forwarded to me this morning by A。

Apparently it was only released in Sep 2023.

Taken from the Prov 3:24.

You know something?

Our Father in heaven has a very interesting way to comfort his children.

This morning a quick errand run to my classmate's home delivering the ensure milk brought a tinge of heaviness in my heart.  No matter how strong we try to be.  It is tough seeing someone we know and love slipping away.  

(My prayer is "sleeping" away...without any pain Yes. )

Still, we are thankful for the grace of over 10 years now for someone stricken with lung cancer. (for most the median survival rate is ave 5 years) It was only last Feb 23, that this had metastasized to the brain.  So today 13 Jan 24, I am heavy in heart seeing a great deterioration in just over a week for her.  Nevertheless, happy that she was able to be discharged from the last week of Dec23 to celebrate the crossing of the new year to 2024 at the comfort of HOME sweet HOME.  Grace.  The grace of our Lord.  Meeting her heart's desires to be home and not at the hospital.

This song "安然“ when I first heard it , I was almost in tears。  

In my HEART, I thot " Oh this is definitely meant for Connie!" It was only released in Sep 2023!

I opened my bible to Pro 3.  Yes, what a wonderful verse . So comforting.

This song lifted my spirit up.

Hope it did too to those who hear it. Connie too.

Timely.  Yes.  Thanks to A.

Father knows best.

He comforts like a Great Shepherd even when we walk in the valley of death. What is death? It is just a sleep away.  This home is not our real home.  We are merely pilgrims on the earth.  We are not permanent citizens here with permanent residency status .  Our Citizenship is above. When Connie called me just on Monday telling me " Mui, I think my time is up" What did I say? I said "It is ok  It will be alright" What fear? No fear. Just a temporary migration.  Till we meet again . 

Thursday, January 4, 2024

20240104: BLACK & white “Raffles Hotel”

Life is not always black and white. 

Like this morning, the sky was grey 

Lies can be both black and white

Like a sin still , so God says  

Colossians3:9 says “ Do not lie to each other, since you have taken off your Old self to practices and have put on new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator”

3:10-11 “Here there is no Greek or Jew, circumcised or uncircumcised, Barbarian, Scythian , slave or free, but Christ is ALL and is in ALL”

Red and yellow , Black or white, below the colour of skin, the blood is still red! Col1:20 “ and through him to reconcile himself to himself ALL things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making PEACE Through his BLOOD, shed on the cross  “ 

Col2:13 “ God made us alive with Christ” Amen!


It was raining cats and dogs this 4th day of the 2024!


Wednesday, January 3, 2024

20240103 Eli - a Papillon dog & Prophesy?

Cuddling Eli on 1/1/24!
He is a 1 year old plus champion breed of Papillon!

Today is the 4th day of the new 2024. And I was reviewing our little lunch at G's house with the video clip above.  Couldn't help but noticed that as I was lifting up Eli like a lion dance, the clock behind showed 3:15pm.  It was about 4:15pm time in Japan when the M7.5 hit the west coast of Japan.

And then, just last night, a Japan airplane A350 crashed with a Dash8 at Haneda airport.  Miraculously, all 300 over passengers and crew survived in the 90 seconds slide to safely.  Unfortunately, 5 of the 6 crew of the D8 died with the pilot in critical injuries.


20250305: Exodus 20:3 Whom shall we worship?

Saw this at Tiong Bahru Market this morning. 5/3/25! After seeing this one below outside the market! At first I thought it was the Tua Pek K...