Wednesday, January 17, 2024

20240114 Keong Siak Lunch

A Lazy Sunday walk along Keong Siak street. Pretty quiet for a afternoon. At 1:30pm!


Perhaps some of the Senoir colleagues in UMbC would hv known Cheng Lai (ex GM) who left for Perth and started a church called Faith Community Church. Think he is already pretty elderly now. But in the recent sermon preached by Benny Ho on 9/1/24, his name was mentioned. It was quite a loving testimony of him and his wife. Thot it was cute. Have a hear in this clip which I recorded. Husbands- how to love the wives. And Faithfulness and the ministry of “presence”. Lol

Note: I only heard of Cheng Lai thru some of the old colleagues. But when I joined the bank , he already left and emigrated

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