Tuesday, February 13, 2024

20240213 : 2 Cor 1:18-30 Yes or No? Amen!

 Today 12/2/24. Was chatting with someone this afternoon.  One of the comments  was “没救。sayonara?” And I wrote back “ I choose to believe there is a hope” and he wrote back “ I believe I can fly?” 😝 

Hmm. Interesting few hours later I happened to read 2 Corinthians. Came to verse 18-20. The promises of God is always a Yes! Not a no!  So this new tune came into me and I strummed to a D chord! Had

To encourage myself.  God is faithful. In Him it has always been a Yes. For no matter how many promises GOd has made, they are “yes” in Christ. And thru Him the Amen! Yes Amen!

What do u think of the tune this time? My second song composition ? 😂

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