Wednesday, May 29, 2024

20240529: Amazing nose over toes ! Sit & stand!

This morning rec a little YouTube link as follows!
Sounds cool! 
So I tried it during my Pb game!

Hey! It worked! 
So good for all elderlies!
Tried & works like a miracle!

My 80 yo aunt tried it later & presto! Her confidence level went up by notches!!!
Miracle physical position!


Here is my demo of confirmation!

Friday, May 24, 2024

20240524- The Yard@ Pengeran ! lobsters and Locusts ?


Left at 12 noon to an obscure place called Sg Renggit in Penggaran. An hour and half road drive from the west to the southernmost east tip of the peninsula of Malaysia!

Passed Ulu Tiram at the 35min drive. Wondered what made the young man kill the 2 innocent policemen in the station last week? πŸ€”. Quite an ulu ulu little township actually. 

The road drive was pretty quiet. Very few cars.  But upon arrival at The Yard, was surprised to see the whole cafe running at full capacity! A Hip place in an ulu ulu lobster town. The place was an IG place lor.  Pretty near Desaru which was about 25km away. 

In the mood for celebration. Came all the way here? Eat lobsters lor. 

Was doodling some locusts while reading the book of Joel this morning. Think lobsters anytime better than locusts. lol.  Was also wondering what did prophet Joel see few hundred years before Christ was born? Hmm.  Well he saw the invasion of locusts ! Yaks. 

Ok. Here is a little glimpse of an ulu ulu place in Pengeran


Sunday, May 19, 2024

20240519 Wearer of the Lord of the Ring! Book of Daniel

 The wedding ring is a circle, it has no beginning and no end and therefore, it is a symbol of eternity

The Lord of the Ring- the Alpha and the Omega!

Just finished reading Daniel !

Book of Daniel- “God is Judge” written around 536-600Bc during the time of 3  pagan King Nebuchadnezzar & his son Belshazzar’s and Darius’s reign  

As I just got myself a new ring few days back, I was thinking about “allegiance” as the wearer of the ring  

Allegiance - Loyalty to who?

I couldn’t help by amazed by Daniel and his 3 friend’s allegiance to the God whom they serve  

The Lord of the ring is an unchanging God

But we as wearers of a ring- can we be as strong in our allegiance like Daniel and his 3 friends ?

  • Steadfast non defilement of food and wine
  • Firm focus on whom they worship & allegiance 
Oh the miracle of the fiery furnace and the lion’s den! The Lord delivered them all!

Baffled King Nebuchadnezzar and Darius!
It is no wonder that Darius decreed in Daniel 6!
“In every part of my kingdom people must fear and reverence the God of Daniel. For he is the living God and he endures forever; his kingdom will not be destroyed, his dominion will never end. He rescues and he saves; he performs signs and wonders in the heavens and the earth. He has rescued Daniel from the power of the lions”


11 Here is a trustworthy saying:

If we died with him,
    we will also live with him;
12 if we endure,
    we will also reign with him.
If we disown him,
    he will also disown us;
13 if we are faithless,
    he remains faithful,
    for he cannot disown himself.

Remember the Lord of the Ring. Remember as we

Wear this ring. 


Saturday, May 18, 2024

20240518 Who is the Lord of the Ring?

 Morning ! Lost my ring in recent Awana KL trip! Got a new ring at Bukit Indah yesterday for $29! Old has gone. New has come!  πŸ˜‚ 

Getting old? Getting thinner? Why losing rings? πŸ˜† 

Thank God they are the “cheap” rings and not the thousandth dollar ring! πŸ˜‚ 

So now I feel less “naked” got my ring finger a ring! ring-a-ling-a-ling! πŸ’ 

The shop lady Evian was pretty good at her job. Had good product knowledge. Been working for the co for 7 years. I tried on one necklace and she recommended another one with a diff cutting. And told me it would

Definitely blink blink even more! I din believe her. So I tried! Both look similar to me. But once worn , the effect was so different! πŸ˜‚ seeing is believing! Hmm…All because of the way the cut was done. More reflection I think. 

So intrigue! Guess what? I decided to buy it for my 33rd wedding anniversary coming up next week! lol. $60 plus necklace! Can wear without a pendant cos it was very blink blink! 

Come to think of it…

Should get reimbursement from the “lord of the ring”? JC!!!!!

And as I was reflecting on my ring this morning , someone was watching and lording over a little birdling! πŸ˜‚. So near and yet so far? Bino!!!

Saturday, May 11, 2024

20240511 Happy Mother’s Day ! Waterhen!

water hen!


A mother hen muising on a sat morn!
Guess what? Saw a family of 3 waterhens outside our house this morning! So cute!
Recently back in red dot, many flocked to see the little owlets and the public gave them no peace! Hey! Give the family some privacy leh!

This morning video of the water hens speaks volumes. The mother is always near her chick. Protector. A potent reminder of Matt23:37 -38 My adopted blog name. ❤️ And yes-we also have a protector Father too.  “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you will kill the prophets and stone those who sent to you , how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you are not willing. Look , your house is desolate. For I tell you, you will not see me until you say “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord”

An embedded song by Carrie Underwood. Mommy song! And yes we have a good good Father too. 

So we celebrate and remember our Mom- dead or alive ….

All of us have to come from somewhere , tio bo? 9 Mths in the mother’s womb. The wonder creation by a Creator God. ( waterhen eggs hatch in about 19 days only ! Both sexes incubate the egg…chick born!) 

Humans? No father . No sperm Also cannot procreate . No mother no egg, no womb also cannot incubate. Surrogate mom perhaps. 

Ever thought where u come from? I know not from a monkey for sure. Orang orang yes. But not orang utan aiyah!

Same sex marriage? πŸ˜† 😝 πŸ˜‚ think πŸ€” 

Happy Mom’s day! Cherish your mom!


video here!


Friday, May 3, 2024

20240502 There is No problem too Big! Strum& sing!

 Not sure why there seemed to be so many health challenges faced by my friends just in the first half of 2024 ! 

Cancer here and there! Gosh!

Road rage and accidents on the road!

Stabbings of over 30 stabs on a 30 plus lady in Spain!

Horrors.  Mother of horrors!

So here I Strum… If the Lord is able to carry the world….there ain’t a problem too

Big that He cannot carry.

O man!


Psalm 121

20240425- Awana-Bentong-KL Cloud memories

Behaving young at Heart! Thrills!

Passing by Seremban for lunch

Taking my first Beauty In the Pot @ Genting!

Lovely Mountain View from Awana


Returning to the very church camp 35 years back @ Awana! This time with golf!

3100 ft above and staying cool!

Love the flights in the air! lol!

Chasing for melons @ Karak - debunking the thot that they could only be grown in the cool! How wrong! 40 degrees Greenhouse!
And then educated to Musk Vs Rock melons!

 Some cloud reflections:

It was wonderful to imagine standing in the clouds at the balcony of the Awana Hotel. 
Saw the clouds coming from the east. 
Floated to me.
With an outstretched arm, I tried to catch that cottony!
It was so cool! Really!
I always wonder why the Lord send His clouds.
Clouds denote His presence .  His glory. 



20250305: Exodus 20:3 Whom shall we worship?

Saw this at Tiong Bahru Market this morning. 5/3/25! After seeing this one below outside the market! At first I thought it was the Tua Pek K...