Friday, May 24, 2024

20240524- The Yard@ Pengeran ! lobsters and Locusts ?


Left at 12 noon to an obscure place called Sg Renggit in Penggaran. An hour and half road drive from the west to the southernmost east tip of the peninsula of Malaysia!

Passed Ulu Tiram at the 35min drive. Wondered what made the young man kill the 2 innocent policemen in the station last week? 🤔. Quite an ulu ulu little township actually. 

The road drive was pretty quiet. Very few cars.  But upon arrival at The Yard, was surprised to see the whole cafe running at full capacity! A Hip place in an ulu ulu lobster town. The place was an IG place lor.  Pretty near Desaru which was about 25km away. 

In the mood for celebration. Came all the way here? Eat lobsters lor. 

Was doodling some locusts while reading the book of Joel this morning. Think lobsters anytime better than locusts. lol.  Was also wondering what did prophet Joel see few hundred years before Christ was born? Hmm.  Well he saw the invasion of locusts ! Yaks. 

Ok. Here is a little glimpse of an ulu ulu place in Pengeran


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