Saturday, June 29, 2024

20240628 - Durian Analogy!

Love this durian poster!

Oh. The lovely sunbirds are back building a new
Nest again!!! Hooray!


Friday, June 28, 2024

20240627- Jurassic Pet Shop : about tbe “Dash “ and “S”an


Visited an interesting exotic pet shop at Tun Aminah this morning. Went to buy the UV light for replacement for the pond. And I was so captivated by those “pets”

Imagine a squirrel costing more than rm1000-2000+? I had to reframe looking at those scuffling ones at the LH hedges now with a diff $ perspective! ( “Free” range squirrels! Not caged too)

Not only that ….. snakes! Tortoises!Oh my! Ranging from hundreds to thousands too in RM. Such a shocking revelation of their value !

And then I saw the staff shredding the carrots and washing them and steaming them to feed those furry animals! ( I asked why go thru such a process? Thinking that we used to feed them raw!)

So it was a big eye opener this morning.  Enjoy the “pets”! 

Coincidentally, the pet shop’s name is Jurassic.  I thot I was the dinosaur today and feeling quite a different “species”. πŸ˜‚



After seeing those exotic snakes , was reading Matt 10:16 today. 

Why did Jesus commanded us to be sent out like sheep among wolves? And be as “shrewd as SNAKES and as innocent as doves?”

Being born as a Chinese, we learnt our birth years with the animals zodiac which was to me a great “invention” of all times!

And so , yes, my birthyear zodiac happened to be a SNAKE!

Many frown at this creature. Nothing seemed good and positive. First , it was this fellow that tempted Eve to eat the forbidden fruit. Secondly, the mention of this made most think of negative - crafty. Sneaky. Baddie. Even some made racial jokes at this. 

So I am glad that Jesus gave a positive peak at snakes! 

He wants us to be “Shrewd” as snakes! yeah!!!!yeah!!

Thank God!!


Video here :)

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

20240617 - Ronnie Liew the Busker

 A cool Nite ! Cool singing ! By busker Ronnie Liew!
On Hari Raya Haji nite 17/6/24
Singapore River, Fullerton Hotel

As I cycled back , I heard a guitar and a man’s voice singing!
He is Ronnie Liew, a Singaporean busker.
First time knowing him
His voice was melodious against the quiet of the Singapore River. 
Surprisingly , he was singing to an empty crowd?

We stopped. 
We listened. 
We enjoyed. 
We sang along
We song requested!
We danced. 
We din pay now. 
But we dropped some notes in the hat.

A quiet night. 
Beautiful strings of music
Accompanied by a nice voice. 

Busking licence. 
Why here? Timbuktu!
Oh yah, allocated. 
No fees for busking
NAC approved. 

Yes. It takes courage to stand up and sing. 
To Crowds of many to none. 

Yes, it takes talent and skills to strum & sing 
To crowds of few to many

What did I glean from just stopping by to hear him?
Hats off to him to dare show his talents.
On a quiet intersection 
Of where our Raffles once stood
Of where our Fullerton Post Office once existed.

Memories of Little Red Dot of buildings past. 
Where the river stink , stunk no more
Where bunk trading boats now turned to tourist rides

Tides of Change. 
Ebb and flow 
Moving on. 

Yeah. We rode. Stopped. Moved on. 
On a cool windy Monday evening
On this Hari Raya Haji public holiday. 

The crowd? Was not here. 
Perhaps all moved to Gardens and Marina Promenade
Where the “northern lights “ were displayed. 
And the installations of lights at the Bay.

But somehow, I Felt blessed to hear Ronnie Croon. 
To the few of us who chose to stop. 
To enjoy the moments of beautiful music. 
The ride less travelled. 

Thank You Lord!
For a night so divine. 
Part noisy.
Part silent. 
Part musical.

So so divine!


Tuesday, June 18, 2024

20240617- Rainbow & I Light spore 2024!

 Today is Hari Raya Haji!

A Public Holiday on a Monday!

But a Mundaaay it was not!


The appearance of A Godsend rainbow at 5pm!

What an evening to set off to I-Light Spore 2024!

The awesome natural rainbow beats those artificial lights pants down!

Plus the fake “northern lights “ too!

Fancy bumping into Joyce at the Lau Pa Sat!

Thanks to her actually for letting me know of this annual I Light Spore event! It has been few years since I started riding thru these yearly installations! Yeah!

This evening? The bonus of a singing busker ! 

What a joy! Yeah!

Getting old. We decided to park at Spore Bible House Carpark with our foldies. Then rode on…more pleasant to be home by 10:15! Instead of Panting back after 11pm! πŸ˜‚


Btw, do u know the meaning of Hari Raya Haji?

Besides the end of the Hajj in Mecca for those present here,  the other significance is the commemoration of Abraham’s (Ibrahim) willingness of his sacrifice of his own son Isaac in obedience to the command of God. 

This record shows the big link between Muslims and Christians belief. One follows the Quran. The other - the Bible. 

The story of Abraham presenting his own son on the fire as an offering is recorded in Genesis 22.

Poor Isaac asked his father after noticing the wood and fire at Mount Moriah. But he saw no animal! ( he din know he was that sacrifice! lol)πŸ˜‚ But God saw Abraham’s obedience. He later provided the lamb of sacrifice:) A real maa maa caught in a thicket by the horns. So it was offered up as a burnt offering instead of his son Isaac!

So now u know why there was also the slaughter of the maa maa by the Muslims for this public holiday Hari Raya Haji now? (Known as Korban) Heh heh heh. 

But the main divide between this 2 faiths is simply understanding that the same person Jesus of the Quran and the Bible - is actually the lamb Himself sacrificed on the cross for mankind. He is more than just a prophet. He died for the sins of man.  Substitution of sins which no matter how many holy pilgrimages one need to take to a holy place, is just fulfilled by Him alone at the cross. The beauty of it ? He died. But He rose again. He lives. To those who acknowledge Him, He is THE LIGHT of the world. 🌎 He declared “I AM the LIGHT of the world”. Indeed He is.  Just as I-Light Singapore is quite a mesmerizing event to behold at Marina Promenade yearly, nothing beats the covenant love He bestows us with the painting of the natural 7 wonder colours of that rainbow in the sky ! The light bends to show off the 7 awesome colours in this order ! ROYGBIV( colour of the rainbow in its sequence!) JOY !🀩 

Cheap thrill for a moment of awe. Right place.  Right timing. Not all the time one can witness! Thank our guardian angel for this arc painting!


The video of 17/6/24! Yeah!!!

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

20240611- A thanksgiving to the Lord ! Hey Sugar!

One of the HAPPIEST day of my life!
It has been 2 years on since the horrible bad sugar report !

Aha! Today , pretty good results received !

So thankful to all my loved ones and friends who prayed!
Most importantly?
Thanks to YHWH! 
I can discipline in my food intake, exercise with all my might, BUT,
Unless the Lord heals, I cannot do it on my own!



Wednesday, June 5, 2024

20240605- Permas Jaya Golf!

Another golf outing with A&L! 5/6/24!
Ever seen a big fat mango?
6 for Rm40!

Our golf is rm30 for seniors above 55! Plus a buggy shared for 30 for 2! So rm45 each for a 9 Hole! But weather was hot hot hot!

At Times Eatery Pelangi!


20250305: Exodus 20:3 Whom shall we worship?

Saw this at Tiong Bahru Market this morning. 5/3/25! After seeing this one below outside the market! At first I thought it was the Tua Pek K...