Monday, March 1, 2010

2 Kings 4:38-44 Food supplies!

Interesting to know that way before Jesus came on this earth, Elisha (like his master - Elijah) was already performing miracles after miracles in his time.
  • Imagine adding flour to the pot of stew which had turned bad to make it edible?
  • Imagine putting salt in earlier chapter 2 in a new bowl before pouring it to the water to make it clean and drinkable?
  • Imagine feeding a hundred men with just 20 loaves of the barley bread?

Awesome isn't it? As this was written, Chile (17mio pp, 70% catholics) was struck with a 8.8 earthquake on 27/2/2010. (quake struck in the middle of the strip of the country - Conceptiaon )Photos that streamed in saw massive destruction. Water and food - a big need at this point in time. Imagine the scenes of Elisha walking through the streets in parts of Chile right now and performing these acts of life saving miracles, WOW!

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