Friday, June 4, 2010

Daniel 12:4 I-Tunes, I-Phones,I-C? Cloud Computing

Daniel 12:4 But you, Daniel, close up and seal the words of the scroll until the time of the end. Many will go here and there to increase knowledge."

Quite curious about the little note that the late Goh KS (passed on in May 2010) had sent out as test response on Noah during his term in the Defence ministry. Surprising all who received couldn't even be bothered to think about the note and merely just forwarded it except for one. Sounds familiar? Because of the techno advance, mankind is bombarded with hundreds or thousands of mails a day. Urgent vs important , junk vs spam messages can be lost in transit. We skimp through the subject line (WHAT? )and screen off the senders (WHO?) before reading. No choice right?

Today, we can attach files, send photos via the email or skype or mobile phone in split seconds to another person in another place on the globe so long as they have the internet connection. Many organisations are migrating to the use of" cloud computing". Less hardware reliance and all unto the webbased internet site. Even our CPF site had gone into this migration just this year . Yes, Cloud computing - a new phase of the IT world introduced only recently about 2007. And recently China ranked second in terms of achieving/building the supercomputer system.

My reflections: The 3 "I"s

  • I-Tunes?

We are indeed seeing the prophesy of Daniel 12 coming to pass. Knowledge indeed comes to us in instant I-phones or I-pads. The I- thing is the In-thing and is here to stay. What exactly are we downloading in our I-tunes? Are we too busy to be able to have our spiritual antenna to be In-tune with our Father?

  • I-Phone?

I change to using an I-phone just last month. It was a fascinating phone. Led me to think about this Cloud computing stuff hosting the monstrosity data base in the http://www.U know something? God spoke to Moses in Ex19:9 " I am going to come to you in a dense cloud so that the people will hear me speaking with you." Is this a sign of end times? God is here in the Cloud computing era! Ha Ha! The evangelistic focus and method has also changed over times. Unreached people groups are now able to be reached in a different platform with today's techno advancement? Can you hear "WHO" is speaking and "WHAT" He is saying? Do u know who to call in times of need?

  • I-C ?

What does the nationality says on your I-C (Identification card?). Which country are you born in? Or are you merely holding on to just a Permanent Residence or Green card whatever? Are you sulking because you cannot buy your dream house here due to the escalating property bubble? Well I can only thank God that He is preparing our mansion is in Heaven. Gen 9:14" Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will remember my covenant between me and you and all the living creatures of every kind.."

Well well, so lift up our eyes to the sky.. U will see clouds in all kinds of shapes and sizes watching can be fun.. God guided the Israelites in the pillar of cloud in the day. He is with us always. That's His covenantal Cloud promise with Noah. Now U C? I-C!

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