Sunday, November 14, 2010

20101113_I love S'pore walk & MBS different perspective Gal 5:19-22

13/11/2010 : Celebrating "I Love S'pore 2010 together with World Kindness Day"
It was a 13,000 +/- people big walk from the Padang taking the Esplanade Route to the F1 Start station via Beach Road and back. Our first time walking on foot. Always been fascinated by the MBS building. Never really like it due to the odd 3 -spoke structures and a weird looking spaceshi -like thing on top. Well here are photos captured of this funny building from another vantage point. Enjoy viewing.

Kindness?? Reminded me of Gal5: 22: The 9 fruit of the spirit : LOVE, JOY, PEACE, PATIENCE, KINDNESS, GOODNESS, FAITHFULNESS, GENTLENESS AND SELF-CONTROL. Against such things there is no law.

The recent spate of gangsters killing in S'pore - it is against all the above unfortunately. They belong to the verse Gal 5:19 : The acts of sinful nature. HATRED, DISCORD, JEALOUSY , FITS OF RAGE..DISSENSIONS, FACTIONS , ENYY, DRUNKENESS & THE LIKE. Well well, the bible says that all who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God. Against the 9 fruit of the spirit, there is no law. But here, the criminal law has to be invoked to prevent lawlessness in our youths who are caught in this mire of gangsterism. Sad.

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