Saturday, November 20, 2010

20101119/27 @MBS Ground zero : Hear us from heaven

I have not gained much from this recent exhibition @ MBS. (And seems that this could be the last one to be held here in S'pore as times have changed) But what I gained was being present at the Ground Zero of one of the BIG CASINOes here - to have a real feel of what it was like for the couple of days continuously. I would not pay for the S$100 levy to enter. I am actually surprised to find so many different entrances into the casino! Not just one! The whole MBS shopping mall outside the casino was in fact a facade for the rich and the famous - the world's so called famous brands are lined up one after another. Our S'pore govt now boasts of the economy growing with the recent GDP stats - all merely boosted by the monetary contributions ' of this newly opened casinos. Their contribution to the GDP was lumped together under "other services" classification together with our education and entertainment category!

Today, this Casino is not only milking the rich and famous, but they are also sucking money not only from the ordinary locals as well as those across the Causeway. 7 years ago, many S'poreans here tried to petition against this building of casinos. But who would have thought that we have not only opened one but 2 casinos? 7 years had passed and this year saw the official opening in April. We are beginning to see the woes. Just the beginning tip of the ice-berg.

We believers are urged not to be of the world even thought we are in the world. The material world is so tempting and sucking. Even now 'church' had been 'compromised'. The ecclesia "church' supposedly to be the called out ones are seemingly also 'called into the world systems and values'. It is a different cloud of believers in the breeding? If we are not careful, we will be like the 6 churches in the book of Revelation : Passionless Ephesus, Persecuted Smyrna, Compromising Pergamum, Corrupt Thyatira, Dead Sardis, Lukewarm Laodicea. Can we remain to be like the Faithful Philadelphia to the end? Be an overcomer and standing firm in the faith till we see Him face to face or called home?
A beautiful song below. An expression of a cry from a heart to Yahweh.

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