Tuesday, March 8, 2011

20110307-Matt 6:30 O you of little faith/ Gratitude

Matt 6:30 "if that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into fire, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith?"

Part 2 of my faith is tested again following my KL experience last month.
Well, I am taking this morning dose of a cup of gratitude.

Confessions from one who just recovered from a fever with 40degree celcius of anxiety!
Indeed I am thankful that yesterday the Lord answered a little prayer of ours. After much appeal to the Ministry of Manpower over the rejection of our one and only Chinese staff whose work permit is due to expire on 13/3 (yah..just a few days to come), some reprieve was obtained. The Head of MOM (WP) called yesterday afternoon and allowed some extension for us. It was really a sigh of relieve to this rather anxious heart of mine. (Matt 6 do not worry , worry being opposite of faith ...yes easier said than to practice at times ?)

I had resigned to the fact of Que sera sera whatever will be will be. Anxious heart of mine tried to call in before the due date several times to find out the outcome without much success due to recorded voicemails. In the end, it was not to fight the flow but to allow the process to take its own course.

I always admire the grass in the change of the seasons - from spring when they are leafy green to scrawny brown and bare during the winter chill. In the wild areas, they don't seem to required to be lawn mowered! The God of Creation who created the seasons of life does just that. It is a natural process. That's how the Lord clothes them.

"O you of little faith?!"
Heb 11:1 Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.
After every winter, the ground is bare with ice. But the hope is always there. We cannot see the seeds of the grass. But they are hidden below the wintry ice. Faith is like that. That's how the Lord leads us on.

Yes, God's purpose for us is always perfect. He is the God of the Already.
He wants to show us things that we can only understand by living what we are living and being in the place we are now. Spring will spring forth surely after the winter. And somehow, the grass will sprout once again.

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