Friday, March 11, 2011

20110311-Hebrews 11" By Faith"

Last month on 22/2/11, I blog about 2 Cor 5:7 " we walk (live) by faith and not by sight".
Last nite at a celebration dinner with a group of ex-Kings mates, I was given this little footprint wall plaque with the same words by Aunty Mavis! What a joy!

Heb11:1-2 " Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain OF WHAT WE DO NOT SEE. This is what the ancients were commended for"

If we can physically see, then FAITH cannot really take its full effect.
If we cannot see, then HOPE+FAITH gives us the "spiritual" sight to see what we cannot see.

Remember Elijah and the King of Aram who was at war with Israel? The servant of the man of God, Elijah, saw themselves besieged by the army of horses and chariots, Yet Elijah cooly answered "Don't be afraid..those who are with us are more than those who are with them"

How did Elijah know? Why was he full of conviction of such deep strong faith?

I believe Elijah was one the ANCIENTS that the Lord commended for in this faith walk.

When he prayed to the Lord to open the eyes of hi servant so that he might see. The lord did just that. And the servant managed to see the hills full of horses and chariots - more , much more then those physically surrounded the city!

When Elijah prayed to strike the enemy with blindness, the Lord did likewise.

Sometimes we are like that "servant of the man of God" who always doubt and question God and cry out to Him as in V15 "Oh, my lord, what shall we do?"
Guess we have to really learn to be like the master.
To be constantly engaged in having a supernatural sight to see beyond what we cannot physically see.
To walk or live by faith and not by sight.
* Not to have long-sightedness such that we miss out the people who are near and dear to us.
* Not to have short-sightedness such that we miss out the macro picture of what on earth we are doing here ie to be heavenly minded and not earthly bound.
* Not to have astigmatism of double vision such that we lost our single focus on Yahweh - serving 2 Gods instead.
Lord, may you grant us perfect eyesight : 6/6 Vision!

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