Tuesday, April 5, 2011

20110405 :Of Star, Seals and Signet Rings; The eclipse of the SON

Was reading Haggai last Sat. Short prophetic book of only 2 chapters, written around 520BC. Haggai is not the shortest book. Obadiah is. Haggai 2:23 The LAST verse “‘On that day,’ declares the LORD Almighty, ‘I will take you, my servant Zerubbabel son of Shealtiel,’ declares the LORD, ‘and I will make you like my signet ring, for I have chosen you,’ declares the LORD Almighty.” I. THE STAR Last month, a friend CM sent this eclipse link to me. It was really kind of interesting to watch this video of the eclipse. Yep, there was this Star of David that appeared and it really looked like the signet ring! What is Solar Eclipse? An eclipse of the sun occurs when the moon revolving in its orbit around the earth comes bewteen the sun and the earth. The moon blocks the light of the sun and a shadow is cast over the earth. How does the moon block the sun? By a fortunate coincidence! The sun's diameter is 400 times bigger than of the moon and at the same time is it 400 times as far away (oh what a creative idea of Creator God). Hence from where we are, this creates the illusion that they are the SAME SIZE! If we look through a filter at the sun, it looks EXACTLY LIKE THE MOON on full moon nite. When the moon passes in front of the dun, the shadow falls on the earth and it appears exactly to cover the sun's disc. This is what a solar eclipse is - a shadow. I. THE SEAL & SIGNET RINGS Seals in ancient Egypt are commonly found in the form of signet rings. They denotes authentication and power - and ownership. 1. Gen 41:41: Pharoah put his signet ring on Joseph 2. Esther 3 & 8 : The King gave it first to Haman and then relaimed it later to gave to Mordecai 3. 2 Cor 1:22: The Lord has anointed us and set his seal of ownership on us and put His Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come. 4. Eph 1:13 We are marked in him with a seal, the promised Holu Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God's possession 5. 2 Tim 2:19 God's solid foundation stands firm, sealed with this inscription "The Lord knows those who are his " and "everyone who confesses the name of the Lord must turn away from wickedness" 3.THE STIRRING of the SPIRIT We are living in the end days. The video was captured in 2009 I think. At the end of it was saw what it looked like as if a signet ring came out of the Star of David. Striking! In the beginning of 2011, we had the earthquake in Christchurch in Jan and then the Japan disaster on 11/3/2011. Earthquake, tsunami and nuclear. BTW, Chernobyl is also known as "WORMWOOD" - Rev 8:11. The name of the star - Wormwood. 1/3 of the waters turned bitter and many people died died from the water that had become bitter. This record was the 7th seal opening with the 7 angels blowing their trumpets. Wormwood was mentioned in the 3rd trumpet. As of yesterday's news, we understand that Japan government has approved the pouring of more than 11,000 tons of the nuclear water at Fukishima into the sea. Ummm...what is the impact of this action? Only time would tell in the future. So, the word of the Lord came to Haggai and it stirred up the spirit of 3 groups of people:- 1. Zerubabbel - son of Shealtiel, governor of Judah 2. Joshua - son of Jehozadak, the high priest 3. The whole remnant of the people. Reflections: Are we the remnant of the people? Are we this generation to witness His second coming? Haggai's first chapter (the beginning) opens with the call to build the house of the Lord. Haggai's second and last chapter speaks of the second coming of the Messiah, called the "desired of all nations" in v7. Haggai saw the promised glory of the future new house, which is greater than the former house. It is in this place where PEACE prevails. But we cannot remain defiled. We have to give careful thoughts of our ways and build the right house. May the shaking of the news that rock us today be a stirring of hearts for us to turn to Yahweh. Rev 21. We look towards the Holy City ,the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. V21:23. This city does not need the sun or the moon to shine on it , for the glory of God gives it light and the Lamp is its lamp! (No more solar eclipse!! NO more eclipse of the SON! Ha Ha Ha) Oh what a promise. V27 Nothing impure will enter it, now will anyone who does what is shameful or deceitful, but only those whose names are written in the Lamb's book of life. Is your name written in the Lamb's book?

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