Thursday, April 14, 2011

20110414: Live coal on lips! Isaiah 6 Vision

This book "Why Revival Tarries" by Leonard Ravenhill was a Dec 2010 Christmas gift. I only started reading it on 10/4/2011 on our way to Batu Pahat to attend a wedding. But little did we know that we had to make the turn back after the first COLD dish that HOT sunday afternoon as John had a bad headache attack enroute! 2.5 hours there and then 2.5 hours back - messengers of the Ang Pow only!!??!!???!!No feast but 2 tablets of panadol! Poor John - his endurance power of that thobbing headache !

ISAIAH : His name " The Lord saves" .

He saw visions concerning Judah and Jerusalem during 740BC. Kings of Judah - Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz and Hezkiah.
Well unlike the fires that we know earlier - either representing the presence of the LORD, His quickening of spirit etc, the 'fires' that Isaiah saw was JUDGEMENT - scary ones that burned the rebellious nation, wicked people! (Is 1,10, 26,33,34 & 66)

Thank God that Isaiah is like a miniature little bible in itself with 66 chapters like the bible of 66 books. Whilst it was 'judgement' in the earlier chapters, the latter part of Isaiah was of comfort, deliverance and restoration - ushering in the new heaven and earth.

Following my previous blog, I just found the book cover extremely interesting too! Someone said it was a dove? But far from it - it looks like a ball of fire!!Ha Ha. Perhaps it is divine that the Lord had to bring to my mind about the coal fires and the balls of fire again in a month!

Extract from the book that I am now reading which I thought was indeed great:
Quote" Isaiah had a 3D vision from vs Is 6:1 -9:-
The 3 Cs:
1. V5 "WOE" - a word of CONFESSION
2. V7 "LO" - a word of CLEANSING
3. V9 "GO" - a word of COMMISSION

"It was an upward vision - he saw the Lord; an inward vision - he saw himself, and an outward vision - he saw the world. It was a vision of height - he saw the Lord high and lifted up. A vision of depth - he saw the recesses of his own heart. And a vision of breath - he saw the world.

Quote from the same author "
"A vision of holiness. Oh beloved! How this generation of believers needs the vision of God in all His holiness! A vision of hellishness - "I am undone...unclean" and a vision of hopelessness - implied by the words "Who will go for us?" In this hour - when the average church knows more about promotion than prayer, has forgotten consecration by fostering competition, and has substituted propaganda for propagation - this threefold vision is imperative" Where there is no vision the people perish. Where there is no passion the church perishes, even though it be full to the doors."

How true indeed!
We serve an awesome fiery Father in heaven - his eyes are like fire, his waist down is like fire, he is indeed like a consuming fire, His presence is often pictured as fire - burning bush, 4th man in the furnace with Shadrach, Meshach & Abednego , pillar of fire in day, His Holy mountain is blazed with fire...He loves to speak out of the fire...RARRHHHH...\
Fire Fire Fire! Our S'pore GE is just round the corner. The great debate now ongoing in selection of people to serve our little red dot. Are we short of people with the right 'talent' or people with right "passion"? Well, likewise, the Lord looks at our heart of service & not ability but the heart of humility and that of availability. Even if one is not paid S$15,000 a month, would you choose to serve voluntarily? Umm...
Elijah called fire down from heaven. Lightning of fire struck on a particular party. Then came another party who had a hammer..“Is not my word like fire,” declares the LORD, “and like a hammer that breaks a rock in pieces? Jer 23:29..and another party came along shouting "Reform!!"
In flames for Yahweh!

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