Thursday, June 30, 2011

20110630 ; AWAKENING III : Gen 2:2-3 Rested vs Restless

Gen 2:2 -3 "By the 7th day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the 7th day he rested from all his work. And God blessed the 7th day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done"

The Lord works too! He rested on the 7th day!
He created 24 hours in a day. 1/3 of it goes into slumberland.
2/3 goes into the normal routine toil of life.
King Solomon in his opening of the book of Ecclesiastes lamented that "Everything is meaningless" "Is there anything of which one can say , "Look! There is something new!"

The spirit man in us tend to wander and become restless or bored at one point or another in life. Mundane routine of life sets in leading to the question of what is the meaning of life? Sometimes even after awakening from the night's sleep, we just do not seem to feel 'rested'. Ever felt this way?

God is in the business of PRO-CREATION - we need to find new ways of creating new challenges to keep us from 'demented'
He is also the director of RECREATION - we need to take time out to have our hobbies and sports activities.

The 2 bottles of beers and the tennis balls - we just ended our 3rd Sommerville Open Tennis last week. We give thanks to the Lord for great weather, food , fun and fantastic fellowship!

So there is a time for everything and a season for every activity under heaven (Ecc 3)
We may eat and drink and find satisfaction in all our toil - for this is the gift of God.
Man's fate is like animals, we have no advantage over the animal -all has the same breath.
All go to the same place, all come from dust and to dust all return.
So it is better for man to enjoy his work because that is his lot. For who can bring him to see what will happen after him?

A little poem in prayer.....
Rested and restful in His arms
Come Lord Jesus tame this fleeting heart in your palm
Restless and slumber not my soul
Come Holy Spirit awaken my spirit & make me whole
Remind me to fear my Creator God
To keep His commandments I daily sought
With all that I have and am, praise the Lord!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

20110621: Awakening II: Rom13:11 HIgh time to awake out of sleep


11And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.

12The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light.

13Let us walk honestly, as in the day; not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying.

14But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof.

When the subject was stressed twice in 2 days, guess it was a time of deeper reflection. The above verse and topic of aWaKeNing was preached on 19/6 , a day after I blogged my own "awakening".

My continuation of Tick Tock Tick Tock thoughts.

Who invented the Clock?

Many types of clocks are in use today. Each kind has its own inventor and history. Ancient peoples had other ways to tell time.

1.The Egyptians invented the obelisk. Its shadow was used to mark the hours of the day. This was a type of sundial.

2.Another kind of clock was the water clock. Different models of water clocks existed. The oldest was a vessel with a hole at the bottom. The vessel was filled with water and it would pour out at a constant rate.

3. The first accurate, modern clock was the pendulum clock. It was invented in 1656 by a Dutch scientist, Christian Huygens..

4. The pendulum went out of vogue when the quartz clock ticked in. The quartz clock was the invention of a Canadian engineer, Warren Marrison. He discovered he could use quartz crystals’ vibration in an electric circuit to be able to accurately tell time. It became the standard timekeeping device from the 1930s onward.

Astronomical Calendars

When men looked up at the sky, they noticed that the sun, moon, stars and other heavenly bodies moved in cycles. This allowed them to tell time.

Nobody actually knows the reason why the day was split into 12 hours and each hour split into 60 minutes and then each minute into 60 seconds. The best guess is that it was the Babylonians who worked out that there were 12 full moons in a year which gave them a 360 day year. They also knew the relationship between the radius of a circle and its circumference, which split the circle into six segments. Dividing this by two gave them 12 segments, which also fitted well with their religious beliefs that the number 12 had some kind of special significance. [Twelve is a perfect number, signifying perfection of government, or of governmental perfection. It is found as a multiple in all that has to do with rule. The sun which "rules" the day, and the moon and stars which "govern" the night, do so by their passage through the twelve signs of the Zodiac which completes the great circle of the heavens of 360 (12 x 30) degrees or divisions, and thus govern the year.]

The Sumerians used a solar calendar with 30-day long months and 12 periods in each day. The famous Stonehenge in Britain was an ancient timekeeping monument. It marked various astronomical and seasonal events like eclipses, equinoxes, etc.

The Egyptians first used a lunar calendar, just as the Chinese did. Later the Egyptians invented a 365-day solar year based on when the Dog Star Sirius would rise near the sun. The Mayans had a very accurate calendar too. They used not only the sun and moon, but also the planet Venus.


Going back in time. Who invented the clock? We can say that perhaps it is the SUN?

Well, if that's the case, we will have to go back to Genesis, the very first book in the Bible. In fact, the first thing God did was the invention of light. He spoke into being "Let there be light" He was the source of separation of the light from the darkness. He called the light "day" and the darkness "night" Later in verse 14, he was the MASTERMIND of the seasons , days and years. He made the two greats lights - the greater light to govern the day -sun, and the lesser light to govern the night - moon. He also made the stars.

Got it???


"Knowing" the time or "understanding" the time is therefore critical.

We each have 24 hours a day to utilise. Of which 8 hours are taken up by "SLEEP"

We can only work mainly in the day - and when nightfalls, we take our rest (unless one is a graveyard shift worker).

How we prioritise our time is thus important. It is not that we "have no time" but rather "how we view what is more important to our heart to make time for"

Time lost cannot be regained or turned back.

What goes on in the physical realm is the same for the spiritual. One can be in spiritual slumber even when one is physically awake.


Rom13:11 The hour has come for us to wake up from our slumber (NIV)

or it is HIGH TIME to awake out of sleep (KJV)

We pray :

Psalms90:12 "So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom"

The preacher James Goll who preached on Sunday, quote" Yesterday's dreams about your tomorrow is your today's opportunity". How apt.

We serve Yahweh who knows the past, the present and the future.

The present is TODAY.

Live wisely.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

20110618 Eternal God - Names of God

When external circumstances does not seem rosy, it is always good to remember His Name, His character, His Holiness

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

20110606: Awakening I: Matt25:5

The clock is ticking. Tick tock . Tick Tock.
Matt 25:5 "When the bridegroom was a long time in coming, and they all became drowsy and fell asleep"
The clock never sleeps or stops ticking. Unless, the battery is dead or a disaster struck like the earthquake or tsunami where the clocks tell of the precise time the calamity hit.

But sometimes the clock does slow down due to the ending of a battery life.

So the clock ticks and tocks whether we are awake or asleep.

Our life is liken to the battery of the clock. When we are born, we started with a brand new AAA battery. But as time goes, the battery life gets drained off. Inevitably, we had to slow down. Then we expire.

Just before Matt 25 the parable of the ten virgins, the preceding chapter Matt24:36"No One knows about the day or hour, not even the angels in heaven nor the Son, but only the Father." V42 "Therefore keep watch, because you do not know what day your Lord will come"

On 16/6/2011, the moon turned red. Some thought it was a sign from Rev 6:12 the 6th seal.
Similarly this week, Christchurch in New Zealand was struck by a second earthquake in 4 months. She was barely recovering from the earlier one.

Coincidentally, the city is named "CHRISTCHURCH". Interesting. Is that an ALARM Clock ringing? RRRRrrrrrrringgg! RRRRRrrrriinnng! Twice! Wake up?

The parable of the ten virgins is written about believers. Jesus being the bridegroom coming for his bride - the church. Are we in slumber? Have we fallen asleep? Are we ready? Are we prepared? Have we kept watch?

And God is just. All of us are given the same AAA battery. Just that we fit into different clocks. But we serve the same purpose - Clocks serve to tell time. We serve to worship God on earth. But we do not know when we expire. Only God knows. So we choose to live wisely, knowing the heart of God, like the parable of the talents that follow after the parable of the ten virgins.

Awakening. A beautiful song to remind us to awaken our soul. To be passionate about Christ who is coming again. Love God Hate Sin Win Multitudes.

The 3AAA Battery
1. Awaken in the spirit?
2. Aligned to Watch events unfolding in the sands of time around the clock and globe?
3. Arose to Pray His heartbeat?

Be energized for HIM!

20250305: Exodus 20:3 Whom shall we worship?

Saw this at Tiong Bahru Market this morning. 5/3/25! After seeing this one below outside the market! At first I thought it was the Tua Pek K...