Thursday, June 30, 2011

20110630 ; AWAKENING III : Gen 2:2-3 Rested vs Restless

Gen 2:2 -3 "By the 7th day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the 7th day he rested from all his work. And God blessed the 7th day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done"

The Lord works too! He rested on the 7th day!
He created 24 hours in a day. 1/3 of it goes into slumberland.
2/3 goes into the normal routine toil of life.
King Solomon in his opening of the book of Ecclesiastes lamented that "Everything is meaningless" "Is there anything of which one can say , "Look! There is something new!"

The spirit man in us tend to wander and become restless or bored at one point or another in life. Mundane routine of life sets in leading to the question of what is the meaning of life? Sometimes even after awakening from the night's sleep, we just do not seem to feel 'rested'. Ever felt this way?

God is in the business of PRO-CREATION - we need to find new ways of creating new challenges to keep us from 'demented'
He is also the director of RECREATION - we need to take time out to have our hobbies and sports activities.

The 2 bottles of beers and the tennis balls - we just ended our 3rd Sommerville Open Tennis last week. We give thanks to the Lord for great weather, food , fun and fantastic fellowship!

So there is a time for everything and a season for every activity under heaven (Ecc 3)
We may eat and drink and find satisfaction in all our toil - for this is the gift of God.
Man's fate is like animals, we have no advantage over the animal -all has the same breath.
All go to the same place, all come from dust and to dust all return.
So it is better for man to enjoy his work because that is his lot. For who can bring him to see what will happen after him?

A little poem in prayer.....
Rested and restful in His arms
Come Lord Jesus tame this fleeting heart in your palm
Restless and slumber not my soul
Come Holy Spirit awaken my spirit & make me whole
Remind me to fear my Creator God
To keep His commandments I daily sought
With all that I have and am, praise the Lord!

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