Tuesday, June 7, 2011

20110606: Awakening I: Matt25:5

The clock is ticking. Tick tock . Tick Tock.
Matt 25:5 "When the bridegroom was a long time in coming, and they all became drowsy and fell asleep"
The clock never sleeps or stops ticking. Unless, the battery is dead or a disaster struck like the earthquake or tsunami where the clocks tell of the precise time the calamity hit.

But sometimes the clock does slow down due to the ending of a battery life.

So the clock ticks and tocks whether we are awake or asleep.

Our life is liken to the battery of the clock. When we are born, we started with a brand new AAA battery. But as time goes, the battery life gets drained off. Inevitably, we had to slow down. Then we expire.

Just before Matt 25 the parable of the ten virgins, the preceding chapter Matt24:36"No One knows about the day or hour, not even the angels in heaven nor the Son, but only the Father." V42 "Therefore keep watch, because you do not know what day your Lord will come"

On 16/6/2011, the moon turned red. Some thought it was a sign from Rev 6:12 the 6th seal.
Similarly this week, Christchurch in New Zealand was struck by a second earthquake in 4 months. She was barely recovering from the earlier one.

Coincidentally, the city is named "CHRISTCHURCH". Interesting. Is that an ALARM Clock ringing? RRRRrrrrrrringgg! RRRRRrrrriinnng! Twice! Wake up?

The parable of the ten virgins is written about believers. Jesus being the bridegroom coming for his bride - the church. Are we in slumber? Have we fallen asleep? Are we ready? Are we prepared? Have we kept watch?

And God is just. All of us are given the same AAA battery. Just that we fit into different clocks. But we serve the same purpose - Clocks serve to tell time. We serve to worship God on earth. But we do not know when we expire. Only God knows. So we choose to live wisely, knowing the heart of God, like the parable of the talents that follow after the parable of the ten virgins.

Awakening. A beautiful song to remind us to awaken our soul. To be passionate about Christ who is coming again. Love God Hate Sin Win Multitudes.

The 3AAA Battery
1. Awaken in the spirit?
2. Aligned to Watch events unfolding in the sands of time around the clock and globe?
3. Arose to Pray His heartbeat?

Be energized for HIM!

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