Friday, August 26, 2011

20110827: Choices : President's Day!

27th August 2011 : S'poreans will be electing the nations's 7th President.

A week earlier, it was my inner desire to pray for a man to be like Joseph in Genesis for the coming presidency. The reason for my choice :- *Gen 37-45

  1. Joseph was then a young man of 17 years when he was sold away by his brothers (Not 71 old man)
  2. Joseph was given a ornamented cloak by his beloved father (someone had been given a shawl!) He is honored like a dignitary.
  3. Joseph was promoted by Pharoah as he was discerning and wise- to take charge of the land of Egypt. He rose to the occasion to lead.
  4. Joseph interpreted the 7 good years and 7 famine years and was key to the stewardship of managing Eygpt's resources in a manner for the sake of the people. He is good at financials.
  5. Joseph bore no grudge against his own siblings. Instead he re-united the whole family together during the famine time. He is like a healer or mediator
  6. Joseph was a man sent by God ahead to preserve for the Israelites a remnant on earth and to save our lives by a great dividend.
  7. Joseph was a man of integrity not tempted by Potipar's wife. He is as righteous like a palm tree.
S'pore's president serve a 6 -year term. If one is 71 today, in 6 year's time, he will be 77! (Oh perfect numbers!) Oh it is a tough fight like never before. The 4 -Tans, guess my choice is clear. Pastor Daniel tonight joked that we should choose wisely, any Tan EXCEPT S.A.TAN :) Ha Ha.

12 hours from now on, the clarity of where this little red dot will be heading will be known by then. May the Lord grant our land mercy and healing in such a time like this. A historical moment in the making! What would be the outcome? We shall soon see!

The palm tree in the Bible (By Erling Thu)

The palm tree occur many places in the Bible. Elim - the oasis with seventy palm trees and twelve springs of water is the first place it is mentioned (Exodus 15:27). One palm tree for each of the seventy elders and one spring of water for each tribe of Israel. The Bible is saying that the righteous will flourish like a palm tree. There are many things we may learn when we compare the righteous with the palm tree.

1. Uprightness. The palm tree stretches itself straight up into the air. It is a tall tree, erect, stately, and strong. It is a true image of the really righteous, for crooked ways are not his.

2. Usefulness. The palm-tree is held in great estimation by the inhabitants of Arabia, Egypt, and Persia, on account of its adaptation to various valuable purposes. The Arabs celebrate its three hundred and sixty uses to which the different parts maybe applied, and many people subsist almost entirely on its fruit. They boast of its medicinal virtues. The camels feed upon the date stone. From the leaves they make a variety of articles for domestic use. From the fibres of the boughs, thread, ropes, and rigging are manufactured. From the sap, a spirituous liquor is prepared; and the body of the tree furnishes fuel.

Likewise, in all departments of life, the influence, the example, the spirit, the words, and works of the righteous man are full of blessing for the entire society.

3. beauty. The palm tree is often taken as an emblem of beauty (Song 7:7-8) and used as decoration in the temple(1King 6:29,32,35; 2Chronicles 3:5). On the righteous man “the beauty of the Lord our God” is seen, as in our Lord above all (John 1:14). Moral beauty is as real as physical.

4. power. Palm-branches were carried as tokens of victory or joy (Leviticus 23:40, John 12:13; Revelation 7:9) Just think of its victory over all kinds of foes which threaten its life. It is a root out of a dry ground: the choking sand surrounds it, the burning heat scorches it, the fierce tempest beats upon it; it is often wounded—its roots crushed with all manner of weights, the elements, man, the beasts of the desert, all combine to injure it; but in spite of them all it rears its beautiful corona of leaves far on high, and flourishes still. The righteous is likewise more than a conqueror as God let all things work out for the good, nothing on earth and in hell cannot harm him (Romans. 8:28–39).

5. fruitfulness. The palm tree is a tall, fruit-bearing, shadowy tree, whose fruit is the date: it arrives at perfection in about thirty years, and thus continues about seventy years, bearing fifteen or twenty clusters of dates, each cluster weighing from 7-12 kg. It is the staff of life to the peoples amongst whom it is found. And so the righteous (John 15:1–8).

6. guidance. It is the sure sign of the presence of water (see Elim, Exodus. 15:27). Across the burning sands the caravan, parched with thirst, make for the cluster of palms they see afar off, for they know that water is there. And so the righteous should be and is a prophetic sign to the people and society, which tells where the living waters are.

7. permanence. It continues right on to old age to be all that has been said. It is a true emblem of the perseverance of the people of God.

The Palm Tree

1. First mention of, in Scripture. Ex 15:27.

2. Jericho celebrated for. De 34:3; Jdj 1:16.

3. Described as

a. Tall. Song 7:7.

b. Upright. Jer 10:5.

c. Flourishing. Ps 92:12.

d. Fruitful to a great age. Ps 92:14.

4. The fruit of, called dates. 2Ch 31:5.

5. Requires a moist and fertile soil. Ex 15:27.

6. Tents often pitched under the shade of. Jdj 4:5.

7. The branches of, were

a. The emblem of victory. Re 7:9.

b. Carried at feast of tabernacles. Le 23:40.

c. Used for constructing booths. Ne 8:15.

d. Spread before Christ. Joh 12:13.

8. Blasted as a punishment. Joe 1:12.

9. Represented in carved work on the walls and doors of the temple of Solomon. 1Ki 6:29,32,35; 2Ch 3:5.

10. Illustrative of

a. The church. Song 7:7,8.

b. The righteous. Ps 92:12.

c. The upright appearance of idols. Jer 10:5.

20110826: Duty by Donghaeng

Nor Ordi Gadungi , Sunjonhara
(You wherever go - obey)

Nor Ordi Itdunqi , Chungsunhara
(wherever you are- loyal)

Ju Noryea Hananym ,Wangdaesinju
(Lord your God, King is Lord)

Yongwoni Junmygua , Changyanghara
(Forever with Jesus, praise Him)

"Nor" - You -- "Hara"
"Na" -I ---"Hari"

Love this video clip together with this song. Got it translated by a Korean business associate several years ago. A reminder to cling on to the cross at whatever cost. A call to persevere at whatever seasons of life. It is worth it!

20110825: Ps 91/ Mat 23;37 Mummy Bird and her little birdies

Ps 91 :1 -2 "He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
And I will say of the LORD "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God , in whom I trust"

V4 "He will cover me with his feathers and under his wings I will find refuge; his faithfulness will be my shield and rampart"

V14-16 "Because she loves me" says the Lord, "I will rescue her, I will protect her for she acknowledges my name, She will call upon me and I will answer her; I will be with her in trouble, I will deliver her and honour her. With long life I will satify her and show her my salvation"

Mother bird is like the mother hen in Mtt23:37..gathering her chicks under her wings!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

20110822 B: Can you imagine a life without money on earth?

Found this article on the net. Can you imagine a life without money here in rich S'pore??
Cannot imagine right?
If one is out of job - either temporary or whatever, the pressures of society can be quite intimidating. The measure of a person's worth in society unfortunately tends to be seen in what he or she possesses. But the bible often speaks in contrary. Earlier post Luke 4:14 a warning from the Lord "Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; a man's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions"

This morning as I blogged, gold price had shot up unprecedented high to USD1900 /ounce (from less than USD900 just 2 years back?). The USD is now only about S$1.2 compared to USD1.4 two years back? The SES all over the world is going through the downside of the rollcoaster, sending many investors into a panic mode. Could well be worst case of the 2008 market crash.

But if you are an Orang Asli or an indigenous tribe living in the outbacks, so what? Ha Ha!
Unlike the respectable rich man whose life possessions may be wiped out in seconds, the poor has nothing to be taken away for they have that much only.

Can you imagine a life without money on rich S'pore? "I can only imagine..." yes in Heaven, no currency, no stocks and shares? But lots of gold and precious metals . If they are found on the streets of heaven, I cannot imagine what my mansion will be like.....Ha Ha..Okie..Waky waky!

Happiness is: a life without money in rich Germany
Posted: 20 August 2011 1812 hrs

WILHELMSHAVEN: Sixty-nine-year-old German Heidemarie Schwermer never thought she could go so long without money, but what began as a 12-month experiment became a unique lifestyle 15 years ago.

With only a touch of makeup, a light pink cotton sweater and string of fake pearls, the elegant pensioner with a warm smile says she can hardly remember the last time she spent a cent.

Instead, since 1996, she has lived by a unique scheme of swaps and barters she says has held her in good stead.

Not a religious ascetic or a commune dweller, Schwermer is an urbanite living in the heart of a materialistic society and says she has no plans to go back to the world of euros and cents.

"Giving up money gave me quality of life, inner wealth and freedom," she says.

Turning one's back on consumerism in Europe's top economy, particularly now in a period of relative growth compared to its neighbours, has a radical charm rooted in a tumultuous life history.

Born during World War II in what was then East Prussia, Schwermer as a child joined the flood of refugees expelled by Russian forces. Her family arrived in Germany penniless.

"I saw how you were considered to be even less than worthless if you did not have possessions or money," she said.

In the late 1960s, she spent a year in Chile, and "I saw extreme poverty there".

Back in Germany, she had two children, divorced and moved to the western city of Dortmund in 1982, where she opened a psychotherapy practice.

"I wanted to understand what is going on in the minds of human beings. But that was not enough, I wanted to do more for the world," she explains.

Thus the idea was born in 1994 to start a swapping network for people short of cash - a groundbreaking notion. Pensioners and students answered the call in droves.

Schwermer began to housesit in exchange for payment in kind. She quickly noticed that she could take care of almost all of her material needs without ever stumping up.

In 1996, she took the decisive leap: she quit her job, moved out of her rented home, gave away all her possessions, closed her bank account, cancelled her health insurance and threw herself into what was planned as a year without money.

Those closest to her were baffled. "My daughter was worried to death, my friends nearly cried. Now they're behind me."

Schwermer flopped on sofas where she could and started writing a book about her experience, which has also been translated into other languages.

"I earned a lot of money with that book," she confides. "I gave it all away to passersby, in five-mark bills", Germany's currency at the time.

She has appeared on television, moderated seminars and been the subject of a documentary film.

Now she is editing her third book in a house in the northern seaside city of Wilhelmshaven where she is crashing for a while. In return, she takes out the trash and mows the lawn.

Schwermer gives her pension of 700 euros (US$1,000) per month to "acquaintances who need it" and refuses to think about old age or go to the doctor.

She found a health food store in Dortmund that gave her discarded produce, and now in Wilhelmshaven a friend sometimes hands her vegetables from her garden. If need be, she occasionally seeks the help of a soup kitchen.

"Of course I worry if there is nothing in the fridge," she says. "In the beginning, I was afraid all the time but what I love above all (about the lifestyle) is not knowing what will happen tomorrow."

Schwermer said she is not seeking disciples but perhaps "to help people reflect on their way of life and their relations with others."

In two months, she will take out her small suitcase, which holds all of her earthly possessions, bound for Destination Unknown.

- AFP/al

20110822A :Ps36 "I can only imagine"

Can you imagine staying in a beautiful tudor house like this? Paying RM600 or more per nite for a room stay @ Cameron Highlands?Can you imagine this little shed like house occupied by a native Orang Asli with 4 kids sleeping and cooking here without any bathroom facilities? His pay is only less than RM300 a month?
Can you imagine this is where the contrast is on this lush green tea highlands of Cameron?
I cannot imagine that barely 2 weeks after we left, a fairly major landslide occurred on this mountain area in early August 2011 , killing about 7 orang asli.
I can only imagine that one of the reasons was due to the massive land development projects presently undertaken for more commercial and residential houses.

CONTRAST of lives - On this mountain, my heart raced with a extra heartbeat upon visiting the Orang Asli home, my first encounter. I cannot imagine the absence of the basic bathroom. That those who lived there had to walk a fair distance to ease themselves - be it rain or shine.

Why Lord? Why, I asked as I cannot imagine what my eyes had seen.

In the midst of remembering this recent trip, the mountains and the valleys, the sky and the waterfall, the greeneries and awesome variety of flowers, this song "I can only imagine" and Ps 34:5-6 summarised it all:
"Your love O LORD, reaches to the heavens,
your faithfulness to the skies.
Your righteousness is like the mighty mountains,
your justice like the great deep.
O LORD, you preserve both man and beast.
How precious is your unfailing love!
Both high and low among men find refuge in the shadow of your wings.
They feast on the abundance of your house, you give them drink from your river of delights.
For with you is the fountain of life;
in your light we see light"

Post Reflections of
My little personal retreat in Cameron Highlands:
I am indeed reminded of the Lord's Love, Faithfulness, Righteousness and Justice. He is indeed the preserver of both man and beast. One can be an established Englishman staying in a beautiful Tudor house or another can be one of the lowliest of the indigenous tribes on earth - both can indeed find refuge in the shadow of His wings. It is not their house they or we feast in but in the Lord's house. Luke 12:14: "Take heed, and beware of covetousness: for a man's life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth" How true indeed, high or low man,not measured in accordance of their status or wealth, the Lord loves them all.
John 4:14 says 'but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life"

Amen. For indeed with you is the fountain of life, in your light we see light!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

20110813 : Ps 34 Troubles & Deliveries

(above taken by Gina in Aug 2011, Rinjani mountain trek, Indonesia)

What a glorious awesome looking sunrise or sunset!

Psalm 34 was prompted by an historical event in the life of David, for we read "A Psalm of David, when he changed his behaviour before Abimelech; who drove him away, and he departed" (Psa. 34 heading note). The historical narrative has, "And David arose, and fled that day for fear of Saul, and went to Achish the king of Gath" (I Sam. 21:10). Achish and Abimelech - referring to the same person. (not the Abimelech the priest)

Here we saw David fled from Saul to Achish King of Gath. But he went from the the frying pan to the deep troubled blue sea! So no choice he had to pretend to be insane to sun away from Achish!

So Ps 34 - a psalm of promise not to rely on own strength but to understand the fear of the Lord - the Deliverer of all his troubles! David, a man who had so many troubles, fleeing from one man to another. Yet in the midst of it, David's opening verses 1-3 in this psalm was not of despair but exaltation of His Glorious name. Like beholding the glorious sun in the photo above.

V4-7 I sought the LORD and he answered me, he delivered me from all my fears, those who look to him are radiant; their faces never covered with same. This poor gal called and the Lord heard her, he save her out of all troubles. The angel of the Lord encamps around me who fear him and he delivers me'!

V8-18 I will continue to taste and see the the LORD is good; blessed is me who takes refuge in him. I will fear the Lord and I will lack nothing. I will keep my tongue from evil and my lips from speaking lies. Turn from evil and do good, seek peace and pursue it. The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and the eyes attentive to my cry; the face of the Lord is against those who do evil, to cut off memory of them from the earth. The righteous cry out and the Lord hears me. The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves me who is crushed in spirit.

Who says we will not have troubles??

Few days ago, I shared on John 16:33, a beautiful psalm translated to a song in Chinese.

V19-20 A righteous man may have many troubles, but the Lord delivers her from them all; he protects her bones and not one of them will be broken.

V21-22 Evil will slay the wicked; the foes of the righteous will be condemned. The LOrd redeems his servant, no one will be condemned who takes refuge in him

AMEN! What a glorious Son of God, Jesus, Yeshua we serve!

P/s My friend who had been climbing many mountains found this Rinjani particularly tough going. After a reported 3-day gruesome day of trekking up this mountain, was a glorious view taken above. I never trekked. My legs and knees cannot take it. But somehow, when this photo was watsapp to me 2 days ago, I was uplifted in my spirit. I had just came down from a lower mountain Cameron Highlands. Back in the valley, tired was I over some work issues. I felt I was then on that mountain top again with my hands held in a V-shape - Yes Lord - You are my Saviour, my strong Deliverer!

There is something awesome about mountains. Guess that's why we use the term -mountain top feeling on high! As I said, I don't trek. I take ski-chairs up the mountains! Having been to the Canadian Rockies thrice in my life, there is no mountain like those I saw over there. Word to describe? AWESOME!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

20110811:Ps33:12-18 President Hopeful & A ray of Hope

(Above sunrise taken from Cameron Highlands, July 2011 - A RAY OF HOPE!)

Ps33 : 12Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance.

13The LORD looketh from heaven; he beholdeth all the sons of men.

14From the place of his habitation he looketh upon all the inhabitants of the earth.

15He fashioneth their hearts alike; he considereth all their works.

16There is no king saved by the multitude of an host: a mighty man is not delivered by much strength.

17An horse is a vain thing for safety: neither shall he deliver any by his great strength.

18Behold, the eye of the LORD is upon them that fear him, upon them that hope in his mercy;

19To deliver their soul from death, and to keep them alive in famine.

20Our soul waits for the LORD: he is our help and our shield.

21For our heart shall rejoice in him, because we have trusted in his holy name.

22Let thy mercy, O LORD, be upon us, according as we hope in thee.

Post National Day thoughts and the upcoming Presidential Election in Singapore:-

It's been past 2 days since our nation celebrated her 46th year of independence. But THIS YEAR, during this time - we saw the stock exchange spiral downwards due to the USA debt crisis. Also saw the unprecedented London riots that struck fear in the streets.

V12 "Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD". Well only about 15% of the population are believers at this junction. Yet, by His grace and mercy, we have come along thus far. Is our little red dot Spore a blessed nation? In many ways - yes. 700 sq km with more than 5 mio population.

V13 "From heaven the LORD looks down and sees all mankind; from his dwelling place he watches all who live on earth...who considers everything they do"" The highest office in our land being the Presidency of Singapore with both the President and his wife 'looking down on us from every school and govt office". Oh yes- indeed as to WHO is actually looking down upon us that matters from way above. The world's population - 6 billion plus. But only about slightly above 2mio of S'porean voters are eligible for the coming Presidential election to be held end of this month. I grew up with the late President Ishak and Benjamin Sheares during my school time looking at us from every school principal's office. There was the respect and honor one would render to this office bearer. But times have changed. For the first time, so much confusion with regard to our President's powers - what he can or cannot do?

Riots in London ? Who could have thought that London who is going to host the 2012 Olympics would face such a situation right now? Can this also happen here in our nation? v16-17 "No king is saved by the size of his army; no warrior escapes by his great strength. A horse is a vain hope from deliverance; despite all its great strength it cannot saved". Watching the news on TV, some of the policemen were still riding horses. As said, a horse is a vain hope from deliverance indeed when looters and hooligans ran wild! A shocking footage saw some 'helped' a victim and later 'loot' his haversack! Oh mind! All this happening in London!

Guess it shows that the there is quite a social divide that is also happening in developed countries between the haves and the haves not. There seems to be lots of angst and anger too among people nowadays in Spore - especially the more vocal netcitizens. Thanks and no thanks to the new social media world of black berries and green or red apples! Though S'pore is small with a good police force here, we still cannot take things from granted I suppose. Big income inequality does not augur well for any nation. More so with a cosmopolitan foreign migrants policy intermix with different race and religion - indeed a big handful for any govt in leadership during this epochal time!

V18 We have to be thankful for " the eyes of the LORD are in those who fear him, on those whose hope is in his unfailing love" The Lord, our President over all the nations on earth is more than able to :
  • deliver us from death
  • keep us alive in famine
  • be our help and our shield
in such troubled times ahead .

May this be the prayer of our heart that we rejoice in him as we trust in his holy name as we put our hope in him and his unfailing love and fear him. (V19-22)

To Him who sits on the throne - To our greatest President of all nations , To God be the Glory.
May he preside over us as we give Him permanent residence in our hearts as we live in this temporal tent on this earth. Recent quote heard on sunday sermon . There are only 2 tents in which we live in. Either "CON-Tent" or "DISCON-Tent". Choose wisely. I Tim 6:6 "But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it." NOTHING.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

20110809:John16:33 在世界上 我们有苦难 在基督里 我们有平安

在世界上 我们有苦难 在基督里 我们有平安 愿我口不出埋怨 愿我手不行恶端 愿我一生单单颂赞 我不求外在困难短减 我只求内心平安加添 因我深知有永生恩典 等候在我的面前 我不求外在困难短减 我只求内心平安加添 因我深信有生命冠冕 在耶稣基督里面 在基督里面

Sunday, August 7, 2011


In 2 days' time,Singapore will celebrate her 46th year of independence. By this month end, we will be electing our President.
Many net citizens seems angry like the angry birds. The elastic bands were pulled in many places- slamming and hitting out on social media. Lamentations of injustices, moral decadence and increasing evil seen around us. We gawked at the recent Gaga Fun Pack and the use of foul language at a university graduation ceremony. And many said " Nothing wrong...It is happening all the time...No big deal"

I was vexed. Troubled. Until I received this timely email. Extracted Below. Above the panorama view of the Boh Tea Plantation in Cameron Highlands we went last month. Reminded me to Look to the Hills, from whence my help comes from? My help comes from the Lord, the maker of the heaven and earth. Ps 121.


One of Satan’s master strategies is to steal our heart and mind away from our focus on Christ through our grousing, worrying and complaining over the troubles we encounter in our world: The constant gyrations in the political arena, grappling with our national moral and spiritual crisis, the non-ethical shenanigans we are continuously running up against in the marketplace, the incessantly intrusive assault by the media in riling us up to live in a constant state of crisis. How easily we can be robbed of our joy in Christ by unnecessarily, and even unwittingly becoming embroiled in the world’s troubling issues. St. Paul shared such a concern in cautioning the believers in the City of Corinth:

“…I am afraid that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent's cunning, your minds may somehow be led astray from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ.” (2 Cor. 11:3)

Curious, is it not, how little attention both Jesus and Paul gave to reforming their troubled world. Clearly, it was Jesus’ intent that his followers not be carried away by the world’s troubles: In him, he said, “you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world" (Jn. 16:33). (See Act. 14:22) The Savior knew that the way to respond to the world’s evil was not by grousing, worrying or complaining, but by transforming it, one heart at a time.

So…how are we to keep the world from robbing us of our “sincere and pure devotion to Christ?” Psalm 37:2-9 offers us some wonderful pointers:

· Choose not to become embroiled in fussing over the world’s injustices, recognizing that God will deal with the wicked in his way, and on his timetable: Do not fret because of evil men or be envious of those who do wrong; for like the grass they will soon wither, like green plants they will soon die away…Refrain from anger and turn from wrath; do not fret--it leads only to evil. For evil men will be cut off…” (Psa. 37:1, 2, 8, 9 – selected). (See Psa. 24:1; Pro. 24:19)

· Hold steady, trusting God for protection and provision as you fulfill the responsibilities set before you: Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture (Psa. 37:4).” (See Psa. 23:1; Jer. 17:7, 8; 1 Cor. 15:58)

· Choose to make God the delight of your heart, knowing that he in turn will grant you your heart’s desire: “Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart” (Psa. 37:4). (See Psa. 34:4; 1 Pet. 1:8)

· Rather than engineering the outcome of your situation, surrender it up to God who promises to honor your cause: ”Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust him, and he will help you. He will make your innocence radiate like the dawn, and the justice of your cause will shine like the noonday sun. (Psa. 37:5, 6 – NLT).” (See Psa. 22:8; Phil. 4:6,7)

· Learn, amidst the surrounding evil the art of quiet rest before God:Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him; do not fret when men succeed in their ways, when they carry out their wicked scheme (Psa. 37:7).” To be still before God means to hold your peace and wait on God. (See Psa. 27:14; 62:1)

R. Dwight Hill

20250305: Exodus 20:3 Whom shall we worship?

Saw this at Tiong Bahru Market this morning. 5/3/25! After seeing this one below outside the market! At first I thought it was the Tua Pek K...