Monday, September 12, 2011

20110912- Finale Keyboard in BelieverMusic

I never knew I could make it through the Keyboard Spontaneous Worship IV, but I did. Thanks to Coach Jasmine as well as the other classmates in these last 2 -3 modules for the nudging and encouragement to go through another mile to the finale, ending Sep 2011.

It has been a very fruitful and wonderful journey of 2 years since 2009. I draw a parallel of this keyboard and our walk with YWHW. It is all about the desire and discipline (Practicing on the keyboard as well as searching the scriptures ), the passion of knowing Him more intimately in the process. The little bible study that comes along in the course of learning the keyboard was something which I looked forward too. Even for a person like me who had known Him for more than 20 years, some of the things shared in class was at times - refreshing, deep, reflective and high! Even though we may have ended this final extended module, the journey in life continues. I can never dare to claim that I had perfected or mastered the keyboard - in fact , this is just the beginning of putting and consolidating what we had learnt in the past. Being a little older than most classmates, these fingers may not be that flexible - there was slight improvement as time goes by. Not easy , but the fingers did start walking ! Slowly but surely! Breakthrough! At the end of the day, what is important? Well, it has been a journey of joy especially the blessings of the fellowship of new brothers and sisters in Christ in the class and coach. YWHW indeed looks at the heart and not in our capability or achievement in the course. Most importantly, we enjoyed the learning together and weekly fellowship.

I came in with almost zero base knowledge of the keyboard. I walked out with great appreciation of the awesome YWHW- the King of Music . The One who had created wonderful music for worship and praise with just 7 notes and orderly tempos and rhythms. Our ten little fingers rested just nicely on the black and white keys! Simple yet profound. Unto Him we give praise and glory. Till we see Him in the coming City awaiting for us in Heaven above.

May YWHW bless the team for putting the course together so that more can be equipped with music instruments to worship Him!

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