Monday, March 19, 2012

20120318: John 3:8 TellTales-Physical & Spiritual Observations

John 3:8

King James Version (KJV)
The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit.

Ever wondered what a telltale is? 
tell-tale or telltale is an indicator, signal, or sign that conveys the status of a situation, mechanism, or system. It appears not only in sailing boats but also in automotives, spacecraft, steam locomotives.
The two attached pictures above are telltales on the mainsail of a sailing boat.

The telltale tells the sailor about the wind condition and how to position his boat and sail so that it will sail at an optimal path. When the telltale flutters or sags, it says that there is no wind or the boat is not properly trimmed (best position). When the boat is trimmed, the telltale flows with/into the wind in streamline flow and it does not flutter. Even though we cannot see the wind, the telltale becomes our guide to the invisible environment around the sailor.

Recently I have been observing the education system development in S'pore. Indeed the new Minister of Education has made some improvements. However, with regard to the Edusave Character Award now implemented, the Planning Division still misses a BIG point!  They dangle a carrot of monetary reward and "their objective is to send a clear and strong signal of the importance that the MOE places on character and values, on a par with achievements in the academic domains....The Edusave Cgharacter Award will recognise a small number of students in each school who are exemplary in character, and who can inspire others as role models.  For instance, these may be students who have shown resilience and have done well despite their difficult circumstances.  The monetary award can be used by students for their educational needs , such as books and stationery.  OUr school leaders and teachers are very mindful for the need to foster the intrinsic motivation of their students to do good deeds..." ST 13/3/2012 by Dr Cheong Wei Yang - Planning Division MOE

Character - is intrinsic , hidden .  It can only be evaluated over time and observation through the outward behaviour of a person.  From the inside out.  Money cannot buy character. If monetary awards are to be given to induce good behaviours - then the beginning footing is already on the wrong start!
Human beings.  We have a body , soul and spirit.  What makes a person Christian or not, depends on whether the person is truly born again of the Spirit. Like what Nicodemus had questioned.  One cannot go back into the mother's womb to be born again right? It has to do with the spirit being. This is something we cannot see.  Having said that, there will be true and false Christians.  Conversions that may be true or false.  Only the fruit of the person can provide the telltale. 

I often reckon that what we see in the physical is a kind of 'manifestation' of the spiritual.
It is sad that our MOE had gone into the monetary way again to promote character values.
Likewise, if a spiritual teaching encourages someone to look for outward manifestations as a proof of the spirit within us, then it is another telltale. How do we know that if the spirits are right or wrong? Good or evil? We need to test the Spirit.   1 Cor 12 talks about the gifts of the spirit.  One of such gifts is that of discerning of spirits.  Sometimes, we are so often mesmerised by the other earlier gifts starting from the first - the word of wisdom, the word of knowledge, faith, gifts of healings, the working of miracles, prophesy..the first 6..that we forgot number 7! - that of discerning of spirits (The 8th gift is the divers kinds of tongues and 9th being interpretation of tongues) 

LIke education, we in the spiritual realm needs to go back to the radical fundamentals.
Colossians 2:8 Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.

Jesus has not yet come back a second time. He did the first time more than 2000 years back.  But He gave us His Holy Spirit - His counsellor to guide us into all truth when he departed this earth back then.

Col 2:4-7" And this I say, lest any man should beguile you with enticing words. For though I be absent in the flesh, yet I am with you in the spirit, joying and beholding your order, and the steadfastness of your faith in Christ. As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him; Rooted and built up in him, stablished int the faith, as ye have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgving."

Gotta be steady and poon pee pee.....Pray for the spirit in Isaiah 11:2 be upon us all.

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