Thursday, March 1, 2012

20120301:HeBrews 6: A Supernatural Endowment

Hebrews 6:11-12 "And we desire that everyone of you do show the same diligence to the full assurance of hope unto the end: That you be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises"

My study of Hebrews 5 ended with the milk vs meat to discern both good and evil.  Hebrews 6 followed with a "Therefore" telling us to leave the principles of the doctrine of Christ, encouraging us to go on to maturity or unto perfection, not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith toward God, of the doctrine of baptisms, and of laying on of hands, and of resurrection of the dead and of eternal judgement. V3 "And this we will do , if God permit"

As I started reflecting on this chapter, I couldn't help but to observe the trend we have in churches today. We are so blessed with so many different varieties of appetizers, main dishes, desserts and beverages in so many different restaurants. Likewise different churches serve and feed the flock with basic foundation bible classes to intermediate bible courses and advance ones all year round.  In between, each would hold its own banquet , ie the longer seminars or conference to boost one up in the appetite craving.

In  2 weeks' time, there will be such a 4-day feast of "Kingdom Invasion" here in our land. The introduction of new menu of "Supernaturals, Signs and Wonders" will be served and promoted.  Many will be eager and excited to try the new menu for sure.

2 Cor 12:12 "Truly the signs of an apostle were wrought among you in all patience, in signs and wonders and mighty deeds"
During Paul's days, the problem of false apostles was so rampant that he needed to point out the "signs" of an apostle that were evident in his life. He gave certain indicators to help us understand and determine whether or not a person is apostolic. Such divine call is not for the faint hearted but for the extremely committed.

What was Paul's first sign? Was it signs and wonders and mighty deeds? No, no...
The first sign or characteristic of apostolic ministry is "PATIENCE" This word in Greek is "Hupomeno"
Meno= Abide or to stay.
One expositor translates hupomeno as the word endurance, or staying power or hang-in there power!

Rick Renner of Sparkling Gems from the Greek quote" It is interesting to me that Paul lists this as a sign of apostolic ministry. We usually think of wonders and miracles as signs of apostolic ministry.  But before Paul mentions anything about what we would normally deem supernatural, he first mentions a person's supernatural ability to hang in there and stay put regardless of what forces come to stop him...God has provided us with a supernatural grace, a divine favour, a special endowment of hupomeno - what others call hang-in there power, staying power, or supernatural endurance - to do what He has called us to do....what I am describing is just as supernatural as any other kind of supernatural sign and wonder.  Anyone who can do what we do day after day, week after week, month after month and year after year - and do it joyfully and successfully - is definitely experiencing something that is truly supernatural.  It is a sign from on High of a divine endowment.  My wife and I have seen the lame walk, deaf ears opened, demons expelled, demons expelled, and even the dead raised through the prayers of our apostolic team.  But I consider hupomeno on our lives to be just as supernatural as any of these other signs and wonders we have experienced.  In fact , I really believe it is more significant than the other signs and wonders.  Supernatural signs and wonders come and go, but the supernatural ability to endure and joyfully succeed in difficult circumstances is a grace that comes and stays continuously.  The quality of patience, endurance, staying power or hang-in-there power is part of the divine equipment for this job.  It is a divine grace that is just as supernatural as any miracle or wonder!"  (Rick was called to serve in USSR in 1991)

Personal Reflections:

As Hebrews 6 started off with elementary teachings to the more complicated ones in v1 -2, do we really need to go for another Supernatural Ministry school to teach spiritual babies to grow into maturity? Perhaps v3 and this we will do, if God permit.

But the question is not about teaching on the signs and wonders yearning. Yes in the last days, Joel 2:28-29 God says He will pour out His spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions, and also upon the servants and the handmaids in those days He will pour His spirit.

So what if gold dust falls in your palm or on your head? So what if a little gem dropped at your feet? They come and they go.

I believe in Heb 6:11-12 highlights the hallmark of a successful supernatural Christian life
2 basic principles laid out here :
1) Diligence
2) Patience  or hupomeno ie endurance or the hang in there power.

1) Diligence ( 2 Cor 8:7, 2 Pet 1:10)
We got to be diligent to make our calling and election sure. But there is a condition "IF". If we do these things, we will never fall. What things? Those things in 2 Pet  3-9. It is up to us to do it to grow into maturity.

2) Patience / endurance/ Hang-in-there power (2 Tim 1 13)
There are 4 metaphors of endurance here. We must learn to endure as a child or son to remain strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ enduring hardness, as an athelete striving for masteries -yet not crowned except he strive lawfully and as a husbandman/ farmer who labours to be the partaker of the fruits.

Heb 6:15 is an example of such a man of endurance himself. None other than Abraham. God made his vow to him and he patiently endured, he obtained the promise.

THE ATP World of Tennis
This year at the Australian Open in January 2012, we witnessed a marathon of almost 6 hours grueling tennis played by the top 2 seeds in the world - Nadal and Djokovic.  Both were diligent in their physical training.  Hours of sweat and toil on their body.  At the end of the day, the one who endures longer, the one who is physically fitter , better stamina and mentally stronger reigns. And the winner is? Djokovic.

Our present body itself is a supernatural creation masterpiece by our Creator God. How He fashioned our hands and limbs, our internal organs to function accordingly for each purpose He had in mind.  The fact that we have been born into this world through the unimaginable fertilization of a minute sperm and egg is a showcase of His supernatural creative workmanship.

And when we come to know Christ, we are born again - inwardly created to become the dwelling place of God.The fruit of the Spirit, the gifts of the Spirit and the divine supernatural grace of God are working inside us.

That to me is a supernatural endowment! Such hupomeno on our lives is indeed more significant than signs and wonders. Granted that man loves to see miracles , signs and wonders. Well John says blessed are those who do not see and yet believed.  On the flip side, the devil too can perform signs and wonders, can he not?

For that we pray that the Lord grant us discernment all the time. God is unchangeable, He is immutable.

Heb 6 last few verses tell us of His character. v16-20
"Men swear by someone greater than themselves, and the oath confirms what is said and puts an end to all argument.  Because God wanted to make the unchanging nature of his purpose very clear to the heirs of what was promised, he confirmed it with an oath. God did this so that by two unchangeable things in which it is impossible for God to lie, we who have fled to take hold of the hope offered to us may be greatly encouraged.  We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.  It enters the sanctuary behind the curtain, where Jesus, who went before us, has entered on our behalf.  He has become a high priest forever, in the order of Melchizedek"

Food for thoughts.

Umm..pretty heavy sobering stuff above on supernaturals study.  On a lighter note, here is a brain teaser "Who sits on the left hand side of the throne of God?" Got this question thrown at me last nite...this is a good one! Ha Ha!

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