Thursday, January 3, 2013

20130101- Les Miserables- I dreamed A Dream

Gen37:5" And Joseph dreamed a dream..."

Like Joseph, Fantine in Les Miserables too had a dream.   Joseph's dream came to pass in a colourful way as he found himself elevated to be the Prime Minister of Egypt in the later years.  Unlike Joseph, Fantine's dream were dashed as she sold herself to prostitution to raise monies to save her daughter Corsette. In this snapshot song:

"I dreamed a dream in times gone byWhen hope was highAnd life worth livingI dreamed that love would never dieI dreamed that God would be forgivingBut the tigers come at nightWith their voices soft as thunderI had a dream my life would beSo different from this hell I'm livingSo different now from what it seemedNow life has killedThe dream I dreamed."

This 2012 closed with me watching this movie Les Miserables at the cinema with a group of friends at Vivocity on 31/12/2012 at 9:15pm  Movie ended just minutes before the fireworks and crossover to 2013.

Les Miz - the true meaning is miserable ones.

Reflections of a motherhen
I watched this musical live when they performed in S'pore in the 1980s.  It was a beautiful musical - so rich in its contents of grace, mercy, love , forgiveness, dream and hope. Martyrs and battles fought in the world of prevalent social injustice. The law and the spirit.

Can I accept the horrific 10 over years of imprisonment of one who stole a loaf of bread to feed a starving person? Can I comprehend the agony of those ladies who sold their lives to the tigers to bring up their own children? Can I appreciate the fighting spirit of those young men at the barricades - looking towards a hope in the future where restoration of justice would take place in the government?

2012 had just gone by in a twinkling of another eye. It was a year of many unprecedented upheavals in politics.  The temperature of the red dot has indeed gone sky high. What is the Singapore Dream that many aspire to dream? Has it been killed already?

To me, HOPE is an important antidote to the death of any dreams killed. If any of your dreams had been slaughtered, take heart - remember HOPE.  Hope does not disappoint.

I am reminded of the short book Titus

1. God's Truthful Character

Titus 1:2In hope of eternal life, which God, that cannot lie, promised before the world began;

2. God's coming again 

Titus 2:13 Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;

3. God's justification and our inheritance 

Titus 3:7 That being justified by his grace, we should be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life.

So whatever hell that anyone may be struggling throught, we thank God that we can always look to the Promise-Keeper, His Promissory Note to us and the eternal redemptive Promise this year end and with a heart of thanksgiving - we can all either stay unhappy or miserable or to rise up and remain joyful at all seasons and times! Make the right choice! Like Valjean, we who were once sinners were also given a new lease of life when we plead with God for mercy. Jesus died so that we can live and be heirs to His kingdom.

Truth and light prevails. Press in and on towards 2013. God does not always give us a bed of roses. But He promises that His faithfulness is new every morning. He also promises us that His grace is sufficient for us all! And yes, love never dies.

Watch this: God is Love

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