Saturday, January 26, 2013

20130115:Amos 1 : The great M8 earthquake in Hazor

Amos 1:1 "The words of Amos, who was among the sheepbreeders of Tekoa, which he saw concerning Israel in the days of Uzziah king of Judah, and in the days of Jeroboam the son of Joash, king of Israel, two years before the earthquake"

I am often called an earthquake chaser (besides chasing after rainbows!). In my phone - i have downloaded an earthquake apps where I tracked the frequency and the magnitude of earthquakes.

In the beginning of Amos Chapter 1, he mentioned about an earthquake in around 8th century.  Archaelogists have dug and are still digging this place in Hazor. Is it true? No doubt about the findings.

This place is now also a UNESCO heritage site. What lessons do we learn from this? Well Amos is only a rather short 9-chapter book. But its first 2 opening chapters - fire came down for 8 places with the repeated "For three transgression of the XXX, and for four". Burnt!

Recently about 2 months ago (around Nov 2012) my friend's flat was burnt quite badly in a fire. The photos I saw of what it remained were scary - full of soot and melted fans. By the grace of God, she was unhurt except for being admitted in ICU for a couple of days due to extreme inhalation of the smoke.  This was just a apartment - what more can we imagine the whole city burnt by the Lord?

The Lord can and will smite - when the unrepentant continues their way. The earth shaking - is nothing new under the sun as He tries to gather humans attention to something beyond the human control. Yahweh is Love. Yet He is also consuming fire. Amos 4:13 "The LORD, The God of hosts is his name" ! Jehovah Sabboath.

In Amos 5 : "Seek the LORD and you shall live"..repeated 3 x. here is a song Consuming Fire - a reminder for oneself to "do right " (Amos 3:10 in order to avoid his judgments to come...."To hate evil and love the good and establish judgement on the gate; it may be the LORD God of hosts will be gracious unto the remnant of Joseph" Amos 5:15

Will  God gave us up? Why not? In Rom 1:18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men , who hold the truth in unrighteousness"
Ungodiness ? Unrighteousness? - Recently we have seen a spate of such opening of gates as in Bromptom Gate, City Harvest Gate, Oral Gate, Aim Gate ,  Pink Gate - it is like a drama being unfolded with exciting stories and sequels to follow? Amos 5:15 talks about establishment of judgement on the gate. So help us Lord  to bring justice on these gates !

Sad indeed. God will and can give up on those to uncleaness through the lust of their own hearts...(Rom 1:24, 26, 28) When that time comes where He gives up on the humans who chose not to live  and depart from Him - that is a GOODBYE my friend.   Human rights? Sure, you got it! Freedom to choose. The choice is yours to take. Choose wisely.

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