Tuesday, June 25, 2013

20120625: PSI? Clouds! Rev1:7 Behold he comes with clouds! What is your PSI?

Rev 1:7 
Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.

Haze Down!
For the past one week,  little red dot was under a haze invasion from fires started in Sumatra. By 21/6/2013, our PSI reading was a high hit of 401! But on Sunday, Muar in Johor was badly hit of above 700! Red dot was ok by then but apparently the winds shifted northwards.

Just realised the importance of CLOUDS. You see, the planes and the salt were ready to create artificial rain in Indonesia. But what was needed was still some clouds for the seeding to work. And there were no clouds.

Do you remember the story of Elijah in 1 King 18? Elijah called his servant Ahab to look towards the sea 7 times at top of Mount Carmel? At the 7th time Ahab reported " Behold there arise a little cloud out of the sea, like a man's hand" The rest was history. The miracle of rain came down on the land of Samaria which was having a great famine.

The Word of God has more than 140 references to cloud and clouds. 

  1. Covering of  His protection and guidance (Ex13:21 - How the Lord led them by day in the pillar of cloud)
  2. Covering of His glory -clouds and His presence comes together
  3. Covenant of promise of His bow in the cloud (remember Ps105)
  4. His second Coming - in the clouds
Haste Up!
Many had experienced the bad burnt smell , smiting eyes of the recent smog.  Windows and doors had to be closed as all were encouraged to stay indoors. For the clean air that we used to take for granted, pray that many will be now awaken. The song we sing "This is the air I breathe" now seem more meaningful after this haze hopefully. Our very lungs - the processor of the air we breathe in and out every second, our one and only beating heart that will determine when our last breath would be. Give thanks. Free air? 

Came across this young man you-tube, Zach who had cancer and just passed on last month 23/5/2013.  Only 18. He wrote this interesting song "Clouds".The amazing thing about Zach's last days here on earth is that he lived them to the fullest and realizes that "You don't need to know you're dying to start living"

So what is your PSI reading?
No, not referring to the POLLUTANTS Standard Index.
Someone shared this acronym " Prayer Strength Index" last sunday.
Thought it was so apt.  The world frowns when the world PSI is high.
However, pray that our spiritual PSI will always remain high and not low on the contrary. 
May our prayer incense rise up to the clouds , reaching the heavens - the throne of God, 24/7.
Not about attending a prayer meeting just for the prayers in a corporate united manner.
But about knowing who He is.  He in us and we with Him. That our thoughts will always embrace His ever-present presence every moment of our life while on this earth. 
Our PSI reading - should not be measured on a 24 hourly manner or based on a 3Hour average.  Keep it high every moment, every second!
Thank You Lord, for giving us clear skies and hearing our cries last week. 
Thanks for asking the angels to shift the winds. But please Lord, spare the Muartians now:(

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