Thursday, June 20, 2013

20130619: Omniscient : Prov 15:3 " The eyes of the Lord are everywhere"

Prov 15:3 "The eyes of the LORD are everywhere, keeping watch on the wicked and the good"

Few days ago I mentioned from Jer7:11 that the LORD is watching.

Today the haze condition in red dot had worsened to above the hazardous range of above 290 tonight.  Yes, it is real bad. I opened the glass doors and stuck my head out - my eyes started to smite. The whole outdoors smelled like burnt offerings - worst that the Chinese month of the XXXX.

Thanks to the Sumatra workers who continued to slash and burn their plantations. 

Precious eyes.
We don't know how to treasure them until we start to see the blurry environment around us.
We realized how important for us to be able to open our eye lids without feeling the biting air.
Thank God for giving us eyes - the vision to see.
Yet, many times in the bible, the Lord talks about those who have eyes and yet do not see?
See what?
The spiritual eyes that are able to see and reflect upon the physical vs the spiritual.

The sudden haze that had come upon this land is not the cloud of glory.  It is the counterfeit.
But it had affected ALL people from ALL walks of life - both the wicked as well as the good.
Just as the Lord brings rain on both the good and evil.

Can you imagine that our God too has eyes? Eyes that are everywhere? Keeping watch 24/7? But human eyes require about 6-8 hours of closure each day! But not God!

We are all subject to His watch all the time. For the things we have done or not done, in private as well as public. Few days ago, the NSA Prism project was revealed - we are living in a rather scary age where security / gov officers can peeped into our emails, wat apps and many other form of electronic messaging stuff. Yes, indeed we are being watched , not just by God but by fellow citizens or others.

Let us look through eyes of love!

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