Thursday, August 8, 2013

20130808 : "Physical Church Buildings #2" House of Prayer vs Holy Mountain?

Song Chorus " So here in the night , we long for the day,
 Bright and Morningstar arise
A new day dawning and the King will come
He will take His place, He will dwell among us
When He comes in the clouds, the redeemed will cry out
Singing "Worthy is the Lamb"

Little red dot is a very unique place on this planet earth.
It was only recently that I started to dwell on the issue of physical homes and of course church physical buildings now that the church I am in is in the critical stage of such a decision.

Our little 700 sq km land boasts of houses and apartments that easily cost hundredths of thousands to millions. It is kind of like the sectional demarcation of where you stay in the movie "In Time" The ghettos heartlanders vs the elite rich and famous .  Life is measured in hours and one is paid in crediting hours to your life. And life literally ticked away in seconds. Once time is up and expired - you just drop dead. Others had too much time on their hands and found life meaningless. Interesting movie to watch.  A small granny HDB flat whom my collleague bought last year cost S$170k whereas 5 years back it was only $90k for the 45sqm dwelling. Now singles are eligible to buy for less than $70k for a 35sqm one with 99 years lease compared to granny's of only 30 years. Cos we dun expect grannies in their 60s, 70s or 80s to last till above a century..right?  and somewhere south of red dot, homes in the seafront can easily cost above $30mio!

A late friend who passed on in 1990s once bought a leasehold condo with 99 year lease. But shortly after that she contracted cancer. Being a single mum with her daughter then was only about 9 or 10, she decided to prepare for her death . She bought herself a little ash niche and she laughed citing that it was a real mockery as it has a lease of 999 years - much more than her condo! This is really  between the living and the dead. She was certainly a rare breed of woman as she was treated with shock by the Singapore Casket attendee when she walked in to select her own coffin!

So like another friend now in her 80s who shared her real life story joke - she once stayed in a big landed house, downsize to a 5 room HDB, then further to a granny flat few years back.  And she commented that the physical house she stayed in grew from big to small and all to soon - just a 6x1 feet box! Oh what a humorous old lady! But how true as we leave this earth in this manner. (Except for the Muslims - they don't even need a box I think - just cloth to wrap and bury before sundown..not sure...)

Well, here in this red dot, majority of land is not freehold or 999 leasehold. In fact many are 99 years or less for residential and for commercial or industrial  - usually 60 or 30 years lease. Perhaps we have no choice as land utilisation is a major concern . More so we are welcoming 6.9mio human beans to stay here in the next 30 years. So likewise, the church premises that we are now in has no more than 49 years lease.  Not really a surprise.

Singaporeans are quite a millionaire.  With 70% of our population staying in HDB and with flats now hitting $500k and above even for a 4-5 roomer, we are already half millionaires.  Our ministers here are paid in millions in salary - whereas the head of states in many other bigger nations are paid less than USD300k pa. We are a unique nation - small but quite "mighty in the monetary".  So perhaps looking at a building project that cost above S$4x,xxx,xxx/- is now seemingly relatively small . Peanuts?  We have 2 mega churches now here in this red dot that boast of big buildings (cost in $xxx,xxx,xxx/-) - with the concept of dual purpose utility - for commercial use as entertainment venues for events or gigs. (afterall, the premises are usually blocked booked for mainly their weekend worship services and un-utilised on 5 other week nights mainly)

This subject made me think and reflect on what church is or what church is not. To build a physical church building or not to house the church members or guests is perhaps a separate issue here. As I am not against building church buildings per se.

But my thoughts are streaming.  We cannot help this , can we? Chinese people , Taoists and buddhists have their temples (only latter has the josssticks but not the former, budhists require literal burnt offerings in all kinds of paper form of credit cards , cars, clothes, hell notes and food offerings etc - first offered and then brought home for self consumption....).  Muslims have their mosques.  (But all the muslims can hop in to any mosque at their nearest location on the fridays to kneel and face Mecca to pray) The Tamils have their uniquely colourful temples with colourful painted gods - something one cannot miss if one walk past) So Christians? Buildings with a cross on their roofs. Kind of interesting that we do not use the term temples like the days of old - perhaps of the connotation or association with the chinese traditional temple meanings here.  When in fact, the bible uses the term temples, house , tabernacle etc more often.

Some thots
For me this is a great paradigm shift. What or Who are we worshipping?   Where are we to 'worship" When are we suppose to "worship" How are we to 'worship" or "What do we bring as offering of worship" ? Once again - Who we are? Why are we born? Where are we going after we die? And WHO GOD is.

Interesting scriptures - last days...

In the last days the mountain of the LORD's temple will be established as the highest of the mountains; it will be exalted above the hills, and all nations will stream to it.
Isaiah 2:3
Many peoples will come and say, "Come, let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the temple of the God of Jacob. He will teach us his ways, so that we may walk in his paths." The law will go out from Zion, the word of the LORD from Jerusalem.

His House of Prayer?
In 3 gospels, Matt . Mark and luke mentioned about His House being a house of prayer" Luke 19:46
"It is written," he said to them, "'My house will be a house of prayer'; but you have made it 'a den of robbers.'"

Many current church premises held "Combined corporate" prayer meetings only once a month. The rest are among small cell groups etc. And when that corporate prayer is slotted in for that week, the joke is that many cell groups decided to take a "breather or break' from their weekly fellowship. Cos for some the cell gathering has become a drag -  the precious day of break is so welcomed. What can be so joyful to be in the house of prayer in its place?  We have recently been blessed with a church in city centre that opens its doors 24/7 from 6:30 - 8:30 am.  The effort put in by united local churches 'rostered" to host / anchor daily.  It is a good initiative indeed to unite different denominations of churches and para-org to this.  The Korean church is famous for this morning prayers attended by the thousands. But can red dot do this? The average attendance is xx people. Personally I think it is tough cos personal relationship with God for many is already shallow, let alone the corporate gathering for such a time like this in a morning too. . So my next question is physical "House of Prayer for all nations" - is it possible? The answer lies in the questions earlier in the paradigm shift.

My personal view is that I don't believe God is even looking for that physical centre of premises where people gather to pray.  He is ushering in a house of living stones where He is the chief cornerstone.  I have been attending the morning prayer since last Aug2012 since it first started.  Personal confessions of a spirit that is willing but flesh being weak as much as I wanted to make it a personal goal of even once a week affair failed miserably. Let alone the 'holy thot' of attempting at least twice and increase intensity to perhaps thrice a week! LOL. Thinking that because Jesus got up in the morning to pray - so must I . Being a nite owl which I am wired as such - this is most uphill task for me. Perhaps as I aged and need less sleep,  I will become more like Jesus and able to get up earlier! Ha Ha.   Nevertheless , this morning gathering place is a push factor for me and I must say that it has been very uplifting time on days I do make it.  It is like going for a marathon - sometimes we need a pacer beside us - just to nudge us along else it is so easy to slow down and then walk off the road marked ahead of us in this journey.

Our bodies host the temple of the living God once we invited Him into our hearts. Like the Samaritan woman at the well, we worship Him in Spirit and in truth. Prayers that I used to be discipled in during my younger days took a different perspective and paradigm shift now. I can pray with eyes open or shut. I can pray with words or without. I can choose to pray in tongues or in my own choice of English, Mandarin or Teochew (which I find it so funny to do so - I have lost my teochew ah nia roots)  I can pray alone or in groups. I can converse with the Lord anytime - anywhere - anyhow.1 Timothy 2:8 I will therefore that men pray every where, lifting up holy hands, …Because He knows me and I know Him.

His Holy Mountain?
Going back to Is 2. 
Where is the Lord's temple??? Where is Mount Zion? 
I found this extract which had a good summary with lots of golden nuggets to chew on. Those in red struck me a lot..
Treasury of Scripture Knowledge
Even them will I bring to my holy mountain, and make them joyful in my house of prayer: their burnt offerings and their sacrifices shall be accepted on my altar; for my house shall be called an house of prayer for all people.
then will
their burnt
for mine

Final Reflections
At the end of the day, to build or not to build a physical church is not all that matters. If God wants a physical place for His children to gather in fellowship and worship once a week - why not? I am not against building of physical structures per se. But the sharing of a correct view point of who He is to my pre-believing loved ones and friends whom I know had a pre-concieved idea of what "church" is as the physical premises.  Just as temples to Buddhist, mosques to Muslims etc. Going to the building with beautiful stained glass or a cross on top of the roof does not make one a Christian or believer.  It is all about repentance and humility/ contriteness in spirit  that we need a Saviour who can save us from fiery eternal Hell. It is about knowing Him personally. And acknowledging that He holds the stopwatch on our hands. We cannot press it - He does and knows when we are to expire. In His Time.

We are called the "Church of Our Saviour" The Saviour's Church. What exactly do we mean? 
The fact that the building authorities required the meeting of plot ratio or cars humans ratio is something that we have no choice by to comply. But having said that to move ahead with total demolition at S$4x,xxx,xxx/- cost perhaps require further evaluation? And at the rate of COEs for cars hitting $70k yesterday - we may find less people driving soon when their 10 year old cars 'expire". LOL. When we drink - dont' drive..when we build , don't drive too!. ha Ha.

Perhaps God has impressed upon us that while when we see the sign of the temple being rebuild as a note to His second coming, the fact to rebuild our own little local place of 'worship' is nothing compared to the coming rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem.  We look at the big picture of greater things to come. Yes the New Jerusalem. The Heavenly city above. The topic of rapture often captivates me. But it is not important as to when or which theory one subscribes to - be it pre/ mid or post tribulation. If wrath is to come, can we escape? Can we remain faithful to the end?  The Day of the Lord comes as a thief. We shall remain watchful and prayerful. I take comfort that not one of our hair shall perish in Luke 21 when disciples asked about the sign of times.  Kind of affirmation in Isaiah 11 - as we remained as the called out ones standing firm till the end.

They will neither harm nor destroy on all my holy mountain, for the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the LORD as the waters cover the sea.

May we continue to seek Him continually.  Looking at the unseen rather than the seen. The spiritual side of things rather than the physical. God is Spirit.  Until we are there above , for now, we cannot see Him face to face. How would Jesus and His Father look? That is most interesting to know when the time comes.

Isaiah 66 The last chapter brings a climax. It is about the redeemed ones.
Is66:1 "The heaven is my throne and the earth is my footstool: where is the house that you build unto me? and where is the place of my rest?"
V2 "..but to this man will I look, even to him that is poor and of a contrite spirit and trembles at my word"
V20" And they shall bring all your brethren for an offering unto the LORD our of all nations upon horses, and in chariots, and in litters and upon mules and upon swift beasts, to my holy mountain Jerusalem, says the LoRD , as children of Israel bring an offering in a clean vessel into the house of the LORD"
V21 " And I will take of them for priests and for Levites"
V22 "For as the new heavens and the new earth, which I will make , shall remain before me, says the LORD, so shall your seed and your name remain."
V23 "And it shall come to pass, that from one new moon to another and from one sabbath to another , shall all flesh come to worship before me"

"God has in these last days called out a remnant of Christians to leave “Churchianity” and take a journey through the wilderness. What is He bringing them to? Not to a temple made with hands, but to a house of living stones. Not to the Jerusalem that is below, but to the Jerusalem that is above: the New Jerusalem, the Heavenly City, whose builder and maker is God. It is a “Church in the Wilderness” – not a building, but a body of people in transition between the religious system and the spiritual fulfillment of God’s original intention for theEkklesia." - Chip Brogden

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