Friday, August 23, 2013

20130823 :Rev10:1 " Physical Church vs Presence Christ"

(Photo taken 23/8/2013 - 5:16am @ living room -Home)

Rev 10:1"And I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud; and a rainbow was upon his head, and his face was as it were the sun and his feet as pillars of fire"

I was awoken up at about 5am early this morning. Decided to make a kopi and roti -BREAKing a FAST...nah - breakfast early :) and decided to continue reading this book recently bought "The Teflon Rhino" by Bill Wilson - founder of Metro Ministries.

As I was about to start reading, suddenly I caught 4 little rainbows just opposite of me - appeared in my TV screen. LOL.  I was captivated - amused.  Decided to toy with the angle of the light from the lamp.  You can only see the rainbow when the light is directly shining 180 degrees. 

Well, the kid in me toyed further with the flash light from John's i-phone and so I caught some more "rainbows"! Varying the distance from the screen created different brightness and shades of the bows!

The 2 rainbows verses in Rev came to my mind. Besides Rev 10:1 above, the other rainbow was found in Rev 4:3: "And he that sat was to look upon like a jasper and a sardine stone; and there was a rainbow round about the throne, in sight like an emerald"

Do you know that there are 2 more rainbow verses found in the bible? They are found in book of Genesis. So in total 4 : - 2 in the beginning (reminding us of the Lord's covenant as a sign in the rainbow) and 2 at the end in Revelation (reminding us of the glory around Him and His throne)

Chapter 12 of this book "STAY IN THE HOUSE"
I was at this chapter when I caught the glimpse of this 4 rainbow in front of me.
Can you imagine that for more than 22 years staying in this home, I had not noticed this phenomenal ? 

But it has always been there - just that I was not even aware that rainbows can be created from the lamp in this manner via the TV screen. LOL! A sudden appreciation of Rev 10:1 dawned upon me.  That bright light to me was like His face.  No one could see His face even as Moses had begged in the mountains asking the Lord to show him His glory.

My tiny brainhead had always imagined the rainbow in semi arc. Never had I imagine that it  could appear in 4 spokes like this.  The accumulation or sum of spokes can easily make up the full circle of the rainbow around the bright spark.  What a revelation! After 22 years in this house.

Perhaps the brief synopsis of this particular chapter sums it all so well.  My early 2 blogs on physical church buildings.

Extract: (P163-164)
"Father's house - the source of inspiration for all the biblical rights and for men and women throughout the history of christianity.  David often spoke of the love he had for the house of God.

Lord , I have loved the habitation of thy house, and the place where thine honour dwelleth. - Psalm 26:8

One thing have I desired of the LORD , that I will seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the LORD, and to enquire in his temple. - Psalm 27:4

The house that David so passionately speaks of is not to be confused with heaven or with church.  It is not a place reserved for those after they die and it is not a building that we go to on Sundays.  The depth of David's love was reserved for the house that represented the Father's Presence.  In other words when you are under the umbrella of His house, you are under the protection of His presence.  There is no greater place in the world.  It is not a physical place located on some holy ground.  It is not a sacred place like Lourdes, or Fatima or even Jerusalem.  It is not a place that you go to visit.

The house that David spoke of was the house of His presence - the presence sought by all of God's great leaders.

It is not a place that we visit.  David talked about the dwelling in the presence, taking up residence in the place where God's presence is manifest.  It is not simply attending church on Sunday, enjoying worship and hearing a good sermon.  That is not what David was talking about.

He was talking about staying in the house.

He was implying that there is a place where were called to live.  It is our place of residence, not our vacation home.  It is our life, not our recreation.  It is our pursuit, not our hobby.  It is not a 9 to 5 job.  It is the totality of our life.

It's a lifestyle, my friend.  You dwell there.  You live there.  You desire nothing else, because you know that the presence changes you, motivates you , enlivens you, protects you, encourages you inspires you.  My life is better when I'm in the house. I deal with things better when I'm in the house.

In His house , He prepares a table for us in the presence of our enemies.  He is the Master Chef, and His meals are like nothing you have ever had before - enchanting appetizers, delectable cuisine, and delightful desserts. While you are feasting at the table of the Lord, your enemies look on you in disgust"

My thots:
A very interesting thot prokoking book. Recommended reading. Only 13 chapters and I have come to this Chapter 12 at the perfect date and time to have my lights turned on to a fresh revelation of that verse in Revelation 10:1...after 22 years living in the physical house only to realise the rainbow was present all this while even without my knowledge.
A debate between my Father and I regarding the issue of churchianity of today .  And the Lord spoke in a still quiet voice this morning in the living room as I behold the beauty of that rainbow in front of me.

Which "PC" do I want? Not the Apple Mac or the IBM laptop PCs.  Get wired to the main server - Christ.  There is no need of any cable.  Not simply going to a physical church premise to top up . His connection is forever wireless. His broadband speed is a wide and fast as it can be - only condition is that we tap in. His download is limitless and free.  It is really up to us.  Seek His presence. Christ's Presence. STAY IN THE HOUSE:)

How to get connected?
Only a one time application! Jesus has already paid that start up connection fee for us.  With His blood shed on the cross for our sins.  Like the provider SingTel - Acknowledge that we had SIN. Then Sing His praises and Tell of His wonderful good news to others who had not got connected. Or perhaps you prefer StarHub. That is fine too. Remember the Star of David, the little baby born 2000 + ago.  Stay connected to His Hub of life - He who died years ago and rose again from the dead after 3 days. Jesus is alive! And He has sent His Holy Spirit to us all - 24/7, 365 days.....

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