Tuesday, January 7, 2014

20130101- Crossing from 2013 to 2014 Under the Saareiselka fireworks in Finland!

 Our New 2014 was spent in Saariselka, Finland.
We started out from our lodge at about 11pm to Santa Hotel......

The laser lights captured the falling snow flakes....

Only a handful of people were gathered at the hotel activity area...
While we were making our way there, many little booms were heard all over too and other flashes of fireworks were seen from where we were!

Above an unusual shot...of an 'invisible' man...V seemed to be spirited away...wonder what did his camera did to him in the apperture exposure! LOL!

At 12 sharp, the fireworks began and it lasted for 8 min! What an awesome feeling to be right under the fireworks!

 And after that we went into a teepee to have some drinks/ whisky!

That ended the trip for the 4 of us....although no northern light sighting after 5 nights, our disappointment was 'compensated' through the company of each other...new friend Iris (found out that she was my really junior in Accountancy in NUS...time flies...!) ...the many "FIRSTs" experiences we all had... freezing cold, snowman, reindeers, snowmobiles...the laughs and the laughters over the bloops and blunders...lost longjons and keys for the 2 men...the cooking and the cleaning...a trip that was almost impossible for V except by the grace of God....hurdles were cleared in the end and we did have a jolly good time in the land of reindeers and darkness.  An overall experience that we will not forget...

We hardly see the sunlight. This is winter. ....
And we now wonder what it would be light in summer...too bright to sleep?? Umm....watch the "Frozen" trailer..kind of summarizes what we had gone through in the cold!...and yes, weird weather this time with temp going as low as minus 50 degrees in NW America right now! Oh Boy! No wonder the movie "Frozen" is now launched...living to its blockbuster name! LOL

Interestingly, ANGRY BIRD souvenirs were all over this country...wonder why.........
They even had an ANGRY BIRD PARK beside the hotel!  And this is a perfect shot of the angry bird pose - the elastic and the ball....what was your score? Have a go at this game..and dun miss the shot! Yeah!

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20250305: Exodus 20:3 Whom shall we worship?

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