Friday, April 4, 2014

20140401-Gen1:11:The Grass The Herb The Seed & The Fruit Tree -->IN A PLANTER BOX? ABC!

31/3/2014 :At HDB Mall -This is a raddish grown in a recycled bottle !
Gen1:11 And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so.

Attended this workshop on 31/3/2014! Met this family James, Mary and Alvin who started this  veg growing for S'poreans who wanted to try a hand at growing 'organic home grown veg' right in our very own highrise HDB apt in a land scarce red dot!

They had been experimenting this for the last 3 years and now came out with this 'concoction"! Pretty cool I must say.

Their special container kit- 2 layer detachable with tap to drain excess water (S$20). Top box has 9 holes at the bottom. The bottom layer serves as catchment of excess water and the water can be recycled for watering. It is air tight and hence prevents mozzies breeding :)


1 ADD & ALLOCATE SOIL - 1/3 rule
All one needs is to buy 2 bags of soil and a few earthworms to start the growing!
Apportion the soil area into 3 parts and leave the 1/3 for the compose making while the other 2/3 for growing whatever.

2. BIODEGRADABLE food leftovers as fertilizers!
Use the veg/ fruit leftovers and add them a spoonful or two each to the 1/3 soil section every once or twice a week or more.  The earthworms will crawl its way there to eat and accelerate the decomposition process! Can do without the earthworms but with them the decomposition is much faster than without! Also the earthworms help to loosen the soil...

NEVER add too much as it will smell ....add in small portions...and with this, there is no longer a need to keep buying soil anymore!

 For me, I bought a cherry tomato (Japan) -S$10 and a lady's finger's plant! James placed them at two corners in the planter box to avoid overcrowding.  I came home and put in a romania lettuce stub at the other corner to experiment if the lettuce would grow! (from an email which was forwarded to me not to throw away such stubs as they would actually grow in water!....time will tell if it is workable in soil ! LOL)
Cherry tomatoLady Fingers...

3. CULTIVATE WITH sunshine and water daily!

Water them daily and keep the area moist for the earthworms and preferably cover it with another pot above so that the worms would feel more at home when it is dark and moist:)...Apparently the veg will absorb its nutrients from that corner...Simple as ABC!

Speak to your plants I would encourage with love language. Ha Ha Ha...Remember my Bread experiment :) Curse words are a nononono NO......


I guess the nutshell theory is as such...for those with landed earthly homes, the sky is the limit for any vegetation! But right soil type and condition is critical.
Some veg are more easy to grow eg, lettuce, ladies fingers, raddish, herbs..but there are some that are not too suitable such as carrots, big tomatoes just to name a few...
This planter box is already 3 years old!

Have you ever wondered why a type of seed beget that type of fruit bearing tree or plant? Plant strawberries and we would expect to get strawberries right? And garlic would continue to give its distinctive aroma flavour and onions would make one cry as one peels off it layers after layers.  The wonder of Creation.

Wonder why was the banana existed in its shape and manner? Watch this and have a laugh..

Ray Comfort :
"It's my theory of where the soda can may have come from. Billions of years ago, there was a big bang in space. Nobody knows what caused the big bang, it just happened. And from this bang issued this huge rock, on top of the rock was found a sweet, brown bubbly substance. And over millions of years, aluminum crept up the side, formed itself with a can and a lid and then a tab. And then millions of years later, red paint, blue paint, white paint fell from the sky and formed itself into the words '12 fluid ounces - Do not litter'."
"You're saying, 'What are you doing, you're insulting my intellect' - and so I am. Because we know, if the can is made there must be a maker. If it's designed there must be a designer. To believe the soda can happened by chance is to move into an intellectual-free zone... is to have an echo when you think... is to have brain liposuction"
"Behold, the atheists' nightmare. Now if you study a well-made banana, you'll find, on the far side, there are 3 ridges. On the close side, two ridges. If you get your hand ready to grip a banana, you'll find on the far side there are three grooves, on the close side, two grooves. The banana and the hand are perfectly made, one for the other. You'll find the maker of the banana, Almighty God, has made it with a non-slip surface. It has outward indicators of inward contents - green, too early - yellow, just right - black, too late. Now if you go to the top of the banana, you'll find, as with the soda can makers have placed a tab at the top, so God has placed a tab at the top. When you pull the tab, the contents don't squirt in your face. You'll find a wrapper which is biodegradable, has perforations. Notice how gracefully it sits over the human hand. Notice it has a point at the top for ease of entry. It's just the right shape for the human mouth. It's chewy, easy to digest and its even curved toward the face to make the whole process so much easier. 

Personally I am not one with green fingers. In fact all my plants tend to dry up and I would need to send back to my sister who is a "plant doctor".  She is able to rejuvenate all my dying plants back to its pretty pink of health and even cause them to reproduce even more!

I am not sure if my veg experiment would yield fruit in due season. At the two corners of my balcony are several disgusting never dying weeds.  No matter what I do-   pull them out or pour hot water and even added salt thus far, those weeds always come back alive! Stubbornly strong willed!

This reminded me of the parable of the weeds in Mat 13:24-30 "The field is the world.  The good seed are the children of the kingdom.  The tares are the children of the wicked one" Which ones are we?
EXTRACT FROM :-, we know that the parables of Jesus teach us something about God, his kingdom, and ourselves, so...

What does this parable teach us about God? 

This parable teaches us that God is patient with the world. He waits until the time is right before he sends his angels to reap the harvest and separate the wheat from the weeds (the followers of Jesus from those opposed to him). God is giving people the maximum opportunity to mature into either wheat or weeds.

What does this parable teach us about His Kingdom? 

It tells us that God's kingdom on earth is mixed with 2 types of people - those who follow Jesus and those who are rebelling against him. But... even though the kingdom is mixed now, there will be a time when the weeds are taken out and God's kingdom will only be wheat. There is judgement coming, but at present we can't always tell which ones are wheat and which ones are weeds.

What does this parable teach us about ourselves?

It means that we shouldn't be quick to judge whether someone is a weed or wheat. We should tell people of God's patience and encourage them to choose to be wheat instead of weeds because a time for judgement is coming and then it'll be too late.
Our creative Creator God causes all things to grow. The plants , fruit trees and vegetables are part of his awesome creation. And we human beings are wonderfully and fearfully made in His image. Before we are born, He already knew us. But we are not robots. We love because He first loved us. We are made to decide to love (follow) or not to love (follow) Him .  It is a choice. However, the herbs, veges and fruit trees - they are there for us to EAT them! OH yah! May my cherry tomatoes bloom and lady's fingers sprout so that I can have a good salad feast in due time! Oh Yeah!

Be Wheat and not Tares! Be Fruitful and multiply!

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