Saturday, January 10, 2015

20141022 WDIC#6 Niagara Falls!!

John 7:38 : He that believes on me, as the scripture has said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water"

Lakes Michigan, Superior, Huron, St. Clair and Lake Erie, which drain a large part of the North American continent, all feed the Niagara River.

Once the water flows down the river and passes over the falls it then flows about 23 kilometres (14 miles) north into Lake Ontario to the St. Lawrence River and eventually to the Atlantic Ocean.

Left : American Falls . Right : Canada Horseshoe Falls (The bigger and nicer one!)
Niagara Falls is shaped like a horse shoe and is located partially in the province of Ontario, Canada and partially in the state of New York, USA. At the bottom of the falls, the water travels approximately 15 miles over various gorges on land until it reaches and empties into Lake Ontario that is divided evenly between Canada and the US.

At Table Rock facing the Horsehoe falls for dinner while waiting for the night lights to come on

More facts about this awesome river : Read this...

Standing near to this Horseshoe Falls and watching the green water dropped down to the bottom is an awesome sight to behold.  Those tons of seemingly never ending water!

When John wrote in Chapter 7 Jesus had to secretly attend the Feast of the Tabernacles as many were out to kill him.  And just as anyone would wonder where those great waters came from before falling at the Horseshoe Falls, it was similar that Jesus too talked about His origination which came from His Father. That One and only source.  

It was in this great day of the feast that Jesus stood and cried , saying "If any man thirst , let him come unto me and drink.  He that believes on me,as the scripture has said, out of his belly (Heart) shall flow rivers of living water"

This to me is a glorious invitation.  Man can live without food but man can die without prolonged lapsed of insufficient water. 

Jesus beckons us to simply believes on him. We thirst after Him, not man.
Won't you drink with him?  Once we stay focus on Him - He promised that out of that simple trust, out of our belly or heart, shall flow rivers of living water! Just imagine the Niagara waters!

May our lives be bursting in such abundance of rivers of living water in 2015!

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