Thursday, May 21, 2015

20150312_Desert : Heb 11:38 Pinnacles in Perth

Heb 11:38 ..the world was not worthy of them.  They wandered in deserts and mountains, and in caves and holes in the ground.  V39. These were commanded for their faith yet non of them received what had been promised"

We drove miles and miles up north of Perth just to witness these funny looking jutting out stones or rocks or stumps or columns! No one really know how they came about. LOL

In the midst of such desert land , bloomed some pretty looking desert flowers like the one above.  Well, the bible calls such places as wilderness too.  And how often in the bible did Jesus retreated into such a desert place to meet with his Father.  His protected solitude.  His sanctuary of rest.  His treasured spa of rejuvenation.  

Hebrews 11 Chapter Hall of Faith for many men and women.  Yes, many wandered in deserts alright.  Yet none of them received what had been promised.  They were all commended for their faith.  Faith defined as being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.  Such is FAITH.  Forsaking All I Trust Thee.

Oh what did some of them go through? Tortured.  Jeerred. Flogged.  Chained.  Prisoned.  Stoned.  Swed into two.  Killed by the sword.  Wore sheepskins and goatskins.  Destituted.  Persecuted.  Mistreated.  

Oh what did some conquer? Kingdoms.  Shut the mouths of lions.  Quenched the fiery flames.  escaped the sword.  Powerful in battle. Routed foreign armies.  Women received back their dead!

Desert Period in your life?
We need deserts in our lives.  Not just desserts at the end of our meals. But the real main course too.
It is the place and time where we can start to hear His voice.
It is also the test of our life - either we make it or break it.

So we will always remember at the end of this awesome Hebrews 11 Faith chapter V40 (remember the 40 days of wilderness of Jesus? ) "God had planned something better for us so that only together with us would they be made perfect"

Would we partner with Him? Stand firm in our faith even during the desert where no main meal seemed to be awaiting for us.  We longed for the yummy cooling dessert in our thirst and dream of all the oasis set before us. Hang in there and make it through!  There will always be a Desert Song of praise unto Him.  Sing it out!

After the Desert....lobster main course!
Star gazing....

 .......and to the Top of this tower..
what an awesome aerial view...after the Desert experience!

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