Saturday, July 25, 2015

20150725-Seek His Face -Late David Wilkerson

Ps 27:7 "My heart tells me to pray to you, and I do pray to you O Lord" [KJV]

In my previous blog on what happened 17 years ago, I chose the verse Ps27:7 from the NIV version which says " My heart says of you "Seek His face ! Your face , LORD, I will seek"

Kind of interesting in the different versions. One says seek the other says pray.

Whatever it was, while I was searching for an appropriate song on "Seek His Face" for the previous blog (Which is quite often for me to load up a nice song in blog for the similar topic), I found none.  Nevertheless, my eye caught this late David Wilkerson's sermon on "Seek His Face". It was about 40 min long so I just happened to listen to it tonight about about 10:30pm.

To my surprise, what I had blog earlier came hitting hard with similiar sharing by late David.  Coincidence once again? Well, it resonated in my heart with those terms of seeking His face, Facebook and technology that steal the time away from our Lord.

The sermon perhaps was one of the last sermon preached by this 79 year David Wilkerson at that time. He passed away in  in a car accident.

[May 19, 1931 – April 27, 2011]

A very good hear . Only 40 Min.  May the Lord stir the burden in our hearts once again to SEEK HIS FACE and to PRAY to HIM ! Oh what a sermon! Be Blessed! 

Leonard Ravenhill (late David's good pal's quote " Preachers don't pray"....regarding revival :)

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