Tuesday, August 4, 2015

20150802: The LRT & TNT Rule of Christian Living : Controversies?

1 Cor 10:23-25 "Everything is permissible", but not everything is beneficial. "Everything is permissible" but not everything is constructive.  Nobody should see his own good but the good of others

The last 2 sunday sermons in church seemed to have ruffled some feathers.  Topics relating to prophesies, prophesying and what a believer believes - what is right and what is not. Questions that sometimes create a tension in the mind - should one do this or should not do? Where does one draw the line - albeit at times the line seems thin? Pertinent questions like participation in the usage of accupuncture, practice of yoga, martial arts , tattoo of all kinds, holding joss-sticks, eating of foods offered to idols (especially in our chinese culture) etc.

The bible is not a book that gives a list of dos and dont's in a straightforward manner in certain areas.  Else life would be easy , wouldn't it? Worth noting is that the Bible has stood firm over the years, crossing cultures (be wise in handling the so-called issues of roots due to the lack of knowledge and understanding) and generations.  So one has to understand that whilst cultures and generations might change, the moral attributes of the Word does not. 

However, there are some general guiding principals embedded in this Book  where every child of God can harness from.  Afterall, we are not made of robots but unique humans with free will as given by our Creator God. 

One of my favourite verses is that in 1 Cor 10:23 above.

I remember this acronym years ago ; The Dynamite Rule of TNT in our manner of conversation with one another. 
To avoid any explosives in the conversation, we apply this rule:-
T - Timely  {Is it timely?}

N - Neccessary {Is it necessary?}
T - Truth {Is it the truth?}
As long as we meet this 3 criteria - then we go ahead to speak it out. Else...KIV!

Hence likewise with regard to grey areas in our pligrimage on this earth, perhaps we can think of this acronym LRT instead!

L - Liberty ( Do we have the liberty or freedom within the authority given?)
R - Responsibility ( Do we exercise the responsibility to consider the good of others first instead ourselves? And not to stumble the weaker one?)
T - Testimony (What kind of testimony we intend to present to the others when we decide on the action taken?)

Thereafter in answering this simple questions, we hop on the train and move on this journey forward.

Reflections At the end of the day, we learn to be considerate at all times. Where the bible is silent or grey in such areas, we will have to be mindful we do not stumble others most importantly.  We avoid judging others in their actions. At times, we learn to be like Paul - surrendering our own rights for the sake of others.  

1 Cor 10:23-25 "Everything is permissible", but not everything is beneficial. "Everything is permissible" but not everything is constructive.  Nobody should see his own good but the good of others

Gal 5:1 "For freedom Christ has set us free.  Stand firm, then, and do not be subject again to the yoke of slavery"

Col 2:6 " Therefore , just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him"

Col 2:8 "Be careful not to allow anyone to captivate you through an empty, deceitful philosophy, that is according to human traditions and the elementary spirits of the world, and not according to Christ"

Taking the LRT? Let Go! Let God! Let's go!

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