Monday, December 14, 2015

20151213: LIFI vs WIFI? Gen 1 & Rev 21

Technology is bringing much revelation to what we understand from the Bible indeed.
WIFI is commercially known only around 1999.  Though its invention was much way earlier .It is still much a local area network technology.  But now -LIFI is going to be the next in thing wave!

Li-Fi (Light Fidelity) is a bidirectional, high speed and fully networked wireless communication technology similar to Wi-Fi. Coined by Prof. Harald Haas, 

This latest LIFI thing (100x faster than WIFI, recorded in 2011 TED) - brings the bible alive and allows us to appreciate the mind of our creator God.
Remember it was first in Gen 1 - Let there be light declaration by God
Then in the last book Rev 21 : 22-26 John wrote" I did not see a temple in the city because the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are its temple and the Lamb are its temple.  The city does not need the sun of the moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and the Lamb is its lamp.  The nations will walk by its light, and the kings of the earth will bring their splendor into it.  On no day will its gates be ever shut, for there will be no night there.

WIFI is now used 60% in the world. 

Light is perfect. Has frequency waves much higher than radio waves.  It thus can transfer data much faster.
So now we have LED lights instead of the flourescent light.
The experiment in the above video is awesome.  See how the light pulsated and transmitted via a software to produce the HD video. When the hand was placed in between, the video froze. We cannot see the light stream. But it was doing its job! Free illumination of transfer of data.  The receiver was merely interested in receiving the pulse.

The future - wow.  We can walk into any room with light and get internet access soon! This will be the next tech innovation. Still underdevelopment as the Line of Sight is still important in this technology.

Jesus 8:12 Jesus said I am the light of the world. Whoever who follows me will never walk in darkness but have the light of life.

He is the source of the spiritual light that many are desperately looking for in this world that is full of turmoil , wars, fear of Isis, pollution of food from both earth and sea. 
And we know that many physical plants here on this planet needed that light for its growth.
And a simple little candle works miracle light to dispel the darkness in a room.
Light exposes the little particles that no naked eye can see through its beam.
It is no wonder that in Rev 21:27" Nothing impure will enter it (New Jerusalem, New city), nor will anyone who does what is shameful or deceitful, but only those whose names are written in the Lamb's book of life"
The Lamb is its lamp.

So how then can our name be found in that particular book of life?
If there is light , there will be darkness.
If there is Heaven, then there must be a hell.
If there is truth, there will be lies.
In life, there are certain stuff where there is never a grey area - for sure.
There can be different shades of black and white - but take no doubt about it, black is black and white is white 
Answer: Simply make that wise choice to choose the Light and not darkness. Heaven and not hell. The Lamb has shed the blood as a sacrifice for our sins on the cross.  Jesus is that sacrificial lamb. Without the shedding of blood there can be no remission of sins. Our Chinese culture and traditions know the importance of the killing of an animal for the altar.  So does the Muslims in their korban ritual annually.  But this Lamb has done that once and for all for us more than 2000 years as He came to this earth born in a manger. This is the reason why we celebrate Christmas.   Yet when he died on that horrible cross, He rose again from death on the third day.  Because He conquered death for us all.  Simply we believe that we cannot do all the good stuff in this worldly world to redeem our own iniquities.  It is futile.  It is only simply when we acknowledge our imperfection and allow the only perfect Light of the world and Lamb of God to do that on our behalf.  We simply humble ourselves and choose to believe in Him.  Confessing with our own mouth and make that crossover from death to life, heaven from hell....Only believe. Take that leap of decision of faith to crossover the new 2016 year, knowing that our name will be written in the Book of Life.

Light is fascinating.  Dont' you think so?

As I read more about this LIFI thing, I realised what John meant when he wrote in JOhn 1 "IN the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God and the Word was God...In him was life and that life was the light of men.  The light shines in the darkness but the darkness has not understood it....." John was sent by God to be a witness to testify concerning that light.  He came only as a witness to the light. The true light that gives light to every man was coming into the world"

Engineering Science of today is making waves of our further understanding of how the world is shaped and connected.  Could it be that this founder of LIFI  Harald is like the forerunner like JOhn (who came to share about His birth and His death and His second return to this corrupted world once again) but now bringing us revelation on the light connectivity of the future?)

I used to imagine what it would be like in the new Jerusalem or new heavenly city where there was no night? It is a place of brightness all the time! The glorious light.  It is only after watching this LIFI video that I began to appreciate Rev 21 in better perspective.!Jesus is the light of the world! He is the very source of our life. He is the Alpha and the Omega.  What we understand HIm to be as the omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent one is soon to be revealed as LIFI brings us even a step closer into the real world of connectivity.  FUTURE!!!!LIFI here we come! Bye to WIFI! The best is yet to be. Amen.


  1. Yes, thanks, the link of light with good and darkness with evil, God divided light from darkness in the beginning and so shall separate ourselves from living in darkness

  2. Yes, thanks, the link of light with good and darkness with evil, God divided light from darkness in the beginning and so shall separate ourselves from living in darkness


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