Tuesday, December 29, 2015

20151226: About Bones & Fractures, Legs and Crutches! Flamigoes and Man -Ez37

Eze 37: Son of man, can these bones live?....Prophesy to these bones and say to them "Dry bones, hear the word of the LORD! This is what the Sovereign LORD says to these bones ; I will make breath enter you, and you will come to life. I will attach tendons to you and make flesh come upon you and cover you with skin; I will put breath in you and you will come to life.  Then you will know that I am the LORD"

Something about Bones and Fractures....
  • A little special surprise awaited me on Boxing Day, 26/12/2015, at about 1pm, i missed a step, just a step and fell unto the floor! It was such a loud crackling sound like the thunder! Perhaps now I fully understood what Ezekiel heard in Eze37:7 that rattling noise when the bones came together  but for me, it came apart :(.  Too stunned for words that I grabbed and held tightly to my left foot and prayed in non-intelligible words as the brain was literally blocked up in that instant.  The only intelligible words ? "IN Jesus name ! In Jesus Name In Jesus Name!" Oh my! Summoning my hubby John to pray over it too within the minutes that followed!
  • Pain Release at the TCM!
  • Moments later, we went TCM hunting - but most shops were closed except for one where I bought the Zheng GU Shui (Bone Ointment) and used it to rub over that left foot. The intense excruciating pain was felt at about 4pm when we arrived at the Jurong West TCM.  Could not even put on left foot down, I literally hopped into the  clinic!  Thank God the practitioner did not massage my foot except that he cupped and needled some points.  He was of the view that no bones seemed to be broken despite my repeated questioning when he was feeling it.  For me that earlier crack sound just haunted me:(  Half an hour later, the pain was much relieved and I could walked slowly back to the car! 
  • At A&E Gleneagles - getting the cast on !
  • Thanks to the nag and concerns of my siblings, it was about 8pm when we decided to go the A&E Gleneagles to get the x-ray done.  My worst fears came true and it was confirmed that my 5th Metatarsal bone was fractured! As advised, never go to the TCM first if we hear the crack and felt pain in future - always get the x-ray done first:)  A&E Doc told me the estimated recovery was 4-6 weeks !
  • Cast removed and substituted with a boot instead!
  • On 28/12/2015 - was referred to the Orthopaedic Doctor. He was of the view that it might take 3 months for full recovery in the light of the not so clean cut fracture as seen on the x-ray! Oh my! Was so glad that the cast was removed and I could use my wet tissues to clean my foot at the clinic! The foot was bruised and had swelled a little. The boot was a replacement for the cast which was highly recommended as I could remove it when at home and allows me to wash my foot .  It also allowed me to stand instead of lifting my cast leg up all the time! It made a real difference for the price to pay for this expensive "Ski Boot" One sided yet cost S$338!
About legs and crutches, Flamingoes and man!
  • I realised that God had created man wonderfully with 2 legs and thank God not one! It was such a tiring process to walk in crutches, the strength to balance on one leg all the time!
  • It is one of the most simplest but most engimatic mysteries of nature; Just why do flamigoes stand on one leg? LOL.  But scientist believed that they stand on one leg to regulate their temperature.  To conserve their body heat- if they put two legs in the water they would lose more heat .  Thermoregulation is a principal function of unipedal resting in flamingoes!
But then my recent experience had proven. I am a woman not a bird. It took me lots of perspiration just to keep standing on my right foot.  Using the crutches caused me to sweat like crazy.  That usual steps that I take became such a challenge.  It was so energy zapping! I am definitely not belonging to the feather creatures.  Thank God for 2 legs!!! Thermoregulation? Not for man - just for that aesthetically beautiful flamingoes!

  • Dry bones? Bone Mass density on the decline as one age? Perhaps particularly for woman once they pass that age of menopause according to the orthopaedic but not so much for man. Why? Is it because we are Eve - made out of the bone of the Adam - man's rib? So the quality of the bone is not as good as the original man? LOL! So come 4/1/2016 - I would need to have my BMD scanned - to find out the real cause of the fracture. I pray that the Lord will breathe into my cracked bone asap and strenghten it and made it whole.  And interestingly, my comfort from the doc was that a bone which had been broken tend to be stronger after its healing! Much to the contrary of what I was told that the bone will be more brittle and prone to future breaks once ever fractured before!
  • A lesson in slowing down....as advised, time to keow kah for the next 3 weeks....literally! 
Crutching over to the new 2016!
Despite of this fall, still many things to thank the Lord for!

The prophesy of Ezekiel over the dry bones in the valley- that we will know that He is the LORD and there is no other.  We are wonderfully and fearfully made in the image of Him and so we praise Him! (Ps 139:14)  We are the body of Christ and each one of us is part of it. (1 Corinthians 12)

The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts, and though all its parts are many, they form one body. God had arranged the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be.  The eye cannot say to the hand that it does not need the hand. Nor the head to the feet.  On the contrary, those parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable, and the parts we we think less honourable we treat with special favour.  And the parts that are unpresentable are treated with special modesty.  If one part suffers, every part suffers with it, and if one part is honoured, every part rejoices in it.

And I just came to realise -the importance of my 2 feet or 2 legs.  If one is hurt, the whole body went into an imbalance mode! My arms and good foot has to rise up to counter the fracture of the left foot. What a lesson! But I thank the body of Christ, my family and loved ones for the prayers during this time. So Watch your steps Folks! Walk with care especially down the stairs!

Wishing all a very blessed 2016 - may you be healthy, prosperous in the Body, Soul and Spirit! Be loved by the Lord and love Him in return with all your strength, mind and spirit as long as He gives you breath! YHWH is faithful and good all the time!

Enjoy this educational funny bones video!

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