Monday, January 25, 2016

20160125: PS 52:8-9 "But I am like an olive tree..."

Ps 52: 8-9 "But I am like an olive tree, flourishing in the house of God"
I trust in God's unfailing love for ever and ever.
I will praise you forever for what you have done;
in you name I will hope, for your name is good.
I will praise you in the presence of your saints"

What would you do if you receive bad news over and over again? In a short span of just days? Downcast heart for sure. 

How can that sadden heart be changed to that of a joyful heart once again?

Reading Ps 52:8 : BUT i am like an OLIVE TREE...flourishing in the house of God

So, what is an olive tree?

That photo above showed a 1500 year olive tree.  it look strong and sturdy. Resistant and long live. Yes.

Olive Facts:

The olive branch- it has the symbol of abundance, glory and peace.
The olive oil  - long considered sacred. Often used in anointment- One of 7 spices mentioned in Deut 8:8 in the good land if one obeys the Lord.
The olive tree - one of the first plants mentioned int he Bible
The olive leaf - a dove brought this back to Noah to demonstrate that the flood was over in Genesis 8
The Mount of Olives - a place east of Jerusalem, mentioned several times in the NT
The tame olive - refers to Israelites vs the wild olive - refers to the Gentilles 

An Olive Conclusion
The beginning verses in Ps 52 were nothing but referring to the evil, boastful, deceitful, destructive, harmful, non-fearing God people.

At the end of it all - we have to learn to stand tall like the Olive tree despite all the bad circumstances and winds of change that blew our way. We still declare it aloud and turn that second heart to a dance!
I trust in God's unfailing love for ever and ever.
I will praise you forever for what you have done;
in you name I will hope, for your name is good.

I will praise you in the presence of your saints"


 A Corrine May Song "Answer" dedicated to a dear loved one - CM. Shalom Shalom

Sunday, January 24, 2016

20160123 :Ps 51 Let the bones you have crushed rejoice!

Acrylic Sunflowers painting by a classmate CC, S'porean - 2015

Ps 51 is a famous psalm of David - His confession arising from his adultery with Bathsheba, his repentance and the famous song "Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.  Cast me not away from your presence or take your Holy Spirit away from me.  restore unto me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirt , to sustain me"

But this time when I read this psalm, just immediately after my previous blog, it was not this song that impressed me.

Rather it was v8 "Let the bones you have crushed rejoice."

Perhaps it was my cracked foot that caused me to have a different fresh perspective on this psalm 51.  

So this page is dedicated to my close classmate CC. Her beautiful painting done recently as she journeys through a rather difficult and trying time recently. But she is no painter.  Merely took up some lessons last year during her recuperation.  Yet , this painting was fabulous!

Like me, she too suffered a fractured foot some years back.  In fact , similar accident of missing some steps and fractured the 5th metatarsal bone.  I suffered the same fate.  And for her , it took her 2 months in cast and a 3rd month in airboots.  Perhaps my injury seemed less severe as I managed to be in airboots on day5? and I could manage to walk in less than 4 weeks in normal shoes.  (so thankful to the Lord)

But both of us had experienced the excruciating pain in the beginning. It was no laughing matter. So how can we who experienced 'crushed bones' rejoice? In that kind of pain and inconvenience?!!!Good Grief!

John 16:33:
"In this world you will have trouble.  But take heart! I have overcome the world."

The Lord does not promise us a trouble-free life once we become His child. As the saying goes, life is not always a bed of roses, or perhaps always the sunny smiling sunflowers or chrysanthemums!

CC's painting of these sunflowers are awesome for an amateur.  She may not be the famous late Van Gogh.   Van Gogh's sunflowers that turns its bloom towards the sun has a long history as a symbol of the Christian soul, among many other things.  Those sunflowers stood for something positive and optimistic in the pre and post war of Britain.

In this earthly journey, each of us would have had experience 'crushed bones' or spirits somewhere in time.  It should not be surprising as John had written in John 16:33.  

But just as the sunflowers had depicted, even we may still rejoice in our crushed bones.  The physical pain may still be there.  But our inner spirit may rise above this physical pain where our body is merely an earthly tent. Like those sunflowers, we turn our face to the Son, Jesus Christ.  When we behold Him, all the shadows on the earth will grow strangely dim (remember this song ? Turn your eyes upon Jesus?)

John 16 chapter reveals the work of the Holy Spirit which is given to each of us .  Jesus had told the 12 disciples that he had to go (only one human physical Jesus). But grief no more. It is only because he had to die on the cross and be resurrected again that His Holy Spirit can be with each one of us.  That is omnipresence.  And now our earthly body is the temple of His Holy Spirit.  

It is so that in John 16:33 Jesus declared "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace"

So those who have Jesus, we can have the perfect peace. Know God, Know Peace - No God No Peace! Amen?  So in crushed bones we shall continue to rejoice! v15-17:O LORD , open my lips, and my mouth will declare your praise.  You do not delight in sacrifice or I would bring it.  You do not take pleasure in burnt offerings.  The sacrifices of God are a broken spirt; a broken and contrite spirit, O God you will not despise"

Thank you Lord, for the awesome reminder of those sunflowers. Great job CC ! Keep on painting and looking to the author and perfecter of our faith! And I believe as this song goes, His grace is sufficient for us, no matter what! He is the Shalom Prince of Peace - in Him we rest!

Saturday, January 23, 2016

20160120_ Ps 50_ Foot on the Way! Happy Feet ! The Second Heart!

(Photo taken in March 2015, Perth, one of the beaches on way to Pinnacles)

Ps 50 : Foot on the Way - Happy Feet! The Second Heart!

This morning on 20/1/2016, as I meditated on this Psalm 50,  my heart was overwhelmed with THANKSGIVING!  Why? It is the Day24 since I fractured my foot and as of yesterday, my injured foot seemed so much better and stronger! Oh Yes! And I could walked without the LIMP! PTL!

So here was my Happy Feet that led to a very Happy Heart!

FACT : Do you know that our feet is also called the SECOND Heart?
(extract from internet)

The circulatory system is responsible for delivering oxygen to cells; it is made up of the heart, arteries, veins, capillaries, and blood. The heart’s pumping action forces oxygenated blood from the lungs to reach millions of cells throughout the body via arteries and capillaries. After the cells have been nourished, blood returns to the heart through the venous system and is then re-oxygenated in the lungs.
There are two systems of veins at work in the legs: the deep system and the superficial system. The deep system veins are of a large diameter and are situated close to the bone, surrounded by muscle. The superficial system veins are located in the fat tissue under the skin, and are visible at times. These two systems meet at two junctions, one at the groin and the other behind the knee. They also meet through a series of connecting veins called perforators.
Blood moves within the venous system because of the heart’s residual pumping force, the negative pressure in the veins created while breathing, as well as the contraction of the muscles in the calf and foot – a muscle-vein system often referred to as the second heart.
Venous Facts
The body has roughly 60,000 miles of blood vessels.
The heart beats approximately 100,000 times a day, pushing 2,250 gallons of blood.
The average person takes approximately 9,000 steps a day.
The venous system holds 70% of our blood at any given time.
The Second Heart
The second heart is a system of muscles, veins, and valves in the calf and foot that work together to push deoxygenated blood back up to the heart and lungs. Vein valves act as trapdoors that open and close with each muscle contraction to prevent the backflow of blood.
When valves become defective or weak the second heart can be overwhelmed, blood can pool in veins, and varicose veins, spider veins, and Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI) can develop.
 So much for the Heart facts ! Not only that, do you know that the heart is formed before the brain in the foetus? Yes Yes. So the saying goes, the heart of any matter is the matter of the heart! :)
Reflection on Psalm 50 - Post Red Dot Jubilee in Jan 2016!

The Mighty One, God, The LORD speaks and summons the earth and the heavens.  The whole world is His! All the creation is His!
And there is no need for us to sacrifice the bull or goat to Him!

So what then does He want from us?

Just only this ONE Thing :-
Our sacrifices of thanks offerings.
Our praises.
Our worship and adoration unto Him.

it is just this One thing that would bring honor and glory to Him!

It is just so simple.

Yet, we have been so clouded with the work of the Lord - doing and not being. And many got burned out and the heart became burdened.  The service unto Him became a chore than a joy.  We had forgotten to thank the Lord of the work for every small little things in our life - Which we tend to take for granted. Like my feet -   until it was cracked!

So now , My foot is well! So happy to have the balance without the pain .  To walk without the limp!

So Asaph the psalmist declared “As soon as i set my foot on the Way, the Lord will show me the salvation of the Lord!” V23

So Bring it on Happy Feet! Dance in rejoice with praise and thanksgiving! For the Lord does not require anything else really from us, really! Out of the heart the mouth speaks! So Let  us show it on our face - be joyful! be thankful!
Ps 50 reminded me of 1 Thess 5 :16 What is God’s will for our life?
Simply 3-in-1 thing too :
Be joyful always
Pray continually
Give thanks in all circumstances!


Thursday, January 14, 2016

20160114: Is52:7 :FOOT Anatomy- Admiring the feet that bring GOOD NEWS!

Is52:7 :"How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to  Zion "Your God reigns!"


The foot is a complex structure at the end of the leg that is made of 26 bones and 33 joints. that must work together with 19 muscles and 107 ligaments to execute highly precise movements. It provides balance, assists in mobility, and performs other essential functions.
They can be grouped into 3 parts, as follows
  • The tarsal bones (7) The metatarsal bones (5) The phalanges (14)

    The foot’s complex structure contains more than 100 tendons, ligaments, and muscles that move nearly three dozen joints, while bones provide structure. The structure of the foot is similar to that of the hand, but because the foot bears more weight, it is stronger and less mobile.
The largest bone of the foot, the calcaneus, forms what is commonly referred to as the heel. It slopes upward to meet the tarsal bones, which point downward along with the remaining bones of the feet.
Below the juncture of these bones are the arches of the foot, which are three curves at the bottom of the foot that makes walking easier and less taxing for the body. These arches — the medial arch, lateral arch, and fundamental longitudinal arch — are created by the angles of the bones and strengthened by the tendons that connect the muscles and the ligaments that connect the bones.
These make up the toes and broad section of the feet. The other bones of the foot that create the ankle and connecting bones include:
  • Tibia
  • Fibula
  • Talus
  • Cuneiforms
  • Cuboid
  • Navicular
Foot Admiration!
I never studied biology.  So with this recent crack of my left foot 5th Metatarsal (now I know what it is correctly called), the above interesting facts on our feet is simply just amazing! 26 BONES & 33 JOINTS!!! At the same time the foot must be strong to support more than 100,000 pounds of pressure for every mile walked. 

Even a small fracture in the 5th metatarsal in the foot can unexpectedly undermine its structural integrity and cause me excruciating pain with every step.  With the crutches on the first 3 days with the half cast, I simply lost my sense of balance! I lost my motorskills of walking up and down with the crutches! Up the stairs - crutch first or which foot first? LOL  Aha, there is a technique! Going up the stairs - good leg must go up first . Going down the stairs - the crutch must go first followed by the good leg!

With the good cushion of the air boot - the crutches were set free and I found my balance! Thank God I ski and hence walking in that boot was not so much a problem!

In Isaiah 52 - our feet is meant to do the 5 things

  • Bring Good News
  • Proclaim peace
  • Bring good tidings
  • Proclaim salvation
  • Declare "Our God Reigns!"
And In Eph 6:13 : we are told to put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, we may be able to stand our ground....and after we have done everything, to stand.   Not only that, v14 exhorts us to not just stand - but stand FIRM

站立 - Stand, be on one's feet
Interestingly, in chinese, there is the Li which really looks like a person standing on the 2 legs.  There is the balance and stability in the pictogram word. It depicts FIRMNESS.

站马步 ; Horse stance for firmness! 

Yes, there will come a day where evil comes.(already here??) Then there is the need for us to be reminded to stand firm .  With the feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace in vs 15, let us remember Isaiah 52 - the 5-fold metatarsal ministry of our FEET!!!!!

  • Bring Good News
  • Proclaim peace
  • Bring good tidings
  • Proclaim salvation
  • Declare "Our God Reigns!"

  • AMEN??

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

20160111_2 Sam 9 Kindness in Crutches - David and Mephibosheth

2 Sam 9 :1 David asked "Is there anyone still left of the house of Saul to whom I can show kindness for Jonathon's sake?...Is there no one still left of the house of Saul to whom I can show God's kindness?...There is still a son of Jonathon; he is crippled in both feet....Mephibosheth!"

Kindness in Crutches

My recent first 4 days walking with crutches in the public , leg in cast was an eye-opener.  I found that Kindness - one of the 9 fruit of the spirit existed in little Red Dot.  I did not realise the power behind the cast and crutch that led to doors being opened by others, pathways were parted for me to walk first and the interesting words that came out of people's mouths "Take your time!"

Even right now in my mini Stomp Trooper Airboot without the crutches, there is still so much kindness shown by the public.

Kindness is alive .

God's Character & Convenant Kindness

As I reflected today, my Day 15 of my fall, I am thankful that I am recovering pretty well, having read some of the horror stories of others who shared the same crack foot in the internet.  Amazingly, my bone mass density report was good despite my menopausal age.  Thanks to my tennis and sports which had attributed to the fairly good strong bones in my body.

I am reminded of YHWH's convenant Kindness towards the David Dynasty in 2 Sam 9.  Mephibosheth was the son of Jonathan, the son of Saul.  He was crippled in both legs.  (my crippling experience has gave me some recent fresh interest in this disability in the bible! LOL)

This story recorded in David's reign and act of kindness towards Mephibosheth is that great reminder of one of the Lord's character.  He never changes.

And with that may we be reminded in Rom 2:4 "or do you show contempt for the riches of his kindness, tolerance and patience, not realising that God's kindness leads you towards repentance?"

God's Amazing Grace ! My "crutch' is gone and I am set free! PTL!

I was off the crutches on Day5 after I received my Stomp Trooper Airboots.  At that price of S$338, yes, I was glad to pay in exchange of the pain of the crutches and more flexibility in mobility.  More importantly, the ability to wash my poor foot. And I have been gingerly able to walk on both bare feet now in less than 2 weeks. 

Healing of bones indeed take time.  Guess that is how the Creator God designed them to be.  It is amazing to see how strong our bones are to support this big body of ours.  Learning about the Metatarsal bones and remembering Mephibosheth!

So here is my flute playing at the tennis court last Sunday.  I am grounded from tennis for at least 3 months! But I could still do some upper body exercises :) So this is dedicated to all my beloved loved ones and friends who prayed and stood by when I fell.....

Sunday, January 3, 2016

20151230: Noodle Michellin- The battle of the Wanton MEe!

On 30/12/15, a panel of Michellin Food specialists went to the 2 noodles stalls in Tiong Bahru  &; Jurong to carry out the highly debated WANTON Mee battle test!
So which stall won??

The Keith-Michellin Survey Sheet!

The Michellin Food Specialist Panel!
At About 9am past - The Michellin panel arrived at their first stop - Tiong Bahru!

The Que-er & Carousell-Er
The Explain-Er & the Serv-Er

 The Tast-Er
The Eat-Er


At About 10:30 am past - The Michellin panel arrived at their second stop -Jurong East!
The WANTON Criteria:-
Factor (Weightage%) and (Score from 1- 5) for the following :-
  1. Noodle
  2. Wanton
  3. CharSiew
  4. Taste/Sauce
  5. Overall Score

The Data Min-Ers and Compil-Ers
(guess whose maths fail?)

At About noon past - The Michellin panel arrived Home!
The Verifi-Ers

The Sleep-Er!

And the Prize goes to??

In Jurong!!!!

....and the oldz had to concede defeat...the younz won 4/6!

We shall RETURN....soon!
Prata Force ...Here we come!

20250305: Exodus 20:3 Whom shall we worship?

Saw this at Tiong Bahru Market this morning. 5/3/25! After seeing this one below outside the market! At first I thought it was the Tua Pek K...