Thursday, January 14, 2016

20160114: Is52:7 :FOOT Anatomy- Admiring the feet that bring GOOD NEWS!

Is52:7 :"How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to  Zion "Your God reigns!"


The foot is a complex structure at the end of the leg that is made of 26 bones and 33 joints. that must work together with 19 muscles and 107 ligaments to execute highly precise movements. It provides balance, assists in mobility, and performs other essential functions.
They can be grouped into 3 parts, as follows
  • The tarsal bones (7) The metatarsal bones (5) The phalanges (14)

    The foot’s complex structure contains more than 100 tendons, ligaments, and muscles that move nearly three dozen joints, while bones provide structure. The structure of the foot is similar to that of the hand, but because the foot bears more weight, it is stronger and less mobile.
The largest bone of the foot, the calcaneus, forms what is commonly referred to as the heel. It slopes upward to meet the tarsal bones, which point downward along with the remaining bones of the feet.
Below the juncture of these bones are the arches of the foot, which are three curves at the bottom of the foot that makes walking easier and less taxing for the body. These arches — the medial arch, lateral arch, and fundamental longitudinal arch — are created by the angles of the bones and strengthened by the tendons that connect the muscles and the ligaments that connect the bones.
These make up the toes and broad section of the feet. The other bones of the foot that create the ankle and connecting bones include:
  • Tibia
  • Fibula
  • Talus
  • Cuneiforms
  • Cuboid
  • Navicular
Foot Admiration!
I never studied biology.  So with this recent crack of my left foot 5th Metatarsal (now I know what it is correctly called), the above interesting facts on our feet is simply just amazing! 26 BONES & 33 JOINTS!!! At the same time the foot must be strong to support more than 100,000 pounds of pressure for every mile walked. 

Even a small fracture in the 5th metatarsal in the foot can unexpectedly undermine its structural integrity and cause me excruciating pain with every step.  With the crutches on the first 3 days with the half cast, I simply lost my sense of balance! I lost my motorskills of walking up and down with the crutches! Up the stairs - crutch first or which foot first? LOL  Aha, there is a technique! Going up the stairs - good leg must go up first . Going down the stairs - the crutch must go first followed by the good leg!

With the good cushion of the air boot - the crutches were set free and I found my balance! Thank God I ski and hence walking in that boot was not so much a problem!

In Isaiah 52 - our feet is meant to do the 5 things

  • Bring Good News
  • Proclaim peace
  • Bring good tidings
  • Proclaim salvation
  • Declare "Our God Reigns!"
And In Eph 6:13 : we are told to put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, we may be able to stand our ground....and after we have done everything, to stand.   Not only that, v14 exhorts us to not just stand - but stand FIRM

站立 - Stand, be on one's feet
Interestingly, in chinese, there is the Li which really looks like a person standing on the 2 legs.  There is the balance and stability in the pictogram word. It depicts FIRMNESS.

站马步 ; Horse stance for firmness! 

Yes, there will come a day where evil comes.(already here??) Then there is the need for us to be reminded to stand firm .  With the feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace in vs 15, let us remember Isaiah 52 - the 5-fold metatarsal ministry of our FEET!!!!!

  • Bring Good News
  • Proclaim peace
  • Bring good tidings
  • Proclaim salvation
  • Declare "Our God Reigns!"

  • AMEN??

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