Friday, April 8, 2016

20160408- 7 Churches in Rev 2 : "PPSSTEL"

Rev 1:20 : The mystery of the 7 stars - angels of the 7 churches and the 7 candlesticks the 7 churches.

7 - the perfect number of God.  Painted the rainbow with the 7 colours.
Never seem to remember the names of the churches rebuked mainly in Chapter 2 except for one.  Until this morning, was challenged to do another bible study on this after an evening of meet up with an ex-colleague over 20 years last night.

Decided to coin it after the rainbow - but pronounce as "pastel" in colours! PPSSTEL!

Nil – kept Word/ did not deny the name/ weak but faithful
* Kept from temptation
* God’s name written on him
- Doctrine of Balaam (wicked prophet, not false prophet, heart not right with God- advised King Balak of Moabites to seduce with prostitutes and idolatry)

- Doctrine of Nicolaitans (kind of hereditary sect, false doctrine and encourage people to eat things offered to idols
[both are abominations to Him!]
* Eat of the hidden manna
* New name written on white stone (practice of white stones given during the Roman times of contest)
- Rich but poor
- tribulation
* Faithful until death àrec a crown of life
* Will not be hurt in second death
- Alive but yet dead
- No works found perfect be God
* Must be watchful & strengthen the thing that remains
* Only few not defiled & will walk worthy in white
* Name will not be blot out
Positve : Charity/Service/Faithful/ Patient/ Greater works
But Negative:-
-         Had Jezebel spirit to commit fornication and sacrifice idols (compromised and continued in deception)
-         Given time to repent and yet did not
-         Great tribulation
·        Power over the nations! Rule with rod of iron
·        Give the morning star –JESUS!
Positive : Labour hard/ Hate Nicolaitans
But negative:-
- Lost first love (zeal for the work of the Lord  but lost heart of love for the Lord of the work-Jesus)
* Given the tree of life in the midst of paradise
Lukewarm L Not hot not cold
(rich but wretched, miserable, poor, blind and naked)
* Granted to sit with Jesus in His throne

Reflections over ....

Temptations are real.  The arrows will always be shooting at us. 
Seductions of the carnal world.  Can our shield of faith ward them off?

We pray to be like the Philadephians. Kept by the Lord at all times.

As for the rest of the 6 churches, only repentance is the key to overcoming and regaining the crown set up for us.

Like the prodigal son, fallen from the grace of the inheritance & finally awoken and willing to return back to the Father's house.  His grace is always sufficient for us all - only if one is willing to turn back and make it good.

Those warnings in Rev2 - how important is it for us to remind ourselves over and over again. 

The rainbow is the sign of His covenantal love for us.
But may the "ppsstel" colours remind us of the warnings to stay faithful till the end.

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