Friday, April 29, 2016

20160424: Descendants of the Sun? Son?

Descendants of the Sun - Hit 2016 Korean drama that is making waves all over the world

Read the papers. Watched out of curious mind. And the rest was history!

Even the Production director had no idea this drama would turn out to be a block buster. A Hallyu.  New term I so learnt about the Korean WAVE. Further it was one that was pre-produced prior to airing which was rather uncommon for K dramas.

I was curious about how the title came about. Found it rather meaningful as the PD quoted" Just as how the sun gives light to other people, we decided on the title because the selfless personalities of the main characters is a source of warmth for the people around"

Some Reflections on this Descendants.....

1. Descendants of the "Son"? - Who am I
The first book of the OT , its first words are "in the beginning" (Genesis is a GREEK world for 'Beginning") And part of this drama was filmed in Greece - the ancient place.

Who am I and where do I come from was one of the earlier questions that baffled me before I came to know the Lord Jesus Christ.  I don't even remember who my paternal or maternal grandma was , let alone their own late mothers and fathers that went all the way up the generations above me.

The Greek "genesis' means origin, creation or generation. From gignesthai "to be born, "related to genos 'race, birth, decent"

The last episode 16 of this drama - aired a rather moving part on the patriotic oaths taken by the soldiers in serving the nation as well as the Hippocratic Oaths taken by doctors to remember their call to serve the sick regardless of race, religion.  Their roles. Their responsibilities. Their calling. Selfless personalities are portrayed by main cast.

And just last Sunday, a guest preacher preached on 5 names in the bible from Gen3.  The descendants of Seth being mentioned more than that of Cain .  Lives that were documented in the Genesis were those found to be worthy of their calling.
I found the sermon worth remembering as part of the Descendant thots:- a recap:-

1. Seth - The appointed one
2. Enos - The awakened one
3. Mahalaleel - The one who praises
4. Enoch - The dedicated, disclipined , dynamic one
5. Noah - The one whose name means to Rest 

I have come to appreciate that I do have an earthly late father who together with my late mum give birth to me in 1965- Appointed to be born.  But around 1980s late, I came to know my Spiritual Father - Awakened!

How my Spirtitual Father sent His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ to earth 2016 years ago baffled many to date. To be crucified on the cross for our sins? So that we may live again. And that we may have the Holy Spirit in our lives to guide us on this earthly pilgrimage.  Mind boggling. Now I am a descendant of the Son indeed. Living to praise Him!  And I want to be like Enoch of all the 5 names above.  I want to walk with Him like what Enoch did.  That art of closeness and oneness.  No longer praying in a closet.  That very breath and oneness with Him.  And finally looking forward to the day of eternal Rest .  No more flooding as He had promised.  But looking forward to His coming again. And perhaps like Enoch - to be taken away - zapped off! Those ISIS beheadings are freaky to any martyrs.  Cannot imagine to live in those places where persecutions are a reality!

2. Descendants of the Sun - The power of Light!

PD quoted" Just as how the sun gives light to other people, we decided on the title because the selfless personalities of the main characters is a source of warmth for the people around"

Light - what an awesome analogy by the PD.

Jesus says in John 8:12 : "I am the light of the world whoever follow him will not walk in darkness but will have the light of life"

Matt 5:14 " You are the light of the world.  A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid"

Prov 4:18 " But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shine more and more into the perfect day"

Yes, how apt is the title of this drama.  
The drama portrayed the courageous one, the one who fights for the lives of another, the one who refused to buckle under pressure to do what needs to be done like saving a civilian hostage as a national duty. The characters indeed brought out the source of warmth in human relationships. And our society today is badly in need of such a good shakeup.  Selfishness and greed has become a norm.  And the cute Hya Kyo knew how to place her candles in such a position behind her so that she would looked her best in the light!

Guess it only takes a spark that would keep the fire going.  Remember this campfire song sung in our youths? To dispel the darkness and gloom - it only takes a matchstick to light a fire. In Him is the Light and Hope. Just as the rascal Boem in episode 1 who was caught stealing was given a second chance of life when he left gangsterism when Sergeant paid for his medical bill.  (how to get away from gangs? LoL Join the army!)  And just as Fatimah who was almost sold as a pros given a second chance in life to study as sponsored by the doc. A simple act of kindness by one that made a difference to someone else. 

3. The Song of Songs

Coincidentally, the main actor and actress names are Song Joong Ki and Song Kya Kyo.  This drama makes the ladies go wow wow.  A fairy tale of romance.  The script writer has done well to allow the characters to blossom in their character through the short yet humorous and powerful one liners.

This Song-Song couple truly reminded me of this book - The Song of Songs - also known as the Song of Solomon. A celebration of two in love.

And interestingly, the main actor Song was not really the first choice for the lead.  The others gave up the role as it was too military perhaps.  But who has the last laugh? The first shall be the last and the last shall be the first? So, charming Song Joongki has shot to fame in this drama to many surprise! He was elevated and walked with Korean President Park! He became the only artiste to be invited to the National news channel for interview. He is now the tourist ambassodor for S Korea.

So how many stars can one give to this S$10+mio cost drama?
Action-packed. Thriller. Politics. Comedy. Tears.
Awesome sceneries from Greece. The winding roads and the Aeagean blue sea and sand dunes.
Record breaking Original Soundtracks.
Great looking actors and actress both in looks and acting.

Bet by now you would known how many stars I would have put for this drama. LOL. It has already caused a great ripple effect in many countries. The $ earnings for the actors and actressess are now mindboggling for their advertisement income. LOL

P/s A final Descendant Thot!
Heb 11:12 "Therefore sprang there even of one, and him as good as dead, so many as the stars of the sky in multitude, and as the sand which is by the seashore innumerable"

Gen 28:4" May he give you and your descendants the blessing given to Abraham..."

Hallyu??? How about Hallelujah! PTL!

Enjoy the songs

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