Wednesday, January 25, 2017

20170121-Matt23:37 Hen & Chicks Year?

2017! Year of the Rooster! Hen?
Matt 23:37 " often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings"

Time flies.  The above embroidered card was that of the CNY 12 years before cycle -  2005 !

In a few days time, we will be celebrating Chinese Lunar New year, ushering in the rooster or the hen . Whatever, we call them "JI"

A recall in 1998 where I was given this personal prophesy by a missionary to India, Paul R. "You are like a mother with many little chicks.  You will be able to care for those chicks.  I place within you a caring heart and you will minister to the people.  As you minister to them the Lord will like honey come forth.  He is going to set people free and filled them through you.  You are going to see those who are deep dark set free....Committed x 4 ....."

So came 2010, when my hardcopies journals were migrated to a blog when I purchased my first Imac, I decided to name my blog ASAHENGATHERS ! Taken from Matt 23:37.

Yes, time really flies. It has been 7 years since I had been blogging. And a good old 19 years since I started journalling !

With a thankful and grateful heart to Him and Him alone.
So many testimonies lie in the blog and old journals.
Not that the journey here on earth had been smooth all the time...
But in those crooked roads, He has and always been with me , watching over  24/7.

Thankful that I have chosen to walk with Him.  No turning back. 
He is the Wonderful creator of even this creature - JI. Cockeral, cock, rooster, hen and chick.  From the black to the brown and the multicolour coat of shades of this bird, may this year remain a great reminder to crow & boast about Him and no one else. 

Jer 9:23-24  This is what the LORD says
"Let not the wise man boast of his wisdom
or the strong man boast of his strength
or the rich man boast of his riches,
but let him who boast boast about this:
that he understands and knows me,
that i am the LORD, who exercises kindness, justice and righteousness on earth,
for in these I delight," declares the LORD.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

20170117 - The Power of #17in 2017! Overcomer! Rev3:21

Rev 3:21 "He who overcomes . I will grant to him to sit down with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne"

Last Sunday on 1/1/17, I picked this bright pink band .  When I first saw the word "Overcomer" I wanted to change to that of the black which had "Pray" on it.  But somehow after speaking to 2 sisters outside the auditorium, I decided not to but to keep it!

I realised the significance of this "overcomer" when I rec'd a text on the "2017" - "17" symbolises "Overcoming the enemy" & "Complete Victory" Ha Ha! Thank God I did not change my band.  Now I love it just as much! THE POWER OF 17! In the year of 2017! Yeah!

I remember the above photo which I took just recently in october 2016.  A photo which depicted gloomy dark clouds engulfing the little red dot.  It was not a pretty scene to be exact.  My heart sanked when I saw the omnimous dark clouds.  

So came 1/1/17, this band served as a good reminder of what it takes to be an overcomer in the days of doom and gloom.

May 2017 be a year where we overcome and be victorious.
Not because of what we can do but because my Father has sent His Son for me so that in Him , with Him and through Him, I will rise up and overcome all situations.

With Jesus in the vessel , I can smile at the storm! Smile at the storm! Amen!

Lord , we pray that we will overcome and win your approval to sit down with you on your throne! Just as you said in Rev 3:21.  Amen!

How to overcome? Just remember " I know you are there...." always always always

Sunday, January 1, 2017

20170101: 2 Chron 20:17 About Kings...King Jehoshaphat

[Photo : Khao Yai - surrounding homestay areas - 15/12/2016 , Thailand]

2 Chronicles 20:17  You need not fight in this battle; station yourselves, stand and see the salvation of the Lord on your behalf, O Judah and Jerusalem.’ Do not fear or be dismayed; tomorrow go out to face them, for the Lord is with you.”
Today is 1/1/2017.  A new year of beginnings. Back to the Word journaling.
I have browsed through all the books of the bibles with chapter 20:17. And came across this interesting story of kings in 2 Chron 20:17.

Having come back from Khao Yai and seeing some of their 'fairy tale homestay homes' - I would have remembered my favourite kid's author Enid Blyton. The stories were about the fairy tales indeed- about kings, queens, goblins, elves, magic and fantasy.

But here I was reading this 2 Chron 20. HISTORY!
Chapter 1 Solomon the son of David was strengthened in his kingdom and the LoRD was with him and magnified him exceedingly.

King Solomon built the temple for the Lord. The glory of the LORD later filled the temple. But after his death around 971 BC, the kingdom was divided into 2 : North and South, Israel and Judah. And there were the record of those good and bad kings during that era.  Many bad but there were few good ones. So here in 20:17, I read about this good King Jehoshaphat. 

(Thailand - A land that boast of smiles. Like that awesome fields of bright sunflowers in Khao Yai)

Fast forward the days of King Solomon passing- On 13/10/2016, we saw the passing on of King Bhumibol the Great.  He was the 9th monarch of Thailand forms he Chakri Dynasty as RAMA IX. Having reigned from 9/6/1946, he was, at the time of his death, the world's longest-serving head of state and the longest reigning monarch in Thail history, serving for 70 years.  During his reign he was served by a total of 30 Prime Ministers! And he was a rich king with estimated net worth of USD30bn? So when he passed on, the mourning was for a year in Thailand! When our LKY passed on, the mourning was a week here in little red dot.....

So what did I glean from one of these kings of the bible - King Jehoshaphat in this 2 Chron20?

What did King Jehoshaphat do when he faced the Moabites and Ammonites in battle?

  • V3 He sought the Lord, proclaimed a fast throughout Judah
  • v12 He humbled before the Lord ("for we have no high against this great company that  came against them, neither did they know what to do; BUT their eyes were UPON the LORD")
And did the LORD hear the prayers?
Yes, indeed.  His Spirit came down. He spoke.

Be not afraid nor dismayed by the reason of this great multitude; for the battle is not your's but God's.

So here in 2017!

2 Chronicles 20:17  You need not fight in this battle; station yourselves, stand and see the salvation of the Lord on your behalf, O Judah and Jerusalem.’ Do not fear or be dismayed; tomorrow go out to face them, for the Lord is with you.”

If we know that battles belong to the LORD and He is always with us, what then should we fret about?
In times of battles, may we be like King Jehoshaphat.
  • v18 He worshipped the Lord
  • v20 He proclaimed and believed in the Lord
  • v21 He instituted singers of praises unto the Lord
And the battle was won inevitably.

V29 And the fear of God was on all the kingdoms of those countries.  

King Bumiphol and KingJehoshapat were perhaps such kings in reign and peace was upon the kingdom.  Unlike King B who came to throne at age 18, King J was 35 when he came to rule. King B ruled for 70 years whereas King J ruled only 25! 

God gave King J rest as his heart was after him.  Thereafter came a bad king. 
It is interesting to know that Thai king B ruled for so many years! Does he know the Lord? Thailand is predominantly a very buddhist country.  Majority of the people are Buddhists. But Thailand has had that peace too for many years indeed except for some pockets of unrest in the past.  So much about kings of the past.

Earthly kings come and go. There aren't many monarchies around right now . UK, Thailand and some other countries.

Nevertheless, above such kings is a more worthy King of Kings.  He is Yahweh. Jesus Christ. The Lord of LordsProv 21:1 The king's heart's in the hand of the LORD. He directs it like a watercourse wherever he pleases. 

Challenges there will be in 2017 too. Different battles to fight.
But more importantly, may our hearts be continually tuned to His. May our face be always lifted up to seek His. May our mouths be singing His mercy endures forever.  And with that, may be be the OVERCOMERs in whatever battles that come our way.

John 16:33 : I have told you these things , so that in me you may have peace.  In this world you will have trouble.  But take heart, I have overcome the world"


20161215_Khao Yai _2 Chron 16:9

A Sweet Lighthouse Homestay @ Khao Yai, Thailand
15/12/16 to 20/12/16

In the words of KH -A good organiser brought us to a great place "Khao Yai" - nice weather  and interesting accommodation " Light house" . Vineyards and farms were great experiences. Jim Thompson was the best. Bangkok's traffic was chaotic but appeared to have system of their own. Motorists seemed to be very patient - no honking heard and skilful motorcyclists!

Gerry: Overall an excellent, pleasant experience; tiring but enlightening, an eye-opener; beautiful nice weather in Khao Yai ! hv not heard of Khao Yai till this trip ! What a frog-in-the well !! the Erawan Shrine was such a big place to me 30 yrs back but surrounded by the skyscrapers and the train running above is nowhere to be seen now ! ... shopping now & then is a totally different experience !! It's crazy !! Its an amazing shopping & eating paradise !... floating mkt is at Chao Praya River not at a canal ! As u cruise along, u see the world No.1 Oriental Hotel, which has been dwarfed by these new hotels now ! unforgettable experience - migration of bats !! It's amazing !! Jim Thompson Farm is another one to add on ! The Jim Thompson I know are outlets selling bags, accessories ! I was expecting a visit to a retail outlet ! So I was pleasantly surprised to see that it's more than that ! It's also a farm ! Ha ha ha ...

Yes, perhaps the above feedback kind of summarised this trip!

Photos were just too many and would love to upload the awesome bats video.  But alas my Imac has been cranky and network is so slow in the upload.  After hours of doing the Khao Yai Newsletter as a final gift to all my loved ones - guess I am totally zapped of all the energy on this last day of 2016. Oh my!

Final Reflection of 2016 Finale

Was it coincidental to bump into friends from the same church at the BKK airport on the last day of the trip on 20/12/16?

It brought back my memories of my first face to face encounter with my senior pastor too in BKK 14 years ago.  Not in Spore but in BKK.  Stayed in the same hotel of all the many choices.  That face time was a healing time for me of a wounded rejected heart which resulted in a series of emails on "what it means to be a citizenship of the Heavenly Kingdom!"  What "membership" in church means?" 

And 14 years later....a similar sense of yesteryears dejavu...happening once again.

In His Kingdom - there is no such thing as COINCIDENCES.  But rather His Divine Appointment.  A REVELATION of His heart once again.

So here is one of my favourite verses.  2 Chronicles 16:9" God is always on the alert, constantly on the lookout for people who are totally committed to him"  This is a rare version from the Message which I hardly use.

So as I bid 2016 farewell, after a series of interesting events that happened this morning with the sudden hospitalisation of my brother and thereafter in the evening the scary car accident of my niece, I thank God that His eyes are indeed on His children.  It was His protection that had kept them safe and sound.  What a scare but what a heart of thanksgiving in return.

So Here I am.  In the year King Uzziah died as in Isaiah...this Thai trip had taken place in the year where their famous Thai King B had passed on....I saw the Master sitting on the throne - high- exalted!

May His bright glory fills the whole earth.  Yes despite the doom and the doomsday news that had shaken 2016. May we who know the Lord do great exploit.  Maranatha, Come Lord Jesus!

Penned:Mui just past 1/1/2017 !

Blessed 2017!

20250305: Exodus 20:3 Whom shall we worship?

Saw this at Tiong Bahru Market this morning. 5/3/25! After seeing this one below outside the market! At first I thought it was the Tua Pek K...