Rev 3:21 "He who overcomes . I will grant to him to sit down with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne"
Last Sunday on 1/1/17, I picked this bright pink band . When I first saw the word "Overcomer" I wanted to change to that of the black which had "Pray" on it. But somehow after speaking to 2 sisters outside the auditorium, I decided not to but to keep it!
I realised the significance of this "overcomer" when I rec'd a text on the "2017" - "17" symbolises "Overcoming the enemy" & "Complete Victory" Ha Ha! Thank God I did not change my band. Now I love it just as much! THE POWER OF 17! In the year of 2017! Yeah!

I remember the above photo which I took just recently in october 2016. A photo which depicted gloomy dark clouds engulfing the little red dot. It was not a pretty scene to be exact. My heart sanked when I saw the omnimous dark clouds.
So came 1/1/17, this band served as a good reminder of what it takes to be an overcomer in the days of doom and gloom.
May 2017 be a year where we overcome and be victorious.
Not because of what we can do but because my Father has sent His Son for me so that in Him , with Him and through Him, I will rise up and overcome all situations.
With Jesus in the vessel , I can smile at the storm! Smile at the storm! Amen!
Lord , we pray that we will overcome and win your approval to sit down with you on your throne! Just as you said in Rev 3:21. Amen!
How to overcome? Just remember " I know you are there...." always always always
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