Sunday, February 5, 2017

20170128-The miracle of the 6-in-a row ping pong chicken egg game

28/1/2017 :CNY Day 1 Year of the Rooster
A ping pong game!

We just entered into the year of a fiery rooster.  The cockerel crows and a new dawn awakens.  

Having just witnessed a little miracle on CNY Day 1 over the getting of a 6 ping pong balls (eggs) game in a straight row for a bag of 20 balls game close to midnite was amazing! So unexpected! But with God all things are possible. The creator of this “egg’ game was none other than my brother who least expected that anyone could win this game.  Like Samson, he lost his hair/ goatee in this unique answered prayers by many of his siblings.  For so long we wanted his unkempt hair and beard to be trimmed but of no avail.  It took a game like this to claim its victory.  Impossible to many that nite. But it was done with a stroke of a hand of my nephew in law- perhaps assisted by our guardian angels ? Yet with 5 extra balls unused ! 

Before the game, this brother of mine taunted me “whose prayer will God answer?” His or mine? He grinned so hard. I was not of full faith actually as having played the game earlier - i knew it was in fact tough to get a 6 straight in a row. Random ok but not 6 in straight row.  But yet I took up his game. I lost the first $50.(After S$10 for 10 balls - I negotiated for S$20 for 20 balls at least for a try to get 6! LOL)   In the last attempt - I paid S$20 for the next 20 balls to let my nephew in law to try instead. After all, I thought well S$70 well spent to try that luck anyway.  I felt generous to give away that money to my beloved brother anyway - after all it is CNY. But I prayed.  Never mind if we lost.  At least we tried. So we laughed and even said aloud “ With God all things are possible!” (But in the heart…ha ha ha…no confidence..LOL.) So when we achieved 5 in a row- oh my, how the rest of us ‘woke up!” Got chance mah! With 6 balls in hand! Lol. And victory was so so sweet!

The ABC Story of Elijah @ Mt Carmel
Smiling thinking of that momentous CNY  nite captured in video too by another brother of mine.  I recalled the ABC story of Elijah at Mt Carmel.  Ahab went to meet Elijah. Baal was the 450 prophets so called god  to be followed.  Carmel was the mount of the Challenge and bet.  

Elijah was the only sole prophet left to challenge the unthinkable.  Two groups of people to call on the name of the Lord. The god who answers the fire —He is God. Elijah did the unthinkable! He taunted the Baal group about their sleeping god.  And he did more unthinkable stuff by even pouring water on the offering and the wood!

And history recorded “ the fire of the Lord fell and burned up the sacrifice, the wood, the stones, and the soil and also licked up the water in the trench.”

But I guess the most important part of the story in 1 Kings 18 is found in V36-37. 
It is about reprieve.  It is about a window of time for those whose hearts are hardened to be soften again and to be returned to Him.  Just like the recent USA presidential election.  Against all odds.  A last ‘Trumpet” call. What was that E prayer ? “ O LORD, God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel, let it be known TODAY THAT YOU ARE GOD IN ISRAEL, AND THAT I AM YOUR SERVANT, and have done all things at your command.  Answer me , O LORD, SO THESE PEOPLE WILL KNOW THAT YOU , O LORDM ARE GOD, AND THAT YOU ARE TURNING THEIR HEARTS BACK AGAIN”.  (CAPS my own emphasis).

Yes, and like those on Mt Carmel who witnessed this unthinkable event of the fire upon the call by Elijah, they fell prostrate and cried.  So did I on that nite when I fell prostrate too in the moment of awe of what had happened!

 I pray that such events like this would continue to draw the hearts of those unbelieving ones to that of belief in the One and only true Lord of the Heaven and Earth.  In this we rejoice. Amen.

So here is to the Awakening . Arise and shine for the Lord has come! Welcome year of the fiery cockerel, rooster? 

So on 29/1/2017, the goatie and hair trimming took place for the brother who lost the challenge of the ping pong ball game.
This was the transformation - BEFORE & AFTER! PTL!
20170128-The miracle of the 6-in-a row ping pong chicken egg game!

A Bombastic Dance for a dear sister G who was born in the year of this rooster!
A raincoat used back in 1998 in Yangon during the first mission trip...with modified feathers and cloth bought from People's Park @ $8-50 to provide cheap fun to the family!
(Inspired by the youtube of this Park Go Bum of Love in the Moonlight)

The salted eggs blessings - A reminder of being the salt of this world!

A night of rejoicing of fun and laughter over a silly game and dance!


1 comment:

  1. Power more Power
    Glory more Glory
    Honour more honour
    To our God who sits on the throne
    You, Lord, You dethrone the false gods, You alone are God !


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