Tuesday, July 25, 2017

20170627-D1 Train to Busan!

27th June 2017 - Left for South Korea for the 10 day trip to Busan and Jeju.

Boarded the KTX Train from Incheon Airport on arrival to Busan - about 3 hours journey for this $90 ride. Kind of curious having watched the movie "Train to Busan" not too long ago. Almost missed this KTX train because the airport terminal was so big and needed to use the train shuttle to collect our luggage in another terminal.  Customs queue was also long that day.  Thank God we 'cut queue' after showing the officer our KTX tight train schedule!

Busan :-
  • 2nd most populous city after Seoul - about 4.6mio
  • its port is 10th most busiest in the world
  • only 190km from the Japanese islands of Honshu and Kyushu!
(Little Red dot is quite similiar to Busan!)

Matt 5:14 A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid.  How true when we view the night lights at nite from the higher ground.  Lights are pretty sight to behold.   It is no wonder that Jesus Himself declared that He is the light of the world. He is always beckoning us to come to Him.

And we who know Him ought to be the light to the world as well. V16 exhorts us to "let our light so shine before men, that they may see our good works, and glorify our Father who is in Heaven"


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