Sunday, June 25, 2017

20170614- 1Kings 3 : Oxleygate Affairs- Late Dad & Son & A Tale of 2 Babies

1 Kings 3
It was a dream in Gibeon that King Solomon ( who succeeded his dad David) that God asked what Solomon would want.

And so Solomon asked for this :

  • an understanding heart to judge his people
  • and that he may discern between good and bad
And according to God, because Solomon did not ask for :-
  • long life
  • riches & honour
  • life of his enemies
with a caveat that that says "IF he will walk in his ways, to keep his statutes and commandments as his late dad David did walk, He will lengthen his days"...and God promised to grant him what he asked for plus the riches and honour such that there shall not be any among the kings like him ever before.

And immediately after this dream, the story of the mothers and their babies was written.  I had read this story as a child and I did not know it was from the bible until latter years when I became a believer in my 20s. In the past, i thought of this story betraying the awesome love of the real mum and not the evil selfish mum. And the absolute great leadership of King Solomon - his wisdom in bringing out the truth of the case by suggesting to cut the baby into two as a test!

The Oxleygate Affairs in little Red Dot
Fast forward to 2017, 14 June.  Something happened in little sunny red dot.  A scandal about the late renown Prime Minister LKY and his present son who is now the PM.  The washing of dirty linen in public over the family affairs over the will of 38 Oxley Rise.  The bombshell allegations by the 2 younger siblings towards the current PM, their elder brother is causing ripple effects all over the nation and beyond.

As I reflected on this ,  I am reminded of the late King David and his son King Solomon.  Like father like son thing.  Perhaps wisdom in leadership was clearly lacking here in little red dot. Wish this scandal would go away soon. 

What contributes to good governance?
What are the qualities of a good leader in the nation?
What does it mean to have a great minister to lead the country?
What is the happiness index of the country?

It seems that we are living in a very troubled time in history.
The Trump presidency is also full of surprises.  Lies and scandals.
And little red dot is not spared either with this Oxleygate scandal.

Hmm...Maranatha Lord Jesus!  There is only one King and Ruler on this earth.  And that is all I need to know.  Earthly leaders here on globe may come and go, but You O Lord reigns forever!  Thank God! Wise up!

So here is Despicable Me 3 Minions singing this Papa Mama Loca Pipa....try your karaoke here!

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