Saturday, September 23, 2017

20170921: Ps 150 Mui's Mural! Let everthing that has breath praise the LORD! Nibiru!

5/9/2017: Mui's mural painting at Opal!

A sudden inspiration to paint this wall at JB home on 5/9/17!

Bought this Nippon 1 litre black paint :RM44 and 2 brushes RM2.40
The rest is my labour of love...
My scribbling outline which took me about 4 hours one sat afternoon..
and another 4 hours on another sat afternoon for the painting outline....

From an empty wall -----> to a flowery one....
This room on the ground floor has become a little nice sanctuary! I decided to put up Psalms 150:6 " Let everything that has breath , praise the LORD"!

So came 23/9/2017 : Managed to put these words up on the other wall.  And you know what? Initially I started at 10am but just as I had finished the very first letter "L", the rain came! I hurried and John grabbed a cloth and I had to wipe the letter off! WHY?  Like the lady's mascara on the eyes, when tears rolled, the black liquid dripped! Oh MY!  However by 12 noon, the sun came out and I resumed the art work! Cannot imagined if I had done the whole wall when the rain came.  So God was REALLY good and faithful! It was not the "L"ast . He helped to make sure I did not get a mascara wall mural! LOL!

And today 23/9/17 is also a special day to note.  It is the day of the much talked about Nibiru or Planet X coming to Earth! Now is already 10:30pm.  Tomo is USA time.  Is it really crashing? How is Rev 12 - Jupiter, Virgo and Leo prophesy coming to pass?

Well, we have had Hurricane Harvey, Irma now Jose (Joseph) and Maria (Mary)...the latter 2 had just wiped out poor Puerto Rico.  And Bali Volcano Agung is spouting angrily and erupting anytime.  And the Rocket Man just helped earth tremble even more as reportedly another H-bomb? was tested few hours back!  

So we decided to hold my eldest brother's  first "fruit"/ veg party tonite to celebrate his success of growing a 6kg plus winter melon at his backyard! It was huge.  Hanging by a mere skinny tendril! What a creative God we have!

Reflections of Ps150

  • It is the last psalm in Psalms
  • In the days of old, oh what kind of worship was that! Voices lifted! Shouts of joy! Trumpets, shofars, harps, psaltery, lute, tambourines, cymbals, stringed instruments, organs! Dancing!
  • Shouldn't the worship of our Father God ought to be full of life and energy?!
  • Shouldn't all that has breath - man and animals/fish/birds ...praise the Lord?
OH Yes! WE, who are alive and breathing now, YOU who is reading this right now-  Arise up ! Sing and dance to the Almighty Lord ! Yes, NOW! Wheezzzz!
Give thanks!
I am alive!
Give Praise!
Before the eclipsal orbit of Nibiru crash on Earth!

  • Are you ready to account for your life on earth? And let God audit your life?
  • Someone just shared this :-
Birth - is your opening stock
Credit - is what come to you
Debit - is what goes from you
Assets - are your assets
Liabilities - are your bad habits
Capital - is your character
Profit - is your happiness or joy
Loss - is your sorrow
Investment - is your knowledge
Depreciation - is your age
Death - is your closing stock!

Auditor - none other than our Creator God, Father.  King of the Universe. Ruler of the nations.  Amen!

Praise the Eternal!
Praise the True God inside His temple.
    Praise Him beneath massive skies, under moonlit stars and rising sun.
Praise Him for His powerful acts, redeeming His people.
    Praise Him for His greatness that surpasses our time and understanding.
3-4 Praise Him with the blast of trumpets high into the heavens,
    and praise Him with harps and lyres
    and the rhythm of the tambourines skillfully played by those who love and fear the Eternal.
Praise Him with singing and dancing;
    praise Him with flutes and strings of all kinds!
Praise Him with crashing cymbals,
    loud clashing cymbals!
No one should be left out;
    Let every man and every beast—
    every creature that has the breath of the Lord—praise the Eternal!
Praise the Eternal!

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