Thursday, June 7, 2018

20180606- Rev 19&20 Lake of Fire - Hawaii live lake of fires

Photo : Hawaii Big Island : Fissures . Erupted since 3/5/2018
Rev20:10,14 & 15 "...cast into the lake of fire"

Photo : 6/6/2018 . A month after the eruption, the lava flows into Kapoho Bay

(CNN)Steam billowed up from Hawaii's largest freshwater lake as lava flow evaporated its placid waters within a few hours and made it the latest casualty from the Big Island's Kilauea volcano.
A steam plume first appeared around 10 a.m. Saturday as lava poured into Green Lake in Kapoho, but by 3 p.m. a Hawaii County Fire Department overflight confirmed to the US Geological Survey that the lake had filled with lava and the body of water was no more.
A Hawaii County Fire Department photo shows how lava flows evaporated the waters of Green Lake.
Green Lake -- a popular swimming spot -- once reached about 200 feet deep, according to CNN affiliate KHNL/KGMB.
    "I couldn't believe it," Hawaii Community College geography instructor Drew Kapp told the TV station. "I've never even heard of anything like that happening before."
    It's been more than a month since lava began its slow, destructive path after Kilauea erupted. About 7.7 square miles of land have been covered by lava.
    Residents also have had to contend with poisonous gases given off by the lava, which can include laze -- hydrochloric acid and volcanic glass particles.
    Green Lake isn't the only part of the Big Island that the recent volcanic activity has transformed. Kapoho Bay, famous for its tide pools, was completely filled by lava Tuesday.

    I have read Revelation last chapters on the lake of fire .
    On 4 occasions this term was mentioned.  Back then , I was not really able to fathom the actual appearance of such lake of fire.

    However, ever since Kilauae volcano eruption last month 3/5/18, I have been watching in shock and awe of the lava flow and the fires that were spit out from the earth!

    Only now, a month past, I am beginning to appreciate and envision those 4 verses in Revelation on "the lake of fire"

    These 4 verses mentioned the people that were cast into the lake of fire:-
    Rev 19:20 - the beast and the false prophet

    Rev 20:10 - the devil that deceived people
    Rev 20 14 - death and hell (not sure if these terms were personified?) - second death !
    Rev 20:15 - whoever was not found written in the book of life

    Does the photos of Hawaii fires and the verses scare the hell out of you?
    I wont't like to be the one who is going to be cast into that kind of fire :(
    And let us think for a moment - if there is such a horrible hell like place as in a lake of fire, surely the opposite is true of the existence of a heavenly place that is beautiful?

    What is this book of life about? How do we get our names into this book?
    If Singaporean parents take great effort by moving from place to place to ensure that their children names can be registered in the school of their choice, or do 'parental services FOC in school etc to ensure a place - how much more should we not thinking of getting ourselves secured in a heavenly dwelling? No one in the right frame of mind would want to go to the lake of fire? Tio Boh? Right???

    Just as Lake of fires are mentioned, so are book of life and names written in the book of life.  God is fair.  But the choice is ours to make.

    The names in the book of life:-
    1. Paul wrote in Phi 4:3 there were fellow laborers like him whose names are in the book of life.
    2. Rev 3:5 those that overcomes, the Lord will not blot our his name in the book of life
    How to get our names into the book of life?
    Simply ABC - Admit we are sinner. Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ who died for our sins - and rose again alive 3 days later. Confess that He is the Lord of our life and allow Him to take control of our life.

    And always remember Luke 10:20.  The 70 who returned with joy when they witnessed the power to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy, spirits being subject to them.  We rejoice not in the works that we perform .  More importantly, we rejoice that our names are written in heaven.  

    Never about the works of the Lord.  But the Lord of the work.  His death on the cross for us all. It is finished. Done. GRACE! Only by His grace that we can secure our names in the book of life by acknowledging Him alone as the Lamb who has taken away our sins.  Our Master. Our Saviour. Our King.  Our Ruler. Our Abba Father. 

    A personal decision.  An important one.
    If after seeing those fires and fissures now sprouting out in Hawaii Big Island, would you still like to be cast into that lake of fire?  Ummmmmmm

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