Monday, June 25, 2018

20180622 : Matt 13:47 Parable of the Net - Casting net / Fish Moving!

22/6/18 : Bought a green net to cast and narrow the catch of the fish!

Together with this orange net...finally...all the 7 fishes were caught in a jiffy!

The idea of buying this big piece of green net came from one of the guys who loves fishing.  After last week's attempts to 'catch' those quick witted fish with that orange net with the pole unsuccessfully, today the cast of the net reaped its rewards!

So finally those fish were moved to its new temp home in a fish shop!
Oops..we forgotten about that scavenger fish though!


This newly purchased green- look a like fishing net reminded me of the parable of the net in the bible!

It was dragged along in this pool to 'corner' those fishes so that they could not run away easily!

Unlike the previous Koi fishing blog experience where I observed that the fish were smart and avoided being caught, this afternoon net casting experience reminded me about the kingdom of heaven liken to the net let down into the lake.  The only difference here? 

The net caught ALL KINDS Of fish!

Not only that, when the net was full, the net was pulled up and the fish were sorted out - GOOD & BAD.  Good ones were kept whereas the bad ones were thrown away :(

This was how it would be in the end of age.  The angels will come and separated the wicked from the righteous and throw them into the fiery furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

Oh My!
Like the Hawaii Kilaue Volcano eruption and fiery lava flow.  
Where is the Koi gospel is preached and many hearers would prefer to run away.
But nevertheless, at the end of the time, the net will still be CAST.

Both good and bad will be caught.

Men just cannot run away from the Judge who sat on the big white throne.

Food for thots

  • Am I that good fish or the bad one? Huh????

(better be the good one, tio bo?...else into the fiery furnace the bad will go...sigh!)

  • Am I going to be fisher of men, like the disciples, who were called out by Jesus ? 
(and follow Jesus wholeheartedly?...)

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