Wednesday, November 28, 2018

20181127: A $ingapore Carol @ Victoria Theatre & Charles Dickens

Adaptation of Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol
Pantomine watched on 27/11/18

Supporting our local artistes in such performances like this, off we went to Victoria Theatre!

Who was Charles Dickens?
Used to read Charles Dickens' literature Oliver Twist, David Copperfield and Great Expectations - all of which contained the reality of poverty and the working class.

  • He was born in 1812 (Hampshire, England) and died in 1870, at age of 58.
  • Found out that he lived in the same era as famous missionaries like David Livingstone, CH Spurgeon and DL Moody. 
  • He was fascinated with supernatural tales of ghosts and the other world under the influence of his nanny Ms Mercy when young.
  • But at 12, his idyllic childhood came to an end when his spendthrift father was forced into  debtors' prison by creditors.  He left school and started working in a boot-polish factory.
  • He started writing and Oliver Twist, The Pickwick Papers were published in serial format.
  • In Dec 1843, A Christmas Carol was published in London.  First edition was sold out by Christmas Eve, less than a week later!
This story has since become familiar to generations of readers all over the world.  Ebenezer Scrooge, a miserly rich man, is visited by the ghost of Jacob Marley, his former business partner, as well as the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and Yet-To-Be.  The experience shakes Scrooge up and teaches him the true meaning of Christmas!
  • Barely 2 months after publication, A Christmas Carol proves to be something of a cultural phenonmenon.  Theatrical productions started in London
  • On 27/12/1852, he gave his first public reading of A Christmas Carol in Birmingham.  Then he brought this on tours with him all over UK, Australia and America.
  • 15/3/1870 - He gave his FINAL public reading of his works which included A Christmas Carol excerpts .  
  • 3 mths later, 9/6/1870 - he passed on.
Since his death, A Christmas Carol has never gone out of print.  This iconic Christmas story has been translated to several languages and adapted myriad times for the cinema, theatre, TV and other media.
Who had played the role of Schrooge?
  • 1951 A Christmas Carol - Alastair Sim
  • 1992, A Muppet Christmas Carol - Michael Caine
  • 2009 - A Christmas Carol - Jim Carey
  • 1983, Mickey's Christmas Carol - Scrooge Mcduck
  • A cartoon character named after Ebenezer Scrooge!
SCROOGE - this word been added to the Oxford English Dictionary in 1982!- used to describe someone who is a miser and or dislike participating in Christmas activities.

SCROOGE's grouchy retort of "Bah! Humbug!" has also become a widely used response to anything overly sentimental or festive.

AND NOW 175 years after A Christmas Carol was published , we have our very own local 2018 adaptaton of A $ingapore Carol! Directed by Hossan Leong, written by Jonathon Lim and music by Elaine Chan.

Our very own Singapore style of pantomine! It was pretty entertaining for both young and old.
  • Scrooge was played by Mr SK LOO (Sebastian Tan , our Ah Beng) - Boss of All-in-One techno company in software applications.
  • His business partner was Ali Inwan - his electrical shocks by each downloads by users was hilarous.
  • Christmas Past (Bunga Pisang/ Banana spirit) - by Siti Khalijah Zainal was incredible awesome with the banana headdress and banana leaves spreaded out like a peacock?
  • Christmas Present - Played by Ah lian Clones was fun to watch (rather good multimedia effects)
  • Christmas Ye-To-Be - That silly Siri Voice which was later personified in tall black lady was funny
  • and the rest of the crew de Cratchit (Loo PA), his sick son Little Timmy, the security guard, the little kids songs and dance and cute costumes. His nephew Larry.  I laughed so hard upon seeing the present of that silly hand stick for scratching one's back ! (cos I just bought one last week as I cannot seemed to get that itch off my back with my hardened stiff hand now...old!)
There was also parts of magic moments performed on stage which was rather captivating.  The audience interaction with mobiles was engaging. 

At the end of it all, it was a heartwarming tale of kindness & love that brings out this Christmas message.


We had a good quick dinner at South Bridge Road Thai restaurant called UYKor Thai.
Took that great stroll past our Parliament house to Victoria Theatre and back via Fullerton Hotel.  The night lights and sceneries were perfect. The cool air made it all awesome.

So here are the photos of our pretty red dot night scenes!

Beautiful setting sun along $ingapore River

May our leaders be good and say no to "MBS" :)

Newly interior of Victoria Theatre

What would Sir Stamford think of MBS as he looked ahead? LOL..
Hello heloooo  Mr MBS!

A photo with the Director of A $ingapore Carol - Hossan Leong :)

Home again!

Spread a little kindness of hope and good cheer this Christmas!
One of the 9 fruit of the Holy Spirit is KINDNESS! Yeah!
(The others? Love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control Gal 5:22)

"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His abundant mercy has begotten us again to a living HOPE through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled and does not fade away, reserve in heaven for you, who are kept by the power of God through faith for salvation ready to be revealed in the last time " 1 Pet 1:3-5

A Christmas Carol is what we sing about .  The birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ.
He came and died for us while we are yet sinners.
There are some things which we cannot reclaim back - that is the PAST.
But there is a PRESENT which lies awaiting for us to receive.  It is non other than the Lord Jesus Christ Himself.
And while we receive Him, may be live out our lives as a good reflection of who He is - He is Kind, so should we.
And the YET-TO-BE , may we enter into the Heavenly place reserved for us after we finish this earthly race.
Why wait and take the fate of Scooge's SK LOO late business partner Ali,  who was agonizing in Hell fire? 

May this Christmas be a fresh beginning for us all. Jesus Christ offers many chances. Grab it before it is too late..............


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